Chickens of the Adler Silver breed walk in the courtyard

chickens of the breed Adler silver Chickens of the Adler silvery breed are unpretentious to the feed base and conditions of detention. This breed was bred in 1951-1965 in the Krasnodar Territory. For the first time, the breed of chickens appeared at the Adler poultry farm. For its breeding, five breeds of chickens were used:

  • Russian white;
  • New Hampshire;
  • Yurlovskaya vociferous;
  • May Day;
  • White Plymouth Rock.

From these breeds, the Adler silvery received a high egg production and resistance to high temperatures. This feature was noticed by breeders of many poultry farms in the USSR. It was Adler silver that began to be used in the southern regions to increase the productivity of poultry farms. Therefore, Adler silver spread throughout the entire territory of the USSR for 5 years. In many modern poultry farms, this breed is still grown, but exclusively for breeding with other breeds and for selling chickens to personal subsidiary plots. Read about: keeping guinea fowl in the country!

Appearance of the Adler silver

Chickens of this breed have white plumage. As they grow up, they change color to silver. Gray feathers with a metallic sheen appear on the tips of the wings and neck of an adult laying hen. The comb of the chicken is pink or pale red. Feathers are voluminous.

Live weight and egg production

Adler silver chicken at the age of six months reaches a weight of 2.5 to 3 kg. Roosters weigh more, from 3.5 to 4 kg. Annually from one chicken of this breed you can get from 170 to 190 eggs. The shell of eggs is creamy. Their weight ranges from 52 to 55 grams. Chickens enter puberty at the age of six months. In some individuals, egg production is up to 210 eggs per year.

A distinctive feature of this breed is the lack of hatching instinct. In some individuals, this instinct is poorly developed, which forces the use of incubators for raising chickens.

With a large population of 150-200 individuals, this quality can be considered a plus, since when the laying hen sits on the egg, the incubation process starts. Storage period incubated eggs is less than two days, which is bad for their sale.

Another distinctive feature of the Adler Silver breed is the long preservation of the initial qualities. Chickens retain their egg production for four years, and their meat does not become tough during this period. This quality is widely used by farmers.


