Rescue of drowning people - white cinquefoil for thyroid diseases
When the body's defense system is not working properly, all organs are affected. A rare but rich in biologically active substances white cinquefoil will help to stabilize it. Most of the elements mentioned in the periodic table are included in the chemical composition of the rhizome of the herbaceous plant. The concentration of macro- and microelements in five-palate (another name) exceeds the norm by 2-4 times than in all other herbs. It is appreciated for its high content of elemental iodine and iodic acid anion. Therefore, it is worth investigating in detail this unique natural medicine.
Preparations based on a five-finger gland promote resorption of nodes, correction of diffuse changes and restoration of the basic functions of the thyroid gland. In doing so, they remove toxins from the body.
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External data
- stem height is 8-25 cm;
- twigs, as well as leaves (finger-like) have a fleecy, silky coating;
- a thick and woody root of a dark brown hue reaches 80 cm (cut - light);
- up to 5 flowers and 2 leaves grow on the peduncle;
- white petals in the shape of a heart frame the terry center.
You can take a closer look at the white cinquefoil in the photo. The flowering period falls in mid-spring (April), and the fruits appear in late June. At this time, it is best to make blanks, because the amount of active substance in the plant is maximum. You can find the pentacle in meadows, forest edges, slopes, steppes, as well as in deciduous forests and shrubs. It grows ideally on black soil and sandy lands. Whole glades of these flowers are very rare. Moscow, Lipetsk, Ryazan and other regions of the steppe zone of Russia are the main habitat of the species.
Collect raw materials only from 2-3-year-old specimens (bush height up to 10 cm). The roots are dug up in late autumn, when the greenery has already departed. The material is cleaned of contamination and dried at 40 ° C. It is stored for about 2 years.
The truth about the pros and cons of Potentilla
Like many medicinal plants, white cinquefoil has beneficial properties and contraindications. Decoctions and teas are prepared from dry grass, and tinctures are made from the roots. Pyatipal is used in the treatment of:
- gout;
- hemorrhoids;
- disruption of the thyroid gland;
- rheumatism;
- cardiovascular disease;
- gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea and dysentery);
- liver (especially jaundice and various types of hepatitis);
- eczema;
- blood pressure.
Medicines simultaneously have an antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and wound healing effect. At the same time, they restore the structure of the nail plates and hair. The herb is used as an anesthetic (sprinkle with abscesses, wounds) and expectorant. Broths are drunk during colds, as well as in violation of the menstrual cycle, menopause.
In folk medicine, the use of white cinquefoil is given a special place. Teas / decoctions are recommended to drink to residents of territories that have survived technological disasters (Chernobyl region, Polesie), as well as areas with iodine deficiency.The chemical compounds that make up the herbaceous plant contribute to the removal of radionuclides from the cells. They normalize metabolism and stabilize the production of the necessary hormones.
Contraindication is hypotension, as well as a tendency to constipation. There is a danger of individual intolerance. The drugs are used to constrict blood vessels and should not be taken by those with blood clots or thick blood.
Complete Thyroid Care
The main and most effective use of Potentilla is the treatment of the thyroid gland. The complex of useful elements contained in the herb has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs of the endocrine system. Basically, tinctures from the roots (on vodka) of the plant are popular. They are prepared according to this recipe:
- 0.5 l of vodka (in a glass container);
- 50 g (1.5 tbsp. L.) Dried roots;
- 3-4 weeks infused in a dry, dark place;
- shakes every three days (basic rule of technology).
It is advisable to grind the raw material into medium pieces before cooking. Instead of vodka, you can take pure alcohol. Some filter the liquid and refill the raw material with 250 ml of alcohol, leaving the bottle for another 14 days. The result is a less concentrated preparation. Before starting treatment, you should read the instructions for using Potentilla tincture.
Here are some guidelines:
- The main therapy: 20 minutes before a meal, take 25-30 drops (depending on the patient's weight) with 150 ml of water. Do this three times a day for 3 months in case of pathologies and neglect of the disease. Then take a break for 30 days.
- Prevention. Lasts only one month. After that, an ultrasound is done again, and blood tests for TSH, T3 and T4 are taken to check the condition of the gland.
- Initial stage. You need to take 4-5 monthly courses with an interval of 1-1.5 weeks between each one.
Improvements are observed after the first course of such therapy. Moreover, experts recommend comprehensive treatment. So, with tincture of white cinquefoil, ointments prepared from its roots are used. With liquid honey (50 g), mix the plant roots crushed in a blender (incomplete 2 tablespoons). Then the seals in the goiter are abundantly lubricated every 6 hours of daylight hours. Store homemade ointment in the refrigerator for no more than a week.
Take the tincture together with hormonal drugs. As positive dynamics appear, the doctor may cancel them altogether. Therefore, you should take seriously the reception and dosage of the medicine.
Recipe for decoction and infusion of five-fingered
In some cases, the patient is prohibited from drinking alcohol, as well as drugs based on it. Then a decoction / infusion of Potentilla root will come to the rescue, the use of which will be longer. The water infusion is prepared as follows:
- on the bottom of the thermos pour st. a spoonful of dry roots;
- pour them with 0.5 liters of boiling water;
- insist 12 hours;
- then filter.
Half of the liquid is drunk during the first day, divided into three parts and taken 30 minutes before meals. Every day the dosage is increased by 250 ml. As a result, it is necessary to reach 1.5 liters per day. Then this amount decreases in the same sequence. Each course is repeated up to 4 times. There is another option for preparing a medicine from Potentilla white:
- 25 g of leaves and roots;
- liter of liquid;
- simmer in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
Dosage - take 50 ml at a time before meals (60 minutes). The daily dose of the drug is 150 ml. At the same time, it is recommended to pour 1.5 tbsp. l. raw material 200 ml of hot liquid. Insist for about 8-9 hours, then strain the medicine. The maximum dose of a single dose is 3 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals, and the minimum is 1 tbsp. l. Three times use is considered more effective.
A decoction of seeds is relevant for diseases of the reproductive organs. There is 1 teaspoon per glass of water. The liquid is boiled for 5 minutes. Filtered after cooling. ½ glass is taken twice a day.
Grandma's recipe
The most reliable option is a time-tested recipe. For several decades, women have been treating the thyroid gland according to a specially developed scheme:
- The first day. The infusion is being prepared: 1 tsp. crushed roots are poured with a glass of boiling water. Poured into a thermos and left for an hour. The medicine is drunk half an hour before meals. There should be 3 servings per day.
- Second. For the same amount of water, take 2 teaspoons. The reception system remains unchanged.
- Next 5 days. The dosage is increased - plus one tsp.
- From 8 to 14. The cycle starts from the beginning, 1 spoon each and so on.
Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor. He should give advice on dosage, which is determined depending on the patient's weight.
New life for sore joints
The use of cinquefoil roots helps in the treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis and inflammatory processes in the joints. In these cases, use an ointment prepared using the following technology:
- a large pinch (up to 5 g) of the roots is ground into powder;
- pour in melted fat or butter;
- stir well and cook for 7 minutes. over low heat;
- filter the liquid through several layers of gauze.
During the day, the inflamed areas are lubricated. For effectiveness, the joints are bandaged with a dense warm cloth. Compresses are also made, leaving them for 12-24 hours. In case of burning sensation, as well as discomfort, the bandage is removed.
For fatigue, stress and insomnia, make a hot bath of this herb. Melissa, mint, yarrow and nettle are added to it.
Autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism exposed
Persistent ARVI, inflamed tonsils and sinuses, as well as other infectious diseases cause unwanted complications. Among them, AIT - the level of antibodies (leukocytes) in the blood rises, which begin to destroy healthy cells of the thyroid gland. Also, many have hypothyroidism - a deficiency or complete absence of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. The result is chronic fatigue, malaise, and depression. It is worth noting that some people suffer from tachycardia, shortness of breath, bowel disorders and swelling of the legs. Therefore, doctors recommend using white cinquefoil for hypothyroidism and ait in the form of tinctures, as well as decoctions. The recipes and dosages remain the same as above.
It is important to realize that self-medication has always been and is a dangerous activity. The success of such an initiative is possible only in three cases: the correct diagnosis, well-planned treatment and the patient's intuition. The patient must understand his body and listen to it. If you follow such a simple advice, then the amazing white cinquefoil, in fact, will become the salvation of drowning people.