The healing properties of coriander - a treasure of traditional medicine
Those who do not like fragrant cilantro should pay attention to the medicinal properties of coriander. In the first case, it is just greens, and in the second, brown seeds. The herbaceous plant contains many vitamins of group B and C. It contains macro- and microelements such as selenium, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and others. Among other things, the keratin contained in it allows the skin cells to regenerate and makes them more elastic. The specific herb scent arises from the amazing combination of over 11 essential oils.
Decoctions of seeds are used as choleretic, antiseptic and analgesic drugs. Eating fresh herbs promotes an expectorant effect, as well as an increase in immunity in case of viral diseases.
The healing properties of coriander
From cilantro they make infusions, decoctions, and also receive essential oils... Certain compounds that make up the plant help to remove fluid from the body. In addition, they stimulate the production of enough enzymes needed to process food. In this regard, it is recommended to use it to maintain work:
- kidney;
- Bladder;
- gall;
- liver.
The maximum effect of the spice is achieved if it is consumed in the right way and done regularly. Herbaceous culture is useful only fresh. Only young greens are suitable for food, which have not yet begun the budding process. Yet, along with such delicious medicinal properties, coriander is not devoid of contraindications. You should be extremely careful with him. It is forbidden to use the spice when:
- ischemic heart disease and other diseases;
- thrombophlebitis, as well as thrombosis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- heart attack or stroke;
- increased acidity.
Eating too much cilantro can be harmful, although it is rich in fiber. Do not forget that this is still a spice, so it should be a seasoning, not a main dish. Therefore, several branches are crushed into salads or vegetable dishes. At the same time, fragrant greens turn into an amazing symphony of flavors with an appetizing barbecue.
Treatment in traditional medicine has a positive result only with a correct diagnosis. Each patient should understand his organism well and know the whole “bouquet” of ailments, possibly even hidden ones. To do this, sometimes it is necessary to conduct a series of additional surveys.
Thus, understanding the medicinal properties of coriander, it is possible to add spice to the main therapy in the treatment of serious diseases. Still, it is often impossible to do without medication.