The healing properties of mallow and contraindications will exceed all your expectations

medicinal properties of mallow and contraindications

Dry cough is one of the most unpleasant and intractable symptoms of bronchitis and tracheitis. Even in ancient Egypt, the medicinal properties of mallow and contraindications to it were known. Doctors prepared unique expectorant drugs from stock-roses... In addition, with her infusions, they treated patients suffering from various diseases of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract. These corrugated flowers were also added to tea, and some women prepared special infusions from them for weight loss. Since then, little has changed, as mallow still benefits millions.

mallow tea

Crop seeds are brewed with coffee / tea or added as a seasoning to meat / fish dishes. During heat treatment, essential oils are released into the liquid, which cleanse the human respiratory tract of mucus.

The healing properties of mallow and contraindications: a brief overview

beautiful flowering mallow

When inflammatory processes progress in human organs, they increase in volume and swell. All this leads to painful sensations. The Sudanese mallow contains a valuable viscous substance that envelops all nerve endings. The sticky suspension protects tissue fibers from irritants and relieves inflammation.

Despite the fact that the chemical composition of the culture is not fully understood, it still contained:

  • vitamins A and C;
  • carotene;
  • up to 18% essential oils (applies to seeds);
  • phytoestrogen;
  • iron, cadmium and zinc.
dried mallow flowers

Harvesting of useful raw materials is planned for the flowering season. The buds of the plant are plucked together with the cups, but the leaves and stems are picked separately. The roots are dug up in late autumn - October, November. Raw materials are dried under a canopy, periodically turning over the petals. The collection of flowers is stored for 2 years, and the leaves are stored for 1 year.

There are practically no contraindications to the culture, except for individual intolerance to individual components of the plant. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to use mallow during pregnancy. However, it is better to consult a doctor on this matter.

From the infusions of culture, effective compresses are made that help relieve puffiness of the eyes. In addition, such procedures are carried out in the treatment of all kinds of ulcers, as well as extensive wounds. The amazing properties of Sudanese mallow flowers help to restore the mucous membrane. For this reason, the stock-rose is included in the complex therapy for severe diseases of the throat and oral cavity. As a medicine, decoctions and infusions with the addition of dried flowers are used.

Mallow application: the subtleties of ancient therapy

application of flowers mallow

The ancient healers took the root of the plant as the basis for the preparation of medicines. Today, medicinal decoctions are prepared with him, which serve as an impregnation for lotions. Among other things, they are an excellent diuretic discovered by Tibetan monks. At the same time, an extract is made from flowers and leaves to obtain a medicinal mallow extract.

It is included in many cosmetics because:

  • participates in cell maturation;
  • promotes the acceleration of collagen synthesis, as well as metabolism in cells;
  • relieves inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • removes puffiness.

Remarkably, fresh leaves are applied to wounds or inflamed areas of the skin. The juice released during this disinfects the cut and promotes its rapid healing.When treating colds or bronchitis, you will need a special infusion.

mallow infusion lotion

To prepare it you need:

  • 20 g dried leaves;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist 2 hours.

After the mixture becomes saturated, it is filtered through several layers of gauze. They take such a drug for ½ glass 2 times a day.

additional plants for medicinal infusions

As an emollient and anti-inflammatory agent, an infusion is prepared from:

  • mallow;
  • chamomile;
  • Chernobyl;
  • stock-rose grains.

The main ingredient is taken 200 g, and all the rest - 1.5 times less. Pour the mixture of herbs with a liter of water and leave for 24 hours, and then filter. The resulting elixir is poured into a bath, which is taken before bedtime. Such spa treatments are advised to be carried out for serious problems with the spleen. Thus, you can maximally use all the healing properties of mallow and (only allergies are contraindications to it) to get an excellent result.

Like all homeopathic remedies, infusions and decoctions are recommended to be taken in the early stages of the disease. Otherwise, it will be necessary to extend the course of treatment up to several weeks, and this may cause unwanted side effects.

Sudanese mallow application: a valuable recipe archive

the use of the Sudanese rose in medicine

Stock-rose is used in the treatment of various diseases. For each of them, there is a separate recipe for preparing a healing potion.

Here are some of the recommendations from the Traditional Medicine Archives:

  1. Pancreatitis Mallow juice (1 tsp) is squeezed out of leaves and flowers during budding. Mixed with honey and fill in with warm water (250 ml). The resulting mixture is distributed so that it is enough for 4 doses per day.
  2. Colitis and constipation. For 1 liter of boiling water, you will need 1 tbsp. l. The mixture is infused for 10 minutes, and then filtered. The resulting infusion is drunk throughout the day, that is, in 4 doses.
  3. Obesity. The unique properties of Sudanese mallow flowers are used for weight loss. The dried flowers and leaves of the plant are crushed together with the borage inflorescences. Each ingredient will need 10 g. The mixture of herbs is poured with water (250 ml) and boiled for 20 minutes. Cooled at room temperature and filtered. Take within a month.
  4. Stomatitis and skin wounds. The collection of herbs (30 g) is steamed in 1 liter of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes and filtered. The resulting elixir rinse the mouth several times a day or make lotions on the cuts.
mallow tea

In addition, mallow petals are added to tea, which improves digestion. It is often used to normalize bowel movements in severe bowel upset (diarrhea). The components included in the plant contribute to the liquefaction of phlegm, so they drink it with a strong dry cough.

They also prepare a stronger drink on their own, which is infused up to 10 hours and stirred periodically. For 250 ml of boiling water, you will need 2 tsp. dried leaves. Experts recommend adding honey to enhance the expectorant effect.

Malva in cosmetology is a genius of pure beauty

properties of mallow for skin

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, stock rose infusions have other effects. The plant produces valuable melanin. His broth is wiped on the face several times a day. As a result, the skin takes on the original copper tone.

Mallow hoods can often be found in:

  • creams;
  • gels;
  • tonics.

Such cosmetics have a softening effect on dry skin. Cosmetic ointments based on mallow extract are used to lubricate hardened heels with cracks, as well as acne, burns, boils and eczema-affected skin areas.

This extract is part of the preparations used to straighten hair. The product is applied to the curls and is not washed off. But balms, masks and conditioners are used to combat brittle and split ends.

mallow oil

Taking into account all the medicinal properties of mallow and contraindications, it can be noted that it serves as an excellent expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. For medicinal purposes, flowers, leaves, seeds and plant roots are used.They are added to tea, coffee and other dishes. With this "natural helper" you can heal dry coughs, inflammations and wounds on the skin, as well as lose several kilograms.

We use mallow for our health - video


