Treatment of Kalanchoe colds in children

The use of Kalanchoe for the common cold From the very beginning, the plant was brought to Russia from overseas countries, namely, as a mysterious medicinal plant that helped save the sailor from tropical fever. When the plant took root like a houseplant, its beauty was revealed. Let's figure out how Kalanchoe can be treated. Are there any contraindications for the use of medicinal juice. It should be noted that among the numerous varieties, only Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremona are medicinal plants.

Read also the article: medicinal properties of Kalanchoe!

In what cases is Kalanchoe treatment used?

Kalanchoe pinnate - an excellent remedy for colds

Most often, the plant is simultaneously with diluted juice Luke used for colds and colds. Effective against and with chronic manifestations of the disease. It is effectively used because it has:

  • antiseptic properties;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • promotes blood clotting;
  • clears wounds from suppuration;
  • helps to heal wounds.

Kalanchoe juice is sold at the pharmacyThe use of Kalanchoe juice for rhinitis is effective in both children and adults. To do this, the gauze flagellum is moistened with Kalanchoe juice and the mucous membranes are wiped several times a day. You can prepare a decoction from the leaves of the plant. In this case, the broth should be infused for several hours and in a warm form can be used for instillation into the child's nose. This helps in fluid production and prevents complications. The broth of Kalanchoe in the child's nose must be carefully instilled so that the dropper does not injure the spinning and crying baby.

Otolaryngologists suggest instilling Kalanchoe juice into the nose as a prophylactic agent before an epidemic of acute respiratory infections and flu.

For children from a cold, a decoction of Kalanchoe leaves is drippedIt is necessary to understand that it is for children that the broth is most suitable for alleviating the condition. The broth does not burn the mucous membrane and relieves the condition of the child. At the same time, Kalanchoe treats a runny nose in children very effectively and without converting inflammation into a chronic form. However, pure juice has a slight pungency. The delicate mucous membrane of babies may suffer. Therefore, it is not recommended for children to bury Kalanchoe juice from a cold.

Adults can use pure fresh juice to relieve a cold. At the same time, you need to bury 4 drops twice a day in each hole in the morning and evening. As a means of preventing complications, Kalanchoe from sinusitis is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of a common cold.

The use of Kalanchoe will prevent the development of sinusitisFor the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, fresh juice is used at a dilution of 1: 5. It is buried in the nose and ears or gargle for sore throat or other ENT diseases. Even electrophoresis is carried out with a solution of Kalanchoe juice. The ability of Kalanchoe juice to cleanse the skin has long been known. Therefore, the use of the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe in this direction is very developed.

Kalanchoe can be used in tinctures, broths, ointments and in the form of juice in many cases:

  1. For skin rashes and eczema and other surface lesions.
  2. It is used as a choleretic agent, to reduce heartburn, in inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. In the treatment of infections, including trophic ulcers and other long-term purulent processes.
  4. In case of eye diseases, treatment is carried out under the supervision and on the recommendation of a specialized doctor.
  5. With varicose veins in the legs.

Treatment of skin diseases

It is necessary to use the juice and pulp of Kalanchoe leavesThe use of the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe on the skin in the form of a crushed mass is used to stop blood from a fresh wound. The action is aimed at accelerating blood clotting. Crushed fresh leaves are applied to neoplasms to treat papillomas and warts. These are viral skin diseases that are difficult to treat.

Kalanchoe extract maskIn other cases, Kalanchoe juice is used. At the same time, relief comes even with such a formidable disease as erysipelas of the skin. It is an infectious disease that is difficult to treat. In traditional medicine, the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe are used and dosage forms have been created in the form of tinctures, ointments and juices. For the production of medicinal compositions, the stem and leaves of the plant are used. At the same time, for the effectiveness of the drug, forms are developed with the inclusion of other components. The advantage of the medicinal Kalanchoe is that it has practically no contraindications.

Internal Organs Treatment

Preparation of a medicine for the stomachPhysicians are wary of using Kalanchoe preparations for the treatment of the internal cavity. However, it must be remembered that in their homeland the natives used this plant inside, drank its juice if necessary and were not afraid. At the present time, drugs have been created for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the stomach and on the mucous tissues of the intestine.

Its effectiveness in the process of epithelial restoration has already been confirmed. However, self-medication in this case is unacceptable. But with exhausting heartburn, the eaten leaf of this plant stops the unpleasant process in minutes. It is believed that Kalanchoe is a good choleretic drug. It can also be used in inflammatory processes that there are no substances irritating the mucous membrane in the Kalanchoe.

Varicose Veins Treatment

Kalanchoe pinnate is used in the treatment of varicose veins in the legsAnother formidable disease that is difficult to treat and associated with an improper lifestyle is varicose veins. In this case, the veins protrude on the surface of the legs, create nodes or a subcutaneous mesh. This is not only ugly, but fraught with serious consequences, including amputation of the leg. Kalanchoe tincture on alcohol is applied to the legs, starting from the feet up. The pain is relieved quickly, but it takes patient daily work for 4 months to remove the nodes. This does not require a traumatic operation.

It can be treated by applying a gauze bandage with a mass of crushed leaves on the protruding bumps. Relief comes quickly. The main thing is that during the long-term application of compresses and infusions, useful substances penetrate through the skin, and the whole body gets nourishment.

Leaves of adult plants are used for medicinal purposes.Treatment of Kalanchoe for gynecological problems is associated with its properties of suppressing infection and restoring cell division, tightening wounds and destroying dead cells. Based on the usefulness of the plant, we can conclude that Kalanchoe should be in every family.

Kalanchoe with stomach ulcer - video


