We use chicken humus as fertilizer for the garden
Despite the wide range of chemical fertilizers, most gardeners traditionally prefer to use chicken humus as fertilizer. Such soil fertilization is very effective and at the same time absolutely natural and accessible.
Of course, every summer resident who pays a lot of attention to his garden wants to get the most satisfactory result of his work. For this, it is important to take care of the fertilization of the earth.
Chicken humus as fertilizer and its advantages
Feeding with chicken droppings is easily absorbed by plant roots, and due to the natural composition, the salt balance of the soil does not increase, and the waste product of birds is not washed out of the soil for a long time. Chicken manure is often used for the cultivation of various vegetables and fruits:
- potato;
- bow;
- garlic;
- Strawberry;
- raspberries;
- all kinds of garden trees.
You can also use chicken manure as a cucumber fertilizer. Although many summer residents are afraid to do this due to the fact that the plant is very sensitive to uric acids. However, the most important thing is not to overdo the concentration and frequency of the groundbait.
Preparation of solution from droppings
Before using humus, is it important to know how to properly fertilize chicken droppings? First of all, it should be borne in mind that fresh and wet manure can adversely affect the state of the plant's root system. It is worth familiarizing yourself with how to prepare a solution, depending on the form in which the litter is used - wet, dry, or granular.
If desired, top dressing can be applied during the growth of the plant, and not just before planting. In this case, it is best to take care of a sufficient amount of the concentrated infusion in advance and periodically add it when watering. It is quite simple to prepare a concentrate: a suitable container of an impressive volume is half filled with humus, and filled with sufficient water. All contents are thoroughly mixed and settled in a warm place for several days. When the infusion is fermented it can be used as directed.
A concentrate prepared in a 1: 1 ratio does not decompose for a long time, and it can be used starting in spring and finishing in autumn. It is very simple to use chicken compost as a fertilizer: 0.5 - 1 l of the composition is diluted with the calculation for 10 l of water immediately before use.
Fertilizing the soil with already planted plants is necessary after rain or after waiting half an hour after regular watering.
How to use granulated chicken humus
If there is nowhere to get chicken manure in its natural form, you can purchase a granular prepackaged analogue. Its use has several advantages. First of all, it is worth considering that the granules have absolutely no smell, and also due to heat treatment, the presence of larvae and seeds is excluded in them. weeds... The advantages include the fact that you can store chicken manure in this form for much longer, up to six months. In natural form, manure quickly decomposes, losing nitrogen.
Granules can be used dry, but it is important that the roots of the plant do not touch the product. The easiest way is to scatter them over the area of the garden with a calculation of no more than 150 g per 1 m2, and evenly distribute about 300 g of granules under the bushes and trees. You can also make a liquid solution. To add seedlings during planting, fertilizer should be made with the calculation of 1 part of granules, for 50 parts of water. For further use, feeding vegetables with chicken droppings with already grown plants should be made with a half-enriched composition - 1: 100.
Granular litter has no negative sides, moreover, now, in its production, some companies use a technology that does not provide for heating the product, which contributes to the preservation of all useful components.
Using rotted litter
Dry manure can only be used when humus has been prepared in a compost pit. For this, manure is laid in layers with any plant waste, including weeds. It is permissible to alternate layers with other types of manure. It is only important to adhere to the 20 cm thickness of individual layers, otherwise a fire may occur. Further, everything is covered with a dense film to prevent air penetration. Compost will be ready in four months.
Whether or not the droppings can be overridden due to the absence of the characteristic smell of ammonia, if it is present, then the humus is not yet ready.
How to use chicken droppings in the garden
Chicken manure makes it possible to compensate for the deficiency of soil elements valuable for the harvest, which has a positive effect on the number of fruits and their taste. Many experienced gardeners in areas with heavy soil prefer to use chicken manure as fertilizer in the fall, when the crop has already been harvested. In this case, fresh manure is slightly moistened and distributed in an even layer throughout the garden. 5 m2 should leave an average of 3 - 4 kg of fertilizer. For such purposes, you can use rotted chicken humus. However, if it is too old, it is better not to use it. Thus, during the winter, under the influence of rains and melting snow, nutrients will evenly enrich the soil, and then it will no longer be possible to feed it before planting seedlings.
Feeding fruit trees with chicken droppings should also occur in autumn or early spring. Soil is dug up around the tree and watered with a concentrated composition of manure. The use of fresh manure or granules is allowed, if there is no direct contact with the roots of the tree.
A quick way to prepare the soil
In some situations, there may not be time to wait several days for the concentrate to infuse. It is dangerous to feed plants with fresh bird droppings, because such an approach can completely deprive the summer resident of the harvest. In such cases, fertilization can be done more quickly. To feed seedlings with fresh manure, it is imperative to reduce its concentration. The most optimal solution would be a ratio of 1:15 or 1:20. The resulting composition is watered with each plant with a volume of about 0.5 liters.
In the future, after planting seedlings, it is undesirable to fertilize it in this way. The increased nitrogen content can burn the roots. Therefore, a settled infusion is better suited.
Sometimes fresh manure is used without dissolving it in water. In such cases, it is mixed in advance with earth, sand, or ash in approximately equal proportions. However, this approach is very risky and is not recommended.
The nuances of using chicken manure
In general, the procedure for fertilizing a vegetable garden with bird manure is simple, but it has its own subtleties. Failure to follow certain rules can have a detrimental effect on plants.After all, chicken manure has a high nitrogen concentration. Basic rules of use:
- The soil is fertilized with manure only when there is no direct sunlight - in the early morning, evening, or when the sky is overcast.
- Before applying fertilizer to the soil, it must be sufficiently moistened.
- It is inadmissible to get solid fertilizer elements on the roots or leaves of plants.
- After applying the liquid composition, its residues should be washed off with water from the trunks and leaves.
Throughout the season, litter-based complementary foods are allowed no more than four times. In most cases, more than one application is sufficient when planting seedlings, and one when the plant has bloomed.
So, it is clear that the benefits of chicken manure in the garden are quite high. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the possible disastrous consequences for the crop if this fertilizer is used ineptly.