The healing properties of Kalanchoe - an alternative approach to the treatment of pathologies
Kalanchoe not only decorates any interior of the room, giving it comfort and sophistication, but is also actively used for medicinal purposes and cosmetic procedures. The healing properties of Kalanchoe relieve a person from many health problems. Healing compositions based on the plant are recognized by both folk and official medicine. This is a real gift of nature, of particular interest to people who try to do without pharmaceuticals, preferring natural medicines.
General information about the plant
Kalanchoe is a perennial succulent plant from the Tolstyankov family. The homeland of the unique flower is the warm tropics of South Africa, the island of Madagascar. This exotic culture is known as the tree of life, indoor ginseng, home doctor. There are about 200 varieties, but not all of them are endowed with healing powers. Only two types are suitable for treatment: Kalanchoe pinnate and Degremona.
Kalanchoe pinnate
Kalanchoe Degremona
The plant does not exceed 50 cm in height. The stem is uneven, creeping, and requires additional support. The culture is valued for its large, long grayish-green leaves with purple spots on the bottom, hung with brood buds. These miniature daughter plants have small roots, therefore, as soon as they fall off, they immediately take root and grow. This feature is the calling card of the flower, because of which the type of culture is called viviparous. The blooming Kalanchoe pleases with its pink panicles.
During flowering Kalanchoe Degremona considered poisonous, so it is prohibited to take it inside.
Chemical composition
This representative of the flora has a rich chemical composition, which contains many useful components:
- polysaccharides;
- ash;
- flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol);
- tannins;
- enzymes;
- organic acids (acetic, malic, oxalic, citric).
The plant is rich in minerals: magnesium, manganese, aluminum, copper, iron. The flower also contains vitamins, especially C and P.
Therefore, taking Kalanchoe will cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, will replenish the reserves of macro- and microelements in the human body.
The healing properties of Kalanchoe
This is a real green healer on the windowsill, who is always at hand and ready to share his healing properties at any time.
The benefits of Kalanchoe are explained by the content of valuable natural components in its composition. They will preserve health for many years, providing a real quality of life, will become effective helpers in many diseases, since:
- help to increase immunity and overall strengthening of the body;
- treat coughs and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- help with obvious signs of inflammation of the nasopharynx of an infectious and allergic nature;
- optimize the work of the digestive system and activate metabolism;
- have an anti-inflammatory effect in vascular diseases;
- remove external and internal inflammatory processes;
- accelerate wound healing, eliminating unpleasant painful sensations;
- relieve toothache, ear and headache;
- protect youth and elasticity of the skin, strength and health of hair, and the structure of nails;
Therefore, this natural, environmentally friendly raw material is popular not only among traditional healers, but also recognized by official medicine. Kalanchoe is actively used in surgery, dentistry, gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology.
How to use the healing properties of Kalanchoe
Juice, cream, Kalanchoe ointment is sold in the pharmacy. But if the flowers grow at home, the healing compositions can be easily made on their own.
Before preparing medicines, it is necessary to stop watering and feeding the plant a week before collecting the leaves. Then cut off the lower foliage, wash, dry and put in the refrigerator for 7-10 days in the compartment intended for fruits. These conditions will trigger the necessary biological processes, and therapeutic agents will have the greatest effect.
Do not use leaves from a sick or pest-affected plant.
The healing properties of Kalanchoe in tincture
It is important to choose the right plant before making a tincture. Kalanchoe must be over 3 years old. The stem is at least 50 cm long, strong, fleshy.
The recipe provides for the following:
- Take a jar with a volume of 0.5 liters.
- Rinse the Kalanchoe using running water, dry it with a paper towel.
- Cut the prepared plant into small cubes and send to the jar, filling it halfway.
- Pour the contents with medical alcohol or vodka.
- The container is hermetically closed with a lid and removed to an unlit room with a cool temperature for 10 days, while shaking the contents of the jar daily.
Store the finished tincture in the refrigerator.
When using alcohol tincture externally, you need to take into account that it can cause a burning sensation. In this situation, the agent should be diluted with novocaine in a 1: 1 ratio. When taken orally, the drug often provokes heartburn, diarrhea. Use the tincture only by preheating it to room temperature.
The healing properties of Kalanchoe show themselves well in tinctures. They have been tested for more than one century in the practice of medicine, both folk and traditional, because:
- The tool can replace antiseptic preparations for external use: it is recommended to treat abrasions, boils, hematomas, wounds, ulcers with a solution.
- Rinsing will relieve tonsillitis, laryngitis, and other oral infections. Since the drug will destroy harmful microorganisms, it will accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.
- Instilling a diluted tincture into the nose will help with a cold, sinusitis.
- Reception orally will cope with gastrointestinal diseases.
- The use of a solution for applications, compresses, lotions, rubbing will solve common skin problems.
Use the tincture with extreme caution, without violating the preparation technology, not exceeding the dose and observing the time of admission, according to the doctor's instructions.
To get homemade juice, you need to take the lower, fleshy leaves and keep them in the refrigerator for 10 days to increase the healing properties. Then grind using a meat grinder or blender and squeeze through a gauze cloth. At the time of preparation of the product, it is forbidden to use metal dishes. Put the resulting composition in the refrigerator. As the sediment is formed, drain the upper part and use for medicinal purposes. The benefits of the juice last for several days, even if kept cold.
If it is not possible to make juice at home, you can purchase it at your nearest pharmacy. The medicine is available in ampoules or vials.
The use of healing juice
This natural remedy has found applications in various fields of medicine:
- The juice will help in the treatment of angina. To do this, dilute it with boiled, chilled water in a 1: 1 ratio and gargle with the resulting solution every 4 hours.For inflammation of the maxillary sinus, dilute the agent in water 1: 4 and instill 2 drops in each nasal passage 2-5 times a day. With rhinitis, juice will relieve mucous membrane swelling, nasal congestion and shortness of breath.
- Erosion of the cervix, ruptures formed during labor are lubricated with Kalanchoe juice. For cracked nipples in nursing women, apply a few drops of juice to the affected areas. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
- Due to its bactericidal and wound healing effect, the agent is useful for treating skin lesions. To do this, type the composition into a syringe with a needle and irrigate a sore spot with it. Apply a compress - gauze moistened with juice - on top of the wound. If the wound is purulent, it is recommended to add an antibiotic to the juice, but only after the permission of the attending physician. Keep the bandage throughout the day, while it is necessary to moisten it 2 times with medicinal liquid. The course of therapy lasts 4 weeks.
- The juice has proved to be an effective remedy for burns, eye injuries, as well as keratitis, retinal dystrophy. The drug should be dripped into the conjunctival cavity in pure or diluted form. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.
- With purulent otitis media, bury the juice in both ears and cover with a cotton swab. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you will need to carry out 3-4 procedures a day.
- In dental practice, juice is recommended for periodontal disease, diseases of the oral mucosa. Treatment is carried out by aerosol inhalation. This allows you to reduce bleeding of the gums, relieve itching, and stop the release of pus.
Before use, it is required to heat the agent to a temperature of 37 ° C.
In addition to its beneficial properties, juice differs from other medicines in a short list of contraindications. Its use should be limited to people suffering from liver disease, rheumatism, as well as pregnant women. In other cases, this natural remedy is recommended for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
Healing infusion
Infusion is a natural alternative to synthetic medicines. To improve health and get rid of many diseases, it must be used wisely and carefully.
To prepare an aqueous infusion, you must:
- 100 g of Kalanchoe leaves and stems;
- 500 ml of boiled water.
How to make a healing composition:
- Wash the green parts of the plant well, dry and chop until smooth, using a knife.
- Pour the raw materials with water, having previously boiled and cooled it. Keep the resulting composition at room temperature for 60 minutes.
- Heat the mixture to a boil in a water bath and let it brew in this state for 3 minutes.
- Strain the infusion using a gauze cloth.
Traditional healers recommend infusion of succulent for gastritis with low acidity and chronic colitis. Drink 1 tbsp. l. no more than 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
Lotions from the infusion will weaken the unpleasant symptoms of skin diseases, inflammation of the eyelids.
Kalanchoe extract
To obtain the extract, the Kalanchoe infusion must be evaporated using a water bath to half the volume. To preserve all the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe, the extract should be stored in a refrigerator in a dark container for no more than 6 months.
An effective remedy for chronic tonsillitis and gum disease. Helps to cope with diseases of the digestive system. Consume the product inside, after diluting it with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. You can make applications for burns, periodontal disease, gingivitis.
This healing home first aid remedy treats purulent wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, and prevents infections. The drug will help in the fight against psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.
Required components:
- 20 ml flower extract;
- 50 ml lanolin;
- 50 ml of petroleum jelly.
Stir all the ingredients, send them to a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Store the resulting medicine in the refrigerator for no more than 20 days.
Apply the product to a gauze pad and apply to the affected area.
There is another effective recipe that will allow you to make an ointment that relieves pressure sores, fistulas. The tool quickly relieves acute pain, accelerates the healing process, cleanses pus and tightens wounds.
To prepare it, you should take:
- 40 ml of plant juice;
- 0.25 g of furazolidone;
- 0.25 ml of novocaine (2%);
- 100 g lanolin.
Mix all components thoroughly. Store at room temperature.
Treat the affected skin with medicine 1-2 times a day. It is recommended to lubricate the legs with varicose veins.
The healing properties of Kalanchoe in cosmetology
Kalanchoe is an excellent alternative to both pharmaceutical preparations and store products. And its systematic use will create a long-lasting and lasting positive effect that will exceed all expectations.
Due to the colossal content of valuable substances, Kalanchoe is considered a source of youth and beauty, as it is capable of:
- nourish the skin, giving it firmness, elasticity;
- get rid of acne, acne, age spots;
- resist the first signs of aging;
- smooth out wrinkles;
- reanimate the dermis, heal wounds;
- relieve the skin of such ailments as allergies, dermatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis;
- prevent the spread of purulent infections;
- protect from the harmful effects of external factors.
Therefore, the use of Kalanchoe can give a greater effect without harm to health than expensive procedures in salons.
Home use
Kalanchoe can be used in its pure form, as well as create a whole series of cosmetics from it in the form of nourishing and regenerating masks, moisturizing lotions.
The healing properties of Kalanchoe for the face
In case of problems with the skin of the face, before contacting the professionals, you can try to get rid of them at home by using folk remedies based on Kalanchoe:
- Mask for oily skin. Take 2 tbsp. l. Kalanchoe juice and combine with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. crushed oatmeal. Mix all the ingredients. Apply the resulting composition to the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Systematic use of the mask will narrow the pores, normalize the sebaceous glands.
- Rejuvenating mask. This remedy is on guard of beauty and will become valuable and indispensable for such problems as tired skin that has lost its firmness and elasticity. To 1 st. l. plant juice add 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. milk and 1 yolk. Stir the healing mixture and apply on face for 15 minutes.
- Mask for dry skin. For this type, special care is needed, since after signs of dryness, symptoms such as wrinkles and flabbiness occur. To correctly resist this, 1 tbsp. l. combine Kalanchoe juice with 1 tsp. olive oil. Apply the healing mass to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with hot water and rub the skin with an ice cube.
- Lotion against acne, acne. The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent effectively removes impurities, acne, blackheads, and narrows enlarged pores. 2 tbsp. l. crushed flower leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Filter and wipe your face after each wash.
- A remedy for dark circles under the eyes. Applying halves of leaves to the eyelids will help solve this problem. You can replace this procedure with lotions from cotton swabs moistened with fresh juice.
Before using any of the products, a test should be performed to avoid allergic reactions or other side effects. To do this, apply the medicinal composition to the wrist, wait 30 minutes. If redness, itching, unpleasant sensations do not appear, then you can not be afraid, and feel free to apply it.
For neck and décolleté
To keep the timeprints from making themselves felt too early, it is important to tune in to comprehensive care. The lotion for the care of the skin of the neck and décolleté will give freshness, vigor and radiance. Connect 1 tbsp. l.Kalanchoe juice with 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, better homemade. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse. You can treat these areas of the body with plant juice every day.
For nails
To strengthen nails, make them smooth and beautiful, you can use a simple technique such as wrapping. To do this, wrap each nail with gauze dipped in Kalanchoe juice. Then put on cotton gloves. Remove the product after 10-12 hours.
The healing properties of Kalanchoe for hair
To give the curls shine, vitality, prevent them from falling out, facilitate combing and styling, you should use effective means:
- Nourishing mask. Combine Kalanchoe juice in equal parts, birch, garlic. Add to the composition a similar volume of honey and egg yolk. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, and also distribute over the entire surface of the strands. Do not forget about warming up by wrapping it in a film or towel. After 2 hours, wash off the composition with non-hot water.
- Lotion for hair loss. Dilute the fresh juice of the plant with triple cologne in a 1: 1 ratio. Rub the product into the roots and scalp, and lubricate the curls.
The trend in the production of homemade cosmetics will help to save not only finances, but also give strength, beauty to hair for many years, and make them a source of pride.
Before you show interest in Kalanchoe as a medicine, it is important to take into account the contraindications:
- period of pregnancy, breastfeeding.
- individual intolerance, allergies.
- lowered blood pressure.
- bronchial asthma.
- liver disease.
- joint disease, rheumatism.
- decompensated diabetes mellitus.
- children's age up to 3 years.
Do not self-medicate and use remedies based on a beneficial flower, following the instructions of doctors. This will protect against unwanted consequences and will allow you to get the most out of the plant.
Kalanchoe, the properties of which have been known since ancient times, will bring invaluable benefits to human health. There are many recipes for tinctures, infusions, ointments based on this healing flower. Even people who are already desperate can find hope for healing. The main thing is to consult with your doctor before using Kalanchoe products.