Treatment of mastitis in a goat at home
Every dairy goat owner is concerned about the health of the nurse's udder. Inflammation of the udder, mastitis in a goat can be treated at home, but this process is long, painful, lactation is disturbed. Microbes and bacteria cannot be removed from the body by warming up and rubbing - long-term drug treatment is required.
Signs of mastitis
There are lumps, mucus, ichor need to sound the alarm, the reason for the inclusions is signs of mastitis in a goat, start treatment. The sooner the problem is detected, the easier and without consequences mastitis can be cured.
Most animals suffer from a subclinical, latent form, which is determined by the following signs:
- slight compaction of one of the lobes of the udder; during massage, the animal does not bother the animal;
- clots block the exit from the nipple at the beginning of milking;
- clots, strands, lumps during milking clog the canal, and milk comes out with difficulty;
- unpleasant residues on the gauze when cleaning milk;
- sediment at the bottom of the dishes;
- milk turns sour on the first day, subject to hygiene;
- the milk is bitter.
Any of these signs requires starting treatment for mastitis in goats, just like treatment cow mastitis... Infected milk will not bring health to the goat and people.
Milk must be destroyed, it is contagious, however, it must be donated, as often as possible, simultaneously with treatment.
Acute mastitis will not make you doubt the diagnosis:
- a stone udder that weakens slightly towards the end of milking;
- milk becomes scarce, burns out;
- flakes, lumps, mucus, ichor remain on the gauze.
Otherwise, even with an acute illness, the goat behaves normally. But if mastitis in a goat is not treated at home, the udder becomes denser, increases, and the lymph nodes become inflamed. Gangrene develops in the udder, the abscess expands, and the death of the animal is possible.
Prevention of mastitis in goats
If the animal in the past lambing has already had mastitis, there is a high probability that the dormant bacteria in the body will begin to multiply again. Therefore, preventive drug treatment is carried out in advance, even before lambing.
If the goat has stopped constantly chewing, then her digestion is impaired. For recovery, it is necessary to give roughage, vitamins B1, B6, B12 in turn, as prescribed by the veterinarian.
During the onset of lactation, the most favorable time to resume or to develop illness. In order not to treat mastitis in a goat after lambing, it is necessary to create conditions that prevent the disease:
- The place of keeping the new calf should be free of drafts.
- Change the bedding in the barn daily, do not regret it, lay it in a thick layer.
- Donate milk completely so that there are no stagnant zones in the udder.
- Give only warm water and swill.
- After the end of milking, disinfect the nipples so that an infection does not penetrate through them, lubricate them with Vaseline so that the skin does not dry out.
At the first suspicion of mastitis in a goat after lambing, start treatment with folk remedies and call a veterinarian to prescribe antibiotics. The earlier the disease is detected, the faster the goat's body will cope with it.The entire course can take 5 days and permanently rid the animal of infection.
Dirty litter and drafts are not the only factors that can lead to mastitis. Goat before lambing should be in gentle conditions. The animal should not lie on cold ground, walk in snowy or rainy, windy weather, be in a barn at temperatures below 100 FROM.
When milking, do not pinch the nipples, do not carry out full-fledged care and massage of the udder. Protect the udder from bruises, scratches and cuts. Unsuccessful prolonged labor can also lead to udder inflammation.
An unbalanced feed, lack or lack of roughage and root crops can lead to the same result. It is important not to overfeed the goats with grain mixtures and compound feed.
How to properly treat mastitis in goats
If the disease is not defeated in the acute stage, it will turn into a chronic form and will return with each new lactation. At the same time, milk will become less, active passages die off and the udder becomes smaller. All this should force the owner to cure the animal at the time of the onset of primary mastitis.
Experts warn that folk remedies, ointments, warming up only alleviate the condition of the animal, but they are not able to overcome the infection. Treatment of mastitis in a goat after lambing with folk remedies is ineffective.
The doctor prescribes strong antibiotics for intramuscular injection only. If the compassionate hostess replaces the injections with tablets, after a short time diseases of the gastrointestinal tract will arise - the tablets will kill the microflora that facilitates the digestion of food. There will be no benefit from the pills, they will decompose and will not go where they should.
The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the state of health of the animal. It is rational to prescribe treatment based on the results of the identified bacterial strain, so as not to carry out several courses.
But the effect of antibiotics on animals is the same as on humans. The intestinal microflora is disturbed, appetite disappears. The animal becomes lethargic. Therefore, simultaneously with the injections, the doctor prescribes supportive treatment, and his recommendations should be followed.
If the goat has lost its gum as a result of the treatment of mastitis, it is necessary to stimulate the work of the scar with the help of an ASD-2 solution, soldering it in the prescribed dose. At the same time it is necessary to massage the scar and stop antibiotic treatment.
Folk remedies used in the treatment of mastitis
It is very effective to treat spherical indurations in the chilled lobe of the udder after lambing with a gentle massage. It happens that such seals in the udder do not bother the animal much, then they can gradually be kneaded. Others are an abscess with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, mastitis in a goat with an abscess at home will be cured with ichthyol ointment. In the absence of such an abscess, calendula flowers with petroleum jelly will cope with an abscess. If you use ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky's ointment will be required to heal the wound after the release of pus. Calendula with petroleum jelly will deal with two problems.
Dry calendula flowers or alcohol tincture are mixed with petroleum jelly in a 1: 5 ratio, rubbing in porcelain or glass dishes. You can prepare such a composition for future use, store it in a cool, dark place in a closed jar.