We use the healing properties of the herb aconite for our health
Many people know the medicinal properties of the herb aconite or fighter, as it is also called. This herbaceous perennial has long been used for medical and household purposes. The plant is considered poisonous, but effectively heals any wounds, reduces inflammation, and has anesthetic properties. Aconite has beautiful flowers that are used as an additional remedy to fight cancer and heart disease.
The chemical composition of aconite
The foliage and roots of aconite are saturated with the following alkaloids:
- mesaanconitine;
- getaanconitine;
- sasaakonitin;
- hypoanconitine;
- benzoylaconine (but more aconitine).
In addition to them, the plant contains ephedrine, napallin, and sparteine. The rhizome is rich in resinous substances, daucosterol, including starchy compounds, saponins. Various acids were found in the composition of the wrestler: citric, benzoic, fumaric. There are also many fatty acids: stearic, linoleic, palmitic, as well as oleic and myristic.
The leaf plates accumulate tannic compounds, inositol, flavonoids and a whole list of minerals:
- From macronutrients - compounds of potassium and calcium, iron salts, as well as magnesium.
- From trace elements - copper, chromium, zinc compounds, manganese. Also present are barium, nickel salts, boron, selenium.
The wrestler also contains carbohydrates, coumarin, mesoinosidol. All of them are indispensable for the human body.
The healing properties of the herb aconite
Various parts of the wrestler are saturated with vitamins, mineral salts, alkaloids. Due to such a complex chemical composition, this plant is used to combat many ailments.
The alkaloids with which the herb is saturated have found their application in pharmacology. These substances are found in sedatives, pain relievers, and spasms. Alkaloids are able to stimulate the nervous system. The wrestler is also added to medications to lower blood pressure, restore hormone levels, and cough.
Aconite is the plant that will relieve any cold.
It is also worth noting that aconite contains a lot of flavonoids, due to which the plant treats malignant tumors. These substances inhibit the growth of neoplasms, eliminate inflammation, and protect the body during radiation therapy. Due to the content of tannins, the herb is used as a bactericidal agent. The juice from the leaves is able to stop blood, heal wounds.
Add extracts of aconite and diuretics. The wrestler is used to heal ulcers, get rid of venereal infections. Coumarin contained in perennials has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
The use of aconite in traditional medicine
Many do not know what aconite heals. In fact, this is a unique plant. The infusions prepared on the roots treat benign tumors, lung diseases, including tuberculosis and even asthma. A herbaceous perennial has proven itself well for eliminating sclerosis, epileptic seizures.
Aconite tincture is used externally to combat infectious skin lesions, abscesses, abscesses, to eliminate psoriasis, eczema.
Tincture for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
To prepare a medicine for pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, you need:
- 10 g dried wrestler roots;
- 1 liter of vodka (no additives).
The crushed rhizome is put into a jar, poured with vodka. You can also use 60% alcohol. It is recommended to infuse the product for at least 72 hours in a darkened place, then strain. The tincture is ready. Take 2 drops three times a day, about 30 minutes before meals, washed down with lukewarm water.
Tincture for the treatment of migraine and toothache
Aconite extract has the ability to relieve pain, so a remedy for toothaches or migraines is prepared from it.
To prepare the product you need:
- 0.5 l of vodka;
- 20 g of aconite rhizome (always dried, not fresh).
The fighter's rhizome should be finely chopped, put into a jar. Then fill the raw material with alcohol-containing liquid. Be sure to keep in a warm, dark place for 7 days.
With migraine 1 tsp. therapeutic tincture of aconite is rubbed into the head before bedtime. For toothache, the remedy is applied and rubbed into the area of its localization. If the body tolerates such a tincture well, then the dosage can be increased to 1 tbsp. l. The course of therapy is no more than 1 month.
Tincture for external use
Alcohol extract from the rhizome of aconite is effective against psoriasis, dermatitis, erysipelas. It helps to eliminate allergic manifestations and various rashes that appear on nerves. This infusion is used to treat melanoma and malignant formations in the epidermis.
To receive the funds, you must take:
- 1 liter of pure alcohol, you can ordinary vodka;
- 40 g dried wrestler root (crushed).
Pour small pieces of roots with alcohol (vodka), leave for at least a week. The color of the liquid will be similar to brewed tea. For any skin problems, an alcohol extract is applied to the affected area. From above they are covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel. I practice this therapy for no more than 30 days.
Infusion for the treatment of duodenal ulcers
To make a medicinal tincture, you will need a dried herb root (20 g) and 0.6 liters of vodka. The plant must be crushed, filled with liquid. Keep in the closet for a week so that the sun's rays do not fall. Apply a tincture of aconite, 3 tablespoons per day.
Decoction for washing wounds and boils
The fighter's rhizome has bactericidal properties, so tinctures on it are used to heal wounds, treat abscesses. You need to take 15 g of dried rhizome, grind it and pour 25 ml of boiling water. Keep on fire for 20 minutes, then strain. Rinse the affected areas with chilled infusion up to 4 times a day.
Collection and procurement of raw materials from aconite
All manipulations with the medicinal fighter, even the preparation, are carried out in gloves that protect the hands from the penetration of poison. Both the rhizomes of the plant and its stems with foliage are suitable for obtaining medicines. The roots are dug out at the very end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. Then they are thoroughly washed from the ground, dried at a temperature not exceeding 300 FROM.
You need to store dried roots in a place where the sun's rays do not fall and there is no high humidity.
The aconite foliage must be harvested in June-July before the plant blooms. At this time, the most useful components accumulate in the plates.
When collecting blanks, you need to ensure that the plants are not infected with insects or any diseases.
Leaves are dried only in the shade, stored in glass jars. Containers should be kept out of the reach of children. After handling aconite, it is recommended to thoroughly wash your hands.
Side effects and contraindications for use
Aconite contains toxic compounds. Therefore, it has a number of limitations that should be adhered to.
It is not recommended to use products with aconite:
- those under 18;
- during pregnancy, during lactation;
- with individual immunity of the product;
- with drug or alcohol addiction.
Before taking aconite, you should consult a doctor.
It is strictly forbidden to exceed the recommended dosage of funds, otherwise it will lead to poisoning. When the first symptoms appear, you should seek medical help. Side effects in the treatment of aconite are manifested by dizziness, dry mouth, vomiting. In more severe cases, it manifests itself in the form of loss of consciousness, a strong increase in body temperature.
If you want to forget about diseases once and for all, then infusions and decoctions based on aconite are what you need. Correct preparation and reception of funds will allow you to achieve the desired results in a short time.