Gooseberry Chernomor - winter hardiness, drought resistance and other advantages of the variety

I am very interested in Chernomor gooseberries, winter hardiness and resistance of the variety to diseases. I bought several seedlings, coveting the original dark fruits. The seller promised a high yield and excellent berry taste. I have several old bushes growing in my garden, but in recent years there is almost no harvest, because they often get sick. And last year's attempt to plant new plants was unsuccessful - they froze out. We live "deeply" in the central zone, our winters are cold and long. Will Chernomor withstand them?

gooseberry black sea winter hardiness Few can resist the aroma of gooseberry jam, and many gardeners are happy to plant it in their plots. The Chernomor variety is especially popular. The gooseberry Chernomor is distinguished from other types of berry bushes by winter hardiness and not only. It is appreciated for its high taste characteristics, good yield and original color of berries. The low prickling will also please, which greatly facilitates care and harvesting. Today we will talk in detail about what this species is and whether it has disadvantages.

Gooseberry Chernomor - winter hardiness and other characteristics of the variety

gooseberry bush

The bush is a vigorous and medium late variety. An adult plant can reach a height of 1.5, while it has a dense, but not very spreading crown. Shoots grow straight and only the tops droop slightly. Young twigs are green and without pubescence; with age, they become lignified and light. Spines are rare, growing downward and one by one. The structure of the leaf plate is typical for gooseberries, with dark green leaves divided into lobes.

It is not for nothing that Chernomor is called the northern grape, because its berries really look like grapes. And it became "northern" due to its high winter hardiness. The shrub tolerates low temperatures well and is successfully grown almost throughout the territory of our homeland, up to the northern regions. He is also not afraid of drought, and the variety is sick at times less often than other relatives.

Oval-shaped berries weigh up to 3 g each. At the beginning of ripening they are dark red, but at the stage of full maturity they turn black. The berries are covered with a fairly dense skin and have weakly branched veins. The pulp is more sweet than sour, besides, the gooseberry has a strongly pronounced pleasant aroma.

Pros and cons of Chernomor

gooseberryOf the advantages of the variety, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Self-fertility (however, to increase productivity, it is recommended to plant other types of shrubs nearby).
  2. Early maturity. The first crop gives already in the second year of planting.
  3. Resistant to drought, low temperatures and many diseases, in particular, to powdery mildew.
  4. Small amount thorns.
  5. Great berry taste.
  6. Good crop transportability.

Chernomor has only one drawback - not very large berries. At the same time, they are very tasty and there are always a lot of ovaries. This allows a good harvest (up to 4 kg per bush).

The variety is unpretentious in cultivation, but prefers sunny places and does not like waterlogged soil. It is absolutely not picky about its composition, although more hardy bushes grow on loam and in the forest-steppe.

Chernomor gooseberry harvest - video


