The medicinal properties of digitalis and other advantages of the plant

medicinal properties of foxglove The medicinal properties of digitalis have been known to people for a long time, but have been officially used in medicine since the middle of the eighteenth century. It is noted that the most useful are plant leaves, which contain biologically active substances. Knowledgeable healers use the leaves of special varieties of foxglove, which are no more than one year old, although the plant itself is perennial.

Since the flower is unpretentious to care for, it is very popular among summer residents. In addition, the plant has an aesthetically pleasing appearance, therefore it is often used to decorate flower beds, flower beds and alpine slides... In the city, you can find a multi-colored foxglove growing along the curb.

The healing properties of foxglove, which are actively used by traditional healers

to eliminate problems with the cardiovascular system

The many medicinal properties of foxglove are used to correct problems with the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, drugs help to eliminate concomitant diseases.

What can be cured with foxglove using essential trace minerals:

  1. With heart failure, foxglove-based drugs are constantly prescribed.
  2. It is possible to eliminate the manifestations of flickering arrhythmia due to the properties of the plant.
  3. The plant can be used in the treatment of epilepsy.
  4. A foxglove-based ointment can remove painful sensations in skin inflammation.
  5. For diseases of an infectious nature, it is better to use digitalis-based products.
  6. It is the main option for eliminating tachycardia and hypertension.
  7. Eliminates circulatory problems by restoring heart rate.

The widespread use of the plant is possible due to the presence of digoxin, lanatoside and other biologically active substances in the leaves.

When growing foxglove on the site, do not forget to plant other medicinal plants. It can be lemon balm, thyme, and badan, and anise.

The principle of using digitalis in traditional medicine

use of medicinal properties of plantsFor pharmaceutical purposes, only foxglove leaves are exclusively used, but traditional medicine uses more plant resources. From almost any above-ground part, means are prepared that have certain characteristics:

  1. Compresses from a plant to relieve skin inflammation.
  2. Tinctures for internal use.
  3. Rubbers for outdoor use.
  4. Plant-based ointments and creams.
  5. Decoctions for taking in the form of drops.

Instructions for using foxglove depend on the type and type of product. It is more often used tinctures, which include the entire aerial part of the plant. This remedy is used to treat heart problems. Squeeze the juice from the stem, which is used to rub it into the chest when it hardens or sore.

Digitalis poisoning signal

People who want to prepare a foxglove-based remedy for home use are wondering whether it is possible to get foxglove poisoning. A plant is toxic if the dose is exceeded while taking the drug or when the amount of the plant is increased at the time of preparation of the tincture, cream.

Foxglove poisoning can manifest as follows:

  1. Acute pain in the abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea.
  2. The person will be sick.Vomiting will be frequent and painful.
  3. Dull pulse with sinking heart.
  4. Skin rash that resembles irritation.
  5. Convulsions combined with uncontrolled muscle contraction.
  6. Hallucinations and blackouts.

Digitalis digitalis can also cause several symptoms of poisoning at once. It is worth considering that the most critical manifestation may be cardiac or respiratory arrest.

At the slightest symptoms of poisoning, you should call an ambulance to get qualified help. It is impossible to cope with the problem on your own.

The toxins contained in the plant tend to accumulate in the body, which leads to negative consequences for the body.

How to make a medicine from a plant

foxglove teaMedicinal digitalis should be properly prepared in the form of a versatile tincture or decoction in order to benefit the patient:

  1. Usual tincture: pour 3 grams of dry plant with 1 cup boiling water. Insist for 10-15 minutes. Strain the finished tincture and add 1 drop of mint oil. Take a tablespoon after 3 hours.
  2. 25 grams of dry plant and 3 to boil in 3 glasses of water over low heat. Perform the procedure until 1 glass of liquid has evaporated. Strain the broth and add 25 grams of flavored tincture. Consume 2 tablespoons once a day.
  3. Alcohol tincture: pour 25 grams of dry raw materials with 60 grams of alcohol. Insist for 1 week and take 10 drops daily.

For the preparation of any type of product, powder from foxglove leaves can be used. It is simple to prepare raw materials: it is enough to cut off the ground part of the plant; leave for several days in the sun; grind the dry mass until a fine powder is obtained.

It is advisable to use plants that grow far from the road. You must first wash the plant.

Pharmaceutical Uses of Digitalis

foxglove drugFoxglove preparations in pharmacy are made from two types of plants: large-flowered and purple. The leaves are processed to produce crystals. The raw materials are used on an industrial scale to make drops, tablets, capsules and ointments.

Instructions for the use of digitalis preparations should be followed as closely as possible during the treatment process. When buying a drug, you should carefully study the recommendations regarding dosage and methods of use.foxglove pills

In the pharmacy, you can find such preparations that contain digitalis extract:

  • leaf powder;
  • tablets with dry concentrate: Gitoxin, Digitoxin, Cordigit;
  • solutions called Digoxin, Celanide;
  • an infusion of foxglove leaves in Latin sounds like a tincture of digitalis.

In emergency situations, drugs for intravenous administration are used, which act for half an hour. For chronic diseases, tablets and drops are used. Taking drugs of this pharmaceutical group should be periodic.

Contraindications to the use of digitalis drugs

foxglove is not possible for everyoneThe medicinal properties of digitalis have a fairly wide range in relation to the elimination of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The chemical composition contains many components that can adversely affect the patient's health.

In addition to self-study of contraindications to the use of digitalis drugs and drugs, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Many people call digitalis "the scalpel of therapists." Taking such drugs is not always possible, since there are certain contraindications:

  1. If the patient has suffered a myocardial infarction.
  2. Has sclerosis of the coronary arteries.
  3. With a decrease in heart rate.
  4. If you have tuberculosis or chronic lung disease.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Age limit that applies to children under 12 years of age.
  7. Special types of infectious diseases.

When special changes in heart rhythm are diagnosed, restrictions may be established in the process of taking drugs based on digitalis.

Digitalis in the garden - video


