The healing properties of the scorcier in its chemical composition
Scorzonera is a vegetable crop grown for a tasty and juicy root crop. The healing properties of the scorcier are widely known. The root saves from obesity, diabetes, hypertension, anemia, gout, cirrhosis, prostatitis and other diseases. In the spring-autumn period, it is a vitamin supplement to the diet, which helps to strengthen the immune system and maintain efficiency. The valuable mineral composition of the plant ensures the strength of bones and teeth. The product is prepared like any vegetable. Salads and side dishes are made from it, added to soups, casseroles, meat and fish, canned, dried, frozen.
Plant species and prevalence
Scorzonera is used as a tasty and healthy food product, as well as a natural medicine.
Composition and calorie content of the product
Scorzonera is a medicinal black root with a unique composition and many useful properties. It contains B-group vitamins, A, C, E, PP. The extensive list of minerals present in the root crop is striking. Among them are potassium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, phosphorus. The vegetable is rich in pectins, saccharides, fiber, it contains inulin, levulin, asparagine. The plant belongs to the category of dietary products. The calorie content of 100 grams of pulp is only 17 kcal.
To taste, the root vegetable of the scorchonera resembles asparagushence it was called “poor man's asparagus” in the past.
Health benefits of scorzonera
Eating scorzonera root provides prevention of many diseases. With its help, people preserve beauty, improve well-being, and prolong life. The plant is considered especially valuable for the elderly. The vegetable prevents the development of age-related changes, helps to normalize blood sugar and cholesterol, improves the functioning of the heart and brain, cleanses the body of harmful substances, and increases the body's resistance.
For the older age category, the root is best eaten after heat treatment - boiling, frying, stewing.
The healing properties of the scorchion:
- healing of wounds and ulcers;
- anesthesia;
- disinfectant and bactericidal effect;
- anti-inflammatory effect;
- cleansing from toxins and toxins;
- normalization of blood sugar and cholesterol;
- restoration of the liver;
- dissolution of stones in the ducts of the kidneys and gallbladder;
- strengthening of immunity;
- suppression of appetite;
- improving bowel function.
Recipes and cooking methods
In folk medicine, the leaves and roots of scorzonera are used in fresh and dried form. First, the root crop is washed and peeled. Before eating, the peeled root is briefly soaked in salted water. Soaking removes milky juice and relieves bitterness. After heat treatment (boiling, frying, stewing), the pulp becomes soft, but the juiciness remains.
It is better to handle the roots of scorzonera with gloves, since the milky juice stains the skin a dark color.
Fresh Juice
The root crop is washed, peeled, grated or minced. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass using gauze or thin cotton cloth. The juice accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin, relieves inflammation from abscesses and ulcers, and helps with insect bites. They treat the throat with juice, soak cotton swabs and apply applications to the gums for gingivitis and periodontal disease.
Decoction of leaves or roots
Take a tablespoon of dry leaves in a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Next, the broth is infused for half an hour, filtered. Leaves can be replaced with dry root shavings. For the treatment of colds, honey is added to the broth and taken orally. With urolithiasis, they drink it every day for a month. The liquid is used for therapeutic baths for diathesis, eczema, arthritis.
Water infusion
For 250 ml of boiling water, you will need a tablespoon of chopped root, fresh or dry. The liquid is boiled for 10 minutes, and then infused until it cools completely. The finished infusion is filtered and drunk in sips during the day. With its help, tracheitis and bronchitis are treated, taken for radiation sickness, renal and hepatic failure, deterioration of joint mobility, muscle pain and neuralgia.
Alcohol tincture
For half a liter of high-quality vodka, you need to take one large root. It is usually dipped whole in a bottle or cut lengthwise into 4 pieces. The tincture is prepared for a week. Apply the agent externally or internally. With arthritis and radiculitis, compresses are made on painful areas of the body. In the spring-autumn period, for general strengthening of the body, take 30-40 drops in the morning. The tincture increases the tone of the body, improves performance.
Healing tea
Mixed in equal parts tea leaf and dry raw material scorzonera. Healthy tea is brewed in a teapot, press or directly in a cup. The drink is drunk like tea. It calms the nervous system, saves from toxicosis, suppresses appetite, improves mood, accelerates metabolic and recovery processes.
Anesthetic ointment
Scorzonera root powder is mixed with butter or pork fat. Healing ointment is used for pain in muscles and joints, relieves psoriasis, and eliminates the symptoms of other skin diseases. The composition is rubbed directly into the lesion.
What can harm a scorzonera
The harm of scorzonera can manifest itself only with individual intolerance. The beneficial properties of the vegetable are confirmed by many years of cultivation, and consumption by adults and children. A high concentration of biologically active substances allows the plant to be used for medicinal purposes.
The use of the scorcier is based on its medicinal properties. The plant is widely used in folk medicine in a variety of ways, is the prevention of many serious diseases. In autumn, the root vegetable is used as a seasonal herbal product. It pairs well with others vegetables, meat and fish ingredients, eggs, pasta, cereals. Scorzonera is harvested for future use - canned, frozen, dried. At the same time, the beneficial properties of the root crop are preserved in full.