The healing properties of the golden mustache - a ticket to the land of health
Physical and emotional well-being is inherited by some, but in most cases it has to be fought hard for. If you find out all the healing properties of the golden mustache, then you can significantly improve your health. But before embarking on such treatment, you need to consult with specialists. With a properly planned therapy, the best result is possible.
The constituent components of the plant, such as flavonoids and steroids, arrest the development of malignant cells in the early stages. Since the culture is poisonous, spontaneous treatment most often aggravates the situation.
Related article: healing properties of golden mustache!
Comprehending the healing properties of the golden mustache
Home ginseng (as it is popularly called) has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is able to regenerate dying cells, including the cornea of the eyes. At the same time, its components:
- restore acid-base balance;
- remove toxins from the body;
- strengthen the immune system;
- normalize the work of the digestive tract, kidneys, spleen, bile;
- cope with asthma, as well as bronchitis.
Poultices are used to treat sciatica, arthritis, osteochondrosis and joint pain. If there are problems with the throat, then special compresses are made. The healing properties of the golden mustache include its unique ability to cope with all kinds of tumors. With this therapy, many have achieved success in combating:
- mastopathy;
- hemorrhoids;
- tonsillitis;
- periodontal disease / periodontitis;
- anemia;
- gout;
- impotence;
- varicose veins;
- Parkinson's disease;
- cystitis.
Tinctures and juice perfectly heals skin inflammation, which manifests itself in the form of acne, boils, ulcers, corns and acne. Wounds after operations are healed in a few months. Burns with such lotions go away much faster. To prepare the ointment, take 1 part of the juice and mix with 3 hours of any baby cream / fat. Store the drug in the refrigerator.
The leaves and tendrils of the crop are of the greatest value. It is from them that priceless fresh is obtained. It is used exclusively fresh, with a shelf life of up to 2 days.
Rule "3B" - "God protects those who are careful"
Indoor flower has a powerful effect on the body. Because of this, it is the most dangerous drug. Therefore, ointments, decoctions, tinctures, as well as fresh callisia juice are used with extreme caution. You should never exceed the prescribed dosage rate. The first signs of poisoning are:
- swelling;
- damage to the vocal cords;
- poisoning;
- allergic rash;
- headache.
Can't be healed callisia small children who are not yet 7 years old. Nursing mothers, pregnant women and men with a diagnosis of prostate adenoma are also prohibited.
Studies show that the healing properties of the golden mustache are amazing. Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from this tropical plant. However, they should be taken according to a certain system. Some of them are shown in the video below.