Lush, unpretentious handsome asparagus feathery
Asparagus pinnate has been grown indoors for a long time. Most flower growers, especially among the older generation, call it "chill" or the bride's tree. This flower has a very beautiful decorative appearance and, moreover, has such a calm and non-capricious character that even a beginner in the flower business can cope with caring for the plant.
The scientific name of the plant is Asparagus plumosus, and it came to us from distant tropical countries (Africa, Asia and America).
Varietal features of the plant
Asparagus pinnate is a semi-shrub from the asparagus family. A characteristic feature of the flower is the unusual shape of the leaves - they are more like small needles, densely covering branches, which are collected in bunches of 6-10 pieces. The length of such a needle is no more than 1.5 cm, and the diameter is even less - 0.1 mm. But the main stems can grow up to 1.5 m in length.
Thanks to its long, drooping and very flexible shoots, asparagus grows well in hanging planters or on shelves. You can also put a support or a ladder in a flowerpot and twist a branch around it several times.
With good and proper care, the plant blooms at an older age in small bell-shaped inflorescences. They are white in color with a green tint. Over time, tiny fruits (black balls) are tied in place of flowers, in each of which a pair of large seeds are formed.
Asparagus fruits are very poisonous!
It is quite interesting to observe the development of a flower: first, an elongated and bare green shoot is shown from under the ground, which eventually stretches out. Having reached a certain height, tiny needles begin to form on it.
How do i care for asparagus?
Unlike most houseplants and other asparagus species, chill prefers shaded areas and can even grow under artificial light.
Also, it does not need high temperature, 20 degrees Celsius for asparagus is the most comfortable.
In winter, you need to send the flower to rest by moving the pot to a cooler room (12-15 degrees Celsius). If you maintain the same temperature all year round, in the fall, the needles will begin to turn yellow and gradually crumble, and the shoots themselves may dry out.
Simple plant care includes:
- Abundant watering in the summer, and in the winter - as the soil dries up in the flowerpot.
- Regular spraying of twigs.
- Top dressing from spring to early autumn with complex fertilizers.
- Annual transplant with replacement of the pot for a more capacious one. Large mature shrubs can be replanted every two years by cutting off some of the roots.
As for pruning, pinnate asparagus does not need it. It is enough just to cut out the dried branches and those on which the leaves have crumbled. This will stimulate the formation of new shoots.