Medicinal properties of colchicum - when poison becomes medicine for cancer patients
Delicate charming flower growing in meadows resembles a mountain saffron... However, the medicinal properties of the autumn crocus were widely used by the ancient Greeks and Romans in the treatment of gout. Today the plant is becoming more and more popular in modern medicine. Infusions, as well as tinctures from seeds and perennial bulbs, are used in the treatment of various types of leukemia, severe asthma and gout.
Harvesting of bulbs and seeds of autumn crocus
The procurement of raw materials is planned at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn, before the appearance of flowering arrows. The largest tubers are selected and dug up. When collecting raw materials in the natural environment, it is important to remember that the bulb should resemble a crescent: convex on the one hand, and flat on the other.
Shares received:
- cleaned from roots;
- remove side shoots from them;
- cut into 2-4 pieces.
It is not recommended to wash the bulbs, because over time, the dried husk will begin to rot or become covered with mold. This often happens with damaged specimens. Moreover, moisture reduces the quality of raw materials.
The assembled heads are laid out on a horizontal surface. The drying area should not be damp, light or cool. Therefore, they make good indoor ventilation... The blanks are stored for 3 months in a glass container that is hermetically sealed.
So that the raw material does not rot, the thickness of the laid layer should not exceed 10 cm.
Experts recommend collecting colchicum seeds at different times. Some do this in the spring, at the beginning of their ripening, while others do it in the summer (in June-July), when they are fully formed. The brown seed pods are cut and left to dry at 40 ° C. Then, seed material is removed from them, the shelf life of which is 1 year.
Medicinal properties of autumn crocus: "and there will be no more pain"
Bulbs as well as seeds contain a large amount of toxic compounds. For this reason, they are used for medicinal purposes.
The autumn crocus is especially valuable thanks to 3 irreplaceable alkaloids:
- Colchicine. The bulbs contain up to 0.7% of the valuable substance, and in the seeds - over 1.2%. Its main functions include: restoring protein metabolism, slowing down cell division and delaying the movement of leukocytes to the foci of inflammation.
- Colchicein. On its basis, many drugs are created that are derivatives of colchicine.
- Kolkhamin. It has an analgesic effect and also helps to lower blood pressure. Although this alkaloid causes diarrhea, it still inhibits lymphocytic and leukocytic processes. As a result, inflammation proceeds much faster.
Among other things, this delicate flower is rich in:
- tannins;
- lipid compounds;
- fats;
- resins;
- aromatic ethers;
- organic acids.
The medicinal properties of autumn crocus also include its ability to destroy pathogenic fungal microorganisms and prevent their development or appearance.
In this regard, the plant is used as a means that:
- remove a different plan of inflammation (with gout);
- inhibit the division of malignant cells;
- change the structure of tissues responsible for hematopoiesis;
- reduce the pain threshold.
Also, infusions or tinctures of perennials are used as a diuretic. In a few steps, it helps to remove stones or sand from the kidneys.
In addition to oncology, drugs that include colchicum (Latin name) are used in the treatment of rheumatism, joint diseases, as well as for wound healing. In addition, these medicines are excellent for relieving puffiness.
The use of autumn crocus: from theory to practice
Since the plant is rich in toxic substances, it is important to consult your doctor before using it. The doctor will calculate the dosage of drugs and the frequency of taking the drugs. He will take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the state of his body as a whole.
According to statistics, self-medication with folk remedies made from seeds and bulbs of the culture is fatal.
Herbalists offer several recipes for the preparation of colchicum tincture. It is used for severe rheumatic pains, rubbing the inflamed areas.
The recipe for a healing potion is simple:
- take 1 part of chopped dried perennial bulbs;
- pour 5 parts of ethyl alcohol (50%);
- insist 2 weeks.
The resulting infusion is used for compresses. Only a doctor can tell exactly how long it will take to keep the lotion for the desired result. At the same time, vinegar infusion is perfect for rubbing, which has an analgesic effect. Dried raw materials are poured with apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:12. After 2 weeks of infusion, it can be used by rubbing in 1 tsp. in one go.
In other cases, herbalists advise preparing a medicine for internal use. It helps with cystitis, urolithiasis, rheumatism and edema.
For this you will need:
- crush the plucked onions (2 pcs.);
- pour them with alcohol (200 ml);
- send the container for 14 days to a dark corner.
This medicine is taken 3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 2 drops. However, even it can cause poisoning. If the patient is nauseous, vomits or feels an acute pain in the stomach, then it is worthwhile to urgently go to the hospital.
As a pain reliever, a seed tincture is made. 10 g of raw materials are poured with ½ glass of ethyl alcohol. After 21 days, the mixture is filtered. Take the essence three times a day, 1 drop, or rub it into the skin.
Infusion of autumn crocus
How hard it is to endure a sharp or aching bone pain. Therefore, gout, arthritis, sciatica or rheumatism are treated with infusions of this perennial. In these cases, the mixture is applied externally.
To prepare a remedy, you need:
- take ½ teaspoon of dried raw materials;
- pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
- leave for 2 hours;
- strain, carefully squeezing out the contents.
Rubbing is carried out up to 6 times a day. The minimum dosage for one dose is 1 ml. If irritation and allergy are not observed, it is gradually increased to 8 ml.
Columbus medicinal ointment
The preparation of the ointment is carried out in a completely different way. To start in blender chop 300 g of dried or fresh onions. The juicy mass is poured with cold liquid (0.5 l). The container is sent to a water bath. After 30 minutes, remove and filter. To obtain the desired consistency, the broth is mixed with a fatty base using butter or petroleum jelly. Store the composition in a hermetically sealed container at + 5˚С. This content of the product will help preserve all the medicinal properties of the autumn crocus.
The use of the proposed folk remedies will only be beneficial if the patient constantly consults with the doctor.