Medicinal properties of purslane and contraindications to its use
The sophisticated flower that grows underfoot turns out to be successfully used in cooking as well as in folk medicine. Having considered the medicinal properties of purslane and contraindications, you can significantly improve your health and save your family budget.
The plant is annual and thermophilic, so it tolerates any drought. Grows well on sandy or rocky ground. Nevertheless, it dies from top dressing and in shady areas.
Field weed under the microscope
In ancient China, this amazing herb has been used for medicinal purposes for several centuries. However, only the composition of purslane, revealed through laboratory experiments, helped determine how useful it is and where it can be used. Typically, the plant contains more than 80% water. Everything else falls on:
- Nitrogenous, coloring and bitter substances.
- Fiber.
- Carbohydrates. It contains glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose and galactose.
- Saponins.
- Organic / fatty acids: oxalic, oleic, stearic, linoleic and palmitic.
- Alkaloids.
- Vitamin complexes (groups PP, C, B, K and E).
- Macro and microelements. High in calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and zinc.
- Resinous, proteinaceous and slimy compounds.
- Proteins.
- Varieties of carotene.
Like all other representatives of the flora, purslane is a medicine. It is used to prepare infusions, decoctions and oils. Still, homeopathy presupposes scrupulous adherence to preparation techniques and proportions. Such therapy is much longer than medication. In some cases, it has a number of side effects. Therefore, you need to be especially careful. It is important to keep the dried grass under normal conditions so that it does not rot and mold.
Procurement of raw materials is carried out both in summer and autumn. Leaves are harvested before early September and seeds are harvested in August. Dry the culture in the usual way: in a dry and well-ventilated place.
Medicinal properties of purslane and contraindications
The above list of the main components shows in how many areas of medicine beautiful weed... Each separate group of healing substances has an amazing effect on the human body. In this regard, the plant is used as the following means:
- diuretics;
- antitoxic;
- antihelminthic;
- purifying blood and stopping bleeding;
- antipyretic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- lowering sugar levels;
- antibacterial;
- antimicrobial.
Remarkably, purslane is often used as a laxative. Although in other cases, its infusions are used to combat intestinal disorders. This contrast is due to the versatility of the unusual herb and, of course, the recipes for its preparation.
The fleshy leaves of the weed are often applied to insect bites, and most importantly, snakes. Some grind them into a juicy gruel and apply compresses to wounds.
The listed actions should be supplemented with the unique ability of culture to cleanse the body. The components included in it restore organs at the cellular level. It is necessary to pay attention to those suffering from complex diseases of the liver, as well as kidneys, to such medicinal properties of the garden purslane.
Secret recipe
When there are problems with the liver and gallbladder, then a healing broth should be prepared:
- 10-20 g of greens;
- 2 g of purslane seeds;
- 250 ml boiling water.
The mixture is drunk every day 3 times. For the reception they use 1 tbsp. l drugs. But the stems are used for impaired kidney function. Raw materials (15 g) are crushed and poured with boiling water. Insist up to 4 hours. Take three times a day before meals for 2 tbsp. l.
Before starting such therapy, you should undergo an examination and accurately determine the diagnosis. Then, after consulting a specialist, start homeopathy.
Fighting common diseases
Nothing debilitates a person like a serious illness. Especially if it's incurable. Nevertheless, for a favorable course of the disease, as well as reducing symptoms, one should take advantage of the medicinal properties of wild or garden purslane. Decoctions and tinctures will help to cope with:
- diabetes mellitus;
- impotence;
- avitaminosis;
- arthritis;
- ulcerative colitis;
- conjunctivitis;
- scurvy;
- hemorrhoids;
- internal bleeding;
- flatulence;
- skin diseases: ulcers, pustules, scaly lichen and non-healing wounds.
Diabetes mellitus is treated with infusions of this herb. A tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1.5 hours, then filter. Depending on the course of the disease, take 1-4 tbsp. l. at a time. Do this before eating.
Purslane extract helps with severe headaches. The active substances lower blood pressure, remove cholesterol from the blood, restore the heart rhythm, and also contribute to vasoconstriction. In medicine, plant-based preparations are used in the treatment of patients with benign and malignant tumors.
Valuable recipes
The most common ailments are skin rashes. Eczema and lichen cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners. To combat such unpleasant manifestations of the disease, it is customary to use a decoction of purslane seeds. Prepare it in this way:
- 15 g of grains are ground into powder;
- make 250 g of boiling water;
- simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes;
- insist 2 hours.
Strain through several layers of gauze. Then the bandage is moistened with broth and used as lotions or compresses. The drug relieves irritation, significantly removing peeling.
Instead of decoctions, many use juice from freshly squeezed leaves and stems. However, it cannot be stored for more than 2 days.
Men suffering from impotence should take note of one effective recipe. You need to grind 1 tbsp. l. dried herbs. Brew it in a glass of boiling water. Strain after an hour. Elixir is recommended to be taken up to 3-4 times a day. Single dosage - 2 tablespoons.
What is the danger of purslane
The healing properties of purslane are in step with contraindications. The graceful weed is dangerous for people who suffer from nervous system disorders, especially epilepsy. With great agitation, the drug causes terrible convulsions. Therefore, you need to be especially careful about its use. The risk category also includes hypertensive patients and those who are worried about bradycardia - a violation of the heart rhythm. Moreover, it is forbidden to use purslane during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, because the components of the plant increase the tone of the uterus.
Oxalic acid tends to accumulate in the joints and also in the kidneys, which leads to the formation of stones. It is worth remembering that the plant stimulates the production of insulin. An increased dose of the protein hormone can lead to hypoglycemia.
Enjoy your meal
Recently it has become fashionable to use purslane in food. Although for many centuries some national groups have added it to:
- borscht;
- jam;
- sauces;
- soups;
- salads;
- marinades.
Fresh greens go well with fish and meat dishes. Leaves, shoots and flowers can be fried or stewed. Tomato or cucumber salads are decorated with fleshy leaves. They are also added to cottage cheese dishes.
The healing properties of purslane and contraindications will help to use the plant correctly. But as has been shown, infusions in many cases are prepared according to the same recipe. In this case, the dosage also remains unchanged. Nevertheless, one cannot do without doctor's recommendations in treatment.