What are the medicinal properties of small juniper fruits?
The genus of junipers is one of the oldest representatives of the plant kingdom. It is not surprising that juniper berries, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of small blue-gray fruits were of interest to people several thousand years ago. With the development of science, it has become easier to reveal all the secrets of the evergreen. It turned out that under the skin of nondescript fruits there is a whole biochemical storeroom full of substances that actively affect human health and well-being.
Historical sources mention that the ability of juniper berries to protect wine from souring was known back in ancient Rome. In the Mediterranean countries and in Scandinavia, juniper cones are used in marinades and seasonings for meat and fish.
There are many types of juniper in the world, but the berries of only one benefit - common juniper.
Features of the structure and collection of juniper berries
When collecting medicinal raw materials, it is important not to make a mistake! Only cones of common juniper can be beneficial, are used in cooking, traditional medicine and have officially confirmed the presence of medicinal properties.
Rounded, with a diameter of 6 to 9 mm, by the time of ripening, fruits acquire an almost black color with a purple or brown tint. The smooth skin is covered with a thick bluish bloom, under which a groove diverging into three rays is clearly visible. Under the surface there is a greenish flesh with a characteristic aroma and a pungent tart-spicy taste. Each juniper berry, as in the photo, contains 2-3 seeds.
The best time to pick berries is September and October, when the pulp accumulates the maximum amount of nutrients. So that only ripe fruits go into business, burlap, film or other material is laid out under the bushes, and then, gently tapping on the branches and trunk of the bush, shake off the cones. Then they are sorted out and dried without resorting to heating. It is important that the room is ventilated, dry and clean.
Dried juniper berries are stored in glass containers, in paper or canvas bags, protected from dust, sunlight and moisture.
Biochemical composition of juniper cone berries
The medicinal properties of juniper berries and contraindications that prevent the use of the fruit are directly related to the numerous bioactive components contained in the pulp.
The sweetness of the berries is given by natural sugars, mainly represented by fructose and glucose. Astringency is determined by the presence of organic acids, for example, ascorbic, malic, formic, natural bitterness and resins, tannins and glycosides. In the pulp, and especially in the skin covered with a bluish bloom, there are pectins and wax-like compounds, fatty oils, flavonoids and phytoncides. Juniper fruits are rich in minerals, but the main treasure of berries is essential oil, the concentration of which reaches 2%.
"Lush" bouquet of useful components did not go unnoticed. The benefits of juniper berries are today appreciated by experts in folk and traditional medicine.
The use of juniper berries: areas and methods
In folk medicine, decoctions, alcohol and water infusions are prepared on the basis of such raw materials. Berries are consumed fresh, often used in cooking and in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. For medicinal purposes, blue black fragrant fruits are used:
- as a natural diuretic and bactericidal agent for urolithiasis, cystitis and other pathologies of the urinary tract;
- as an expectorant, antibacterial agent for respiratory and ENT diseases;
- as a stimulant of secretory and digestive function.
The use of juniper berries is indicated for poor appetite, signs of "lazy" intestines or fermentation. In all these cases, the fruits of a very modest appearance exhibit outstanding bactericidal properties. Pine berries:
- have an active cleansing effect;
- work as a natural stimulant for the genitourinary, digestive and respiratory systems;
- improve the condition of the mucous membranes;
- fight against pathogenic flora.
Juniper berries increase lactation when consumed carefully and approved by your healthcare professional. Traditional medicine infusion is recommended as an effective remedy in the treatment of angina pectoris. Decoction baths relieve disease manifestations in gout and rheumatism. Syrup based on natural raw materials has a tonic effect in the autumn-winter period, invigorates with increased physical and mental stress.
Preparation of medicinal products:
- for a decoction in a glass of water, a spoonful of crushed dry juniper berries are required and 8-10 minutes, during which the composition boils over low heat;
- for tea, pour a handful of mashed fruits with a glass of boiling water and wait 6-10 minutes for hours;
- for syrup for 100 dry fruits, take 500 ml of water, sugar or honey to taste;
- for infusion, a handful of berries poured in a glass of boiling water are infused for up to 8 hours.
Juniper berry tincture is prepared at the rate of 100 ml of alcohol or 250 ml of vodka per tablespoon of dry fruits. In the warmth and with regular shaking, the product is infused for 8-10 days, after which it can be filtered and used as directed.
For stomatitis, inflammation in the throat and nasopharynx, as well as bad breath, it is advised to chew fresh fruits. They not only have a beneficial effect on the state of the mucous membrane, but also continue their effect on the digestive tract.
The aromatic tart fruits of the juniper are appreciated by culinary experts. They give a spicy taste to meat and fish, help to preserve the quality of smoked meats, roasts, baked dishes and pickles longer. A natural aroma imparts a resinous, fresh scent to strong alcohol. In cooking, juniper berries are quite widely used in the manufacture of kvass and fruit drink, sweet and national pastries, pickling and pickling vegetables.
Contraindications to the use of juniper berries
The richness of the biochemical composition determines not only the medicinal properties of juniper berries, but also contraindications, which in no case should be neglected. Gray fruits and all products based on them are prohibited in acute jade. Uncontrolled intake of herbal preparations can aggravate the situation, cause bleeding and complicate further treatment.
Expectant mothers should refuse to use herbal preparations that can cause contractions of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage.
You should not tempt fate with self-treatment with juniper berries in the presence of diagnosed acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system and kidneys. Even in the absence of contraindications, the course of admission should not last more than two months.
why is it not said about the flaxseed oil infusion? a glass of berries is crushed with a mortar for 500 grams of butter, or here's another recipe: mix two varieties of juniper \ with steppe or as they call Cossack \ 50 to 50 pound pour in oil, stand for two to three months and take a tablespoon on a fast food