Chickens Faverolles - Parisian beauties of universal use

Will Faverolle chickens lay, at what age and how actively? My wife saw this breed from a local farmer and immediately told me that we should buy it. I talked to the owner, he praises her very much. But it grows only for slaughter, so I could not say anything about egg production. Although the meat itself, he says, is very tasty, and they gain weight, like broilers, quickly. I also decided to take a dozen young individuals for a sample, but I really want to have home eggs as well. Is this possible, or is the breed exclusively meat?

chickens faverol Squat chickens with lush thick feathers and a characteristic protruding collar around the neck are easy to recognize among other breeds. Faverol chickens, due to their chic appearance and plumage as if painted by an artist, are often bred as decorative. Of course, there is something to admire here. But it is much more profitable for the Russian poultry farmer to receive not aesthetic, but "consumer pleasure". However, in this respect, Faverol can satisfy all desires. The bird differs not only in appearance, but also in its rapid growth, because initially the breed was conceived as a broth and meat. But at the same time, the breeders managed to preserve the second purpose of chickens - good egg production. Therefore, the breed is bred with pleasure by many poultry farmers and quite successfully if you know its features.

Faverol is an ancient and "overseas" breed. The first chickens were bred back in the 18th century in France and since then the bird has only improved, and the breed has become meat and egg.

Chickens Faverol - breed description

description of the breed of chickens faverol

All types of breed are distinguished by a squat, overweight physique, but with developed muscles, especially the chest. When looking at a bird from the side, its body looks like a trapezoid. Moreover, chickens have a wider back and they are lower than roosters. Both have a small head, slightly flattened, and a short milky pink beak. The crest is vertical, in males, respectively, larger, hanging over the very beak. The wings fit tightly to the front of the body, and the short tail is slightly raised upward.

A characteristic feature of Faverol chickens is five toes, and on the fifth there is a long claw, bent upward, and there are no heels on the feet. Another difference is the collar sticking out in different directions around the neck.

The color of the plumage can be different and depends on the species. Most often, such Faverol chickens are bred:

  1. Salmon with yellow-brown plumage. In chickens, the color is uniform, with a white border on the feathers. In roosters, the sides of the neck are darker, brown, spots, collars and loins are lighter, and the back is almost red.salmon chickens faverolles
  2. Blue with a characteristic feather color. Moreover, their border is dark blue, not chickens faverolles
  3. Silvery (aka Colombian) with white feathers alternating with black plumage.silver chickens faverolles

Productivity of Faverol chickens

The bird is distinguished by an agreeable and peaceful character, the roosters rarely fight among themselves. Chickens live peacefully with other birds. They gain weight quickly and are ready for slaughter at the age of 5 months. In adult form, the chicken weighs more than 3 kg, and the rooster weighs up to 4 kg. Their meat is very tasty, tender, almost like a pheasant.chicken eggs faverol

Young chickens begin to lay at 6 months of age and produce about 130 eggs per year. The shell is either pinkish or brownish, depending on the breed. The egg weighs just over 50 g.

Features of breeding a universal breed

To get offspring, you will have to purchase an incubator, since the hens from Faveroli are bad.It is better to keep a bird of this breed separately, although they will be good neighbors. But more aggressive species will begin to offend them, and Faveroli are not very capable of standing up for themselves.

The chicken coop should be dry, light and warm. The latter is especially important in winter so that the chickens continue to lay. The perches are necessarily low and wide, otherwise the chickens may fall and break due to their weight.

chickens faverol breeding featuresIt is advisable that the chickens have a walk, as they are prone to obesity. That's why feed many of them are impossible. It is better to give dry food: grain, grass, roots, vitamins, but not more than 150 g per day for one individual. It is not advisable to give wet mash. They will get stuck in thick feathers, chickens will begin to peck at each other.

Description and breeding of chickens of the Faverol breed


