What do we know about the medicinal properties of dandelions and contraindications to their use?
Dandelion is one of the most common herbaceous plants in the Northern Hemisphere. It is not surprising that dandelion, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are still in the center of attention of physicians, has long served as a raw material for healing infusions and lotions.
Dandelion medicinal: description and distribution
A perennial rhizome plant with a basal rosette and inflorescences-baskets on erect hollow peduncles settles on the side of the road, on lawns and wastelands, that is, almost everywhere. A powerful taproot helps dandelion to obtain nutrition and moisture in the most adverse conditions. And he, and the leaves, and the stems of the plant are rich in white milky sap, which oxidizes in the air and, when dry, changes color to brownish-brown.
As a result of a comprehensive study of the properties of dandelion, it turned out that there are bioactive substances in all parts. What is valuable in plant raw materials? What is dandelion good for?
The biochemical composition and health benefits of dandelion
Dandelion traditionally used in folk medicine, adopted by the official pharmacopoeia. The plant owes this recognition to its rich biochemical composition.
The medicinal properties of dandelion and contraindications to its use are the result of the work of active substances in the composition of rhizomes, stems, flowers and leaves of the plant:
- The bouquet of vitamins includes such essential compounds as carotene, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, PP and E vitamins.
- Dandelion is rich in organic acids.
- The plant materials contain terpenes, flavonoids, resins and bitterness, essential oils and tannins.
- The composition contains glycosides, inulin and asparagine.
- The mineral composition is also wide. Among the micro and macro elements iron and manganese, potassium and boron, copper and phosphorus, calcium and other irreplaceable components.
The medicinal properties of dandelion flowers are due to the abundance of vitamins, including ascorbic acid and lutein, proteins and mineral salts. The yellow perianths of the dandelion are the raw material for the original jam, to which the plant transfers its sunny color, minerals and proteins.
Useful properties of plant parts
The leaves of the plant, elongated, with a jagged edge, contain the same compounds as in the yellow fluffy flowers. But greens contain a lot more proteins and phosphorus, so young foliage is used as a valuable dietary product, adding to salads, snacks, marinades and pie fillings. With a lot of useful properties, dandelion leaves have contraindications. As it grows, bitterness accumulates in the greenery, changing the taste of the foliage, which is no longer so pleasant to eat.
Most of the nutrients are in the powerful, taproots of dandelion. Their white dense fabric contains:
- a complex of organic acids;
- fixed oils;
- glycosides involved in the synthesis and regeneration of tissues;
- tannins;
- mucus;
- bitterness;
- rubber;
- dietary fiber, including inulin.
What are the medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion root? All of the listed substances are useful in one way or another. Inulin plays a special role, which works as a natural sorbent that removes toxins and toxins from the body, stimulates the digestive function, and forms fructose and its derivatives in the stomach.
Dandelion health benefits: properties and uses
Dandelion is a plant whose greens and rhizomes have restorative, stimulating properties. Indispensable vitamins, minerals and amino acids replenish the depleting reserves of the body, supply it with energy and create a foundation for development, regeneration, renewal.
In addition, preparations based on herbal raw materials, and used for the health benefits of dandelion:
- normalize metabolic processes;
- stimulate the work of the stomach and intestines;
- increase the production of gastric juice;
- lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis or making the disease easier;
- help with hypertension and heart failure;
- reduce pain;
- due to bitterness that irritate the taste buds, they increase appetite;
- work as choleretic agents and diuretics;
- have diaphoretic and antipyretic, as well as expectorant effects;
- weakens gently;
- resist inflammation;
- soothe and, if necessary, tone up.
Dandelion has a beneficial effect on blood composition, activating the production of red blood cells and white blood cells, which are designed to fight the sources of inflammation. The list of medicinal properties of dandelion and contraindications to its use include bactericidal, anthelmintic, antifungal effects.
Indications for the use of medicinal dandelion
Dandelion has many beneficial properties that are used in traditional and official medicine. Dandelion is used as a tonic and stimulating agent for metabolic processes. Herbal remedies rich in inulin are beneficial for diabetes. They stimulate metabolism, maintain lipid balance and are effective against weight loss and diseases of the immune system.
For the same reason, dandelion tea is drunk with a desire to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Herbal medicine using this plant helps to improve blood composition, safely relieve swelling, and maintain healthy bones and joints. With rheumatism and arthritis, dandelion not only heals, but also relieves pain.
As a diuretic, dandelion helps to cope with the effects of food poisoning, high blood pressure, and edema.
In this case, treatment does not lead to potassium deficiency, but resists the development of pathogenic microflora, has an anti-inflammatory effect and is prescribed for diseases of the bladder and kidneys.
The plant has an antipyretic, diaphoretic effect, useful for respiratory and seasonal viral diseases. Dandelion tea normalizes sleep, maintains body tone and relieves stress symptoms.
Dandelion-based preparations are useful for constipation, lazy stomach syndrome and other digestive problems. The plant, if used as directed by a physician, is effective in liver diseases.
Dandelion root is used in oncology as a supportive agent that naturally stimulates regeneration and has cleansing properties. In addition, dandelion improves blood composition, relieves inflammation and maintains a normal metabolism.
When used externally, dandelion herb helps to treat acne, eczema, warts and dry calluses, as well as burns, abscesses and other inflammatory processes.
Contraindications to the use of medicinal dandelion
A high concentration of bioactive substances is not only a guarantee of usefulness, but also a risk factor.It is not surprising that with a lot of useful properties, medicinal dandelion has contraindications.
Tea, broth and other herbal preparations should not be taken if the gallbladder is disrupted and the bile ducts are blocked. Contraindications are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease. Even indigestion can be aggravated by the laxative effect of dandelion. This same effect, as well as the irritant effect, would be undesirable in pregnancy and for young children.
Components of plant materials can cause an allergic reaction, itching, swelling, redness of the skin and mucous membranes.
For the use of dandelion in traditional medicine to be truly useful, do not neglect the recommended dosages. And before you include herbal tea, broth, lotions, you need to consult with your doctor and get his approval.
In case of an overdose of a dandelion-based product, such negative reactions as indigestion, dizziness, and nausea are possible.
When to harvest dandelion root for medicinal purposes
The content of nutrients in plant materials varies depending on the season. If the roots and leaves are harvested at the wrong time, the benefits of taking the drug will be greatly diminished.
When to harvest a dandelion so that the medicinal properties of the plant are maximized? It is best to dig up the roots in the fall, when the plant accumulates silt for wintering, or in early spring before flowering.
Large roots cannot be obtained by hand, so a sharp bayonet shovel is required on the workpiece. Once the plants have been dug up and washed, they are dried on wooden or plastic pallets. After 4–5 days of being in the shade, in a dry, ventilated room, the raw materials are ready for storage. At 40-50 ° C, the process is faster, but the temperature should not be increased anymore, otherwise most of the vitamins, essential oils and acids will simply evaporate.
The herb, unlike dandelion roots, is harvested for medicinal purposes when the plant is already in bloom. Fully dried raw materials are stored in glass containers or paper bags, protected from moisture and sunlight.