Medicinal properties of bay leaves and contraindications for use

Bay leaves are often used as a culinary spice. But this plant has a whole range of medicinal properties. However, apply it should be wisely so as not to harm health. Next, consider the healing properties of laurel sheet and contraindications to its use.
Composition bay leaf

Noble laurel and leaves have a rich chemical composition, which determines its benefits for the body.
In particular, the plant contains:
- oils;
- tanning compounds;
- resins;
- the nutritional value of bay leaves includes vitamins: A, C, PP and group B, its calorie content is only 314 kcal;
- mineral compounds (macro- and microelements);
- acids, omega-3, omega-6.
As part of laurel leaves found protein substances and fat by 8%, almost 50% it is occupied by carbohydrates, half of which is taken by dietary fiber.
Therapeutic properties

Official science does not recognize medicinal properties plants, drugs are not released from it. But the use of bay leaves in traditional medicine practiced for a long time.
Medicines obtained from this plant have the following properties:
- stop bleeding;
- kill pathogenic bacteria, viruses, relieve inflammation;
- remove excess water from the body, reduce puffiness;
- strengthen immunity, relieve fever;
- lower pressure and blood sugar levels;
- calm the nerves, normalize sleep;
- activate digestion, relieve nausea.
The application of laurel oil should be gentle. This is due to the fact that it can cause allergies. Therefore, the tool must be used carefully so that there are no negative consequences.
For nerve treatments

The scent of this plant has a soothing impact. This property bay leaf is used to treat epilepsy, stress, headache pain and migraine, sleep problems. After 10-15 minutes of inhaling essential oil the body completely relaxes. This effect is achieved due to the substance linalool. For such purposes, you need to purchase an essential oil and add to aroma lamp. You can practice baths with a decoction of noble laurel. Positive the effect for sleep will be if you sew several leaves of this plant into the pillow.
Laurel musculoskeletal sheet

To reduce pain and eliminate inflammation in the joints rub oil from bay leaf. An ointment prepared from a spoon is also used externally. ground leaves and two tablespoons of butter. The mixture is melted in a water bath, filter and cool.
An infusion is prepared for internal use. 5 g leaf pour 300 ml of boiling water. Insist for three hours, filter. For the treatment of pain in joints and anti-arthritis tea from bay leaves are drunk in small portions throughout the day. it the product removes accumulated salts.
Noble laurel for flu and colds

For preventive purposes, it is useful to put the aroma lamp in premises (apartment or office). This will disinfect the air. In pairs of ether oil is good to breathe, applied to the wings of the nose.
To enhance immunity, use a decoction:
- Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of ground leaves.
- Cook the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat.
- Strain the liquid, use 100 ml before meals.
When for a cold, bay leaf helps to quickly cope with the disease.
Using bay leaf for diseases of the nose and throat

To get rid of sinusitis, as an additional means, use inhalation from a decoction of laurel or with the addition of its etheric oils. They also practice warm compresses from laurel infusion.
Laurel the leaf from the throat is used very often. With angina, it is good to rinse the cavity decoction of noble laurel or chewing the leaves to reduce pain, relieve inflammation. Due to tanning compounds, camphor, nylon and formic acids, the plant is able to overcome any bacteria.
For oral health

Due to its pronounced antibacterial properties plants, it is used in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, to remove dental pain. The easiest option is to chew on a bay leaf.
Many are interested in what a decoction of bay leaf helps from. One of its abilities is to eliminate inflammation in the oral cavity.
For 1 liter of water, take 1 tablespoon of ground leaves and cook for 10 minutes. After the solution has cooled, they rinse their mouth several times during the day.
If you combine bay leaf and rind orangethen you can whiten your tooth enamel. To begin with, the teeth are rubbed with a piece of citrus peel, then powder from bay leaves is applied to the enamel. After 5 minutes, rinse the mouth with water.
Laurel leaf and diabetes

The decoction of the seasoning helps to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood.
For treatment, you can use the following infusion:
- Put 10 spicy leaves in a thermos.
- Pour 0.6 liters of boiling water over them.
- After 3 hours, the infusion is ready.
It should be taken in 100 ml 30 minutes before meals three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then you need to take a break for 14 days.
Therapeutic properties of bay leaves and contraindications for women

Laurel sheet in gynecology has been used for a very long time. One of the features a plant that is important for women is the normalization of the menstrual cycle. If there is a delay in menstruation or they need to be provoked by other reasons (before a business trip, a trip), then a decoction of a noble laurel.
Prepare the broth in this way:
- 50 leaves are poured over 500 ml of water.
- Cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
- Leave to cool, then filter.
- Before meals, drink 1 glass of this broth 1 time per day, no more.
Only those women who are sure that they are not pregnant can use a decoction from a noble plant, since the bay leaf in a concentrated form can provoke a miscarriage.
Laurel leaf and beauty

About medicinal the properties of bay leaves and its contraindications are known in cosmetology.
Regular use of laurel products contributes to:
- lightening of pigmented areas and freckles;
- cleansing and narrowing of pores;
- normalization of sebum production;
- reducing inflammation, eliminating acne;
- skin toning.
If you prepare a decoction of leaves and water taken in a ratio of 1: 1 and wipe it over the face, this will increase the skin tone. Similar procedures improve the condition of the integument. Also, such a broth can be frozen and wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning to enhance the effect.
To clear the skin of rashes, the bactericidal properties of laurel are combined with rosemary and a tea tree. To do this, place a few leaves in a 0.5 liter jar, pour boiling water. After a couple of hours, strain the tincture on the bay leaf, add a couple of drops of tea tree and rosemary essential oil. The antibacterial and cleansing tonic is ready.
They wipe problem areas several times a day. With such a solution, you can lubricate the feet if they are affected by a fungus, if they severe sweating, itching, unpleasant odor.
To get rid of sweating of the feet, it is beneficial to make baths from the decoction of the seasoning.
10 leaves are poured over 500 ml of boiling water and given cool down. Such foot baths should be done 3 times a week.
Bay leaf is used not only for skin care, but also for hair:
- With increased fat content of hair, they are rinsed with a decoction of 1 tbsp. ground bay leaves and 1 liter of water. The mixture is boiled for 5-7 minutes, filtered and cooled.
- Against dandruff, rinse the head with a stronger decoction: for 1 liter of boiling water, at least 30 leaves of seasoning are needed.
- Pharmacy laurel essential oil is added a few drops to shampoos while washing your hair.
To prepare oil extract, 20 leaves grind, pour 200 ml of vegetable oil and incubate for 7-10 days. The mixture must be shaken periodically. Any damage is lubricated with this oil. on the skin, bedsores are treated.

Despite its medicinal properties, bay leaves have a number of contraindications.
You cannot apply it:
- people with stomach and intestinal ulcers;
- women during pregnancy, so as not to provoke a miscarriage, as well as during breastfeeding;
- people with an allergy to this plant, its signs are: rash, itching, redness;
- with constipation and intestinal obstruction;
- with kidney pathologies.
Side the actions of bay leaves in such cases can negatively affect state of health. Also, do not increase the recommended dosage.
Bay leaf is not only a seasoning that enhances the taste of any dish. The noble laurel is also a medicinal plant that can relieve many ailments with reasonable use.