Best Mustard Hair Mask Recipes
It accelerates the growth of strands, gives them a delightful shine and removes grease. Such a triple effect is provided by a hair mask with mustard, which contains biologically active substances necessary for the life of the follicles. Moreover, if you carry out such cosmetic procedures every week, then, as a result, the process of loss slows down, and the roots become as strong as possible.
The whole secret of such a miracle lies in the burning property of this herbaceous plant. By irritating and warming up the scalp, the main components of the seasoning provide intensive blood circulation to the hair follicles. So, nutrients enter the follicles, which are in an almost dying state, and activate their activity.
Spice treatments should not be done if the woman has too sensitive skin or allergies. They are also prohibited in the last stages of pregnancy. Contraindications are wounds, scratches and other inflammatory processes on the skin.
Pantry recipes
Stress, illness, unbalanced diet, and aggressive grooming of your strands have a devastating effect on them. Curls fade and lose their natural strength. It should be understood that the first step is to eliminate the cause of the loss. And only then throw all your strength into maintaining (slowing down) baldness. Long-term studies have shown that for hair, mustard is one of the most powerful products. It has a number of medicinal properties:
- removes dandruff;
- stimulates growth (plus 10-15 cm during the winter);
- eliminates fragility and split ends;
- promotes the formation of new bulbs;
- gives a lively and rich shine to the hairstyle;
- acts as a scrub (removes keratinized particles).
The essence of the process is that each cell is saturated with oxygen and receives a sufficient amount of nutrients. But it's important not to forget that this is just a seasoning. Therefore, too frequent and unbalanced use of it will lead to overdried strands and skin injury. Mustard is an "aggressive" and pungent product, so it is important to add soothing oils to any mask recipe for hair growth. Preference should be given:
- olive;
- burdock;
- castor;
- sea buckthorn;
- sunflower;
- almond.
It is recommended to use sour cream, yogurt or kefir as "extinguishing" components. Below are proven recipes and technologies for making effective mixtures. In this case, it is important to select the components depending on your hair type.The dosages and time intervals for procedures must be treated very scrupulously. It is possible to decrease these indicators, but in no case to increase them. Neglecting this can lead to rashes, irritation, brittleness and dryness.
For hair, you need to use only dry mustard. Common store seasoning contains many additives, stabilizers and emulsifiers. Experimenting with it can lead to dire consequences.
Basic rules of procedure
Balance and discernment are two principles on which the success of cosmetic procedures depends. Before making a mustard hair mask, it is important to familiarize yourself with the mandatory rules for its use.Cosmetologists note the following points in the process of applying this therapeutic mixture:
- frequency - once every 7-10 days and no more;
- the holding period on the head is up to half an hour. At the first application, no more than 10 minutes. With each subsequent session, it increases by 3-4 minutes;
- you need to wrap it up with polyethylene, and on top with a terry towel;
- apply to dirty and dry curls (softened skin is too sensitive);
- avoid getting a hair mask with mustard on sensitive areas: eyes, face and neck;
- feeling an unbearable burning sensation, wash off immediately. After all the manipulations, soften the skin with vegetable oil.
Adhering to such elementary advice, a woman will get the maximum effect, and not harm herself. From these requirements, it is necessary to extract the essence, and then apply in other beauty events.
Very carefully, such burning procedures should be carried out for people suffering from hypertension. In just a few minutes, the maximum number of blood cells reaches the head. This can cause unwanted spikes in blood pressure.
With honey
To awaken drowsy bulbs, it is advised to apply a hair mask with mustard and honey. Here is the algorithm for its preparation:
- dry mixture (1 tsp) seasoning is diluted with warm water. The consistency is thick, similar to sour cream;
- garlic juice;
- liquid honey;
- aloe;
- onion juice.
Each part should be 15 ml (1 tbsp. L.). Everything is thoroughly mixed to form a creamy suspension. It should be warm so that the most important organ does not catch cold. Some people want instant results, but without much effort. There is such a method, but it cannot be abused. A mask for oily hair with mustard in a company with alcohol can work wonders. However, it is applied only for 5-7 minutes. It includes:
- half glasses of a skate or vodka;
- tea spoon honey;
- 1 tbsp. l. the main component (spices).
Lightly rub the composition into the roots. It should only be used by girls whose head turns fat every 1-2 days. After all, such a "collection" of the strongest ingredients stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands, reducing their intense secretion. Excessive dryness can lead to seborrhea.
Egg and honey
A hair mask based on mustard, honey and eggs will help to add a stunning shine and make the hairstyle obedient. The health-improving effect and good nutrition are provided due to:
- almond oil (1 tsp);
- fermented milk product (half a glass of sour cream, cream, yogurt or kefir);
- a teaspoon of honey;
- rosemary ether (up to 5 drops);
- one egg yolk.
A tablespoon of powdered spice is dissolved in sour cream, if desired, in another liquid. Then honey is added there in a thin stream, as well as well-beaten yolk. When the suspension is ready, essential oil is dripped into it. In this case, the resulting slurry should be evenly distributed over the entire head area.
On kefir
A gentle option for delicate skin is a hair mask with mustard and kefir, which is applied to the full length. It is essential oils that soften and nourish individual strands. Add to a tablespoon of seasoning:
- honey;
- almond or apricot (pitted) oil;
- pounded egg yolk;
- 30 ml of kefir.
The last component can be replaced with yogurt. When stirring, you need to grind the lumps to get a homogeneous thick mass. Warm up slightly in the microwave before use.
Wash off the rest of the mixture with warm water. However, it is then important to rinse the strands with a cool shower.
With added sugar
There is an interesting pattern in nature - some components enhance the actions of others. So, in tandem with mustard, sugar is often used to make a hair mask. The burning sensation will become more noticeable, and the result will be noticeable much faster. You can prepare this mixture in this way:
- heat up 2 tbsp. l. liquids (water or kefir);
- dissolve dry mustard in it (30 g);
- dilute 2 tsp in vegetable or castor oil. Sahara;
- Mix all ingredients well.
Fermented milk products soften the impact of aggressive components. Therefore, such compositions can be intensively rubbed into the roots. The strands themselves should be lubricated with a heated "cocktail" of oils:
- burdock and olive;
- castor and sea buckthorn;
- almond and rosemary.
In this way, split ends can be cured. You can also add an egg to this hair mask, which perfectly complements the mustard. The resulting combination provides the bulbs with nutrients.
Do not dilute powder products in boiling water. Otherwise, toxic essential oils will start to be released from the herb.
Oil mixtures
The downside of spices is that they lead to dehydration of curls and skin. Therefore, they should not be abused. In this regard, there is a need to prepare a hair mask based on mustard and burdock oil. Two highly effective folk remedies will relieve a woman of annoying fat content, and also accelerate the growth of curls, strengthening weakened bulbs. To prepare an oil mixture you will need:
- burdock oil heated to 35-40 ° C (in a water bath it is enough to hold it for 1-2 minutes);
- seasoning diluted in warm water (in a ratio of 1: 1), you should get a creamy consistency;
- mix immediately and pour ether into the resulting mass.
This is the main composition of the components. If desired, it can be diversified with other nutritious ingredients using the following mustard hair mask recipe. To the above components are also added 2 tbsp. l .:
- sour cream (can be replaced with homemade mayonnaise);
- 1-2 teaspoons of sugar;
- one chicken egg yolk.
If you get a very thick mixture, then you need to dilute it a little with warm water. Thanks to these components, the hairstyle will become more voluminous, and dull strands will become shining.
Apply to roots preferably with a paint brush. This will help ensure even distribution of the slurry.
Using yeast
The fermentation process has a positive effect on the structure of the strands, as well as the vital activity of the follicles. It is not for nothing that many experts advise using bread to give the curls a healthy look. Therefore, it is worth using a hair mask with yeast and mustard, even despite the duration of its preparation. The blanks take place in several stages:
- heat kefir (milk) to room temperature;
- stir 15 g of yeast in it;
- add granulated sugar;
- leave for half an hour to ferment;
- when air bubbles appear, add mustard, as well as honey (1 tsp of each ingredient).
A gentle massage should be done while rubbing into the scalp. Circular motions promote excellent absorption of nutrients. At the same time, the maximum amount of healing elements gets into the pores.
Against falling out
There are several essential beauty vitamins in nature. Among them, vitamin E is considered the most significant. These molecular compounds restore the damaged structure of the strands and protect them from the harmful effects of environmental factors. A hair mask with mustard is widely used against hair loss, as it strengthens barely "breathing" hairs. The healing composition can be prepared from the following homemade products:
- black tea 30 ml (it must be firmly certified);
- a salt spoon of a hot powder;
- whipped yolk.
The strong drink serves as a breeding ground for the awakening of the bulbs. Colorless henna is an excellent means of preventing alopecia. Hair mask is prepared from dry mustard and henna. Powdered natural products are mixed and then poured over with warm liquid. A homogeneous mass is applied to the roots for only 30 minutes. You can wear a hat as insulation.
Gelatin or blue clay will be a great addition to the seasoning.All components are added in equal amounts.
For washing
Millions of girls regularly use oil masks. But there is one problem. After them it is impossible to wash your head, even in several passes. The remains of fat still remain on the strands. Therefore, hairdressers offer an alternative option - washing your hair with mustard. It is she who successfully replaces shampoo or conditioner. To prepare such an exotic mixture, a girl will need:
- two or three tbsp. l. (with a slide) hot seasoning;
- 1.5 cups of heated liquid;
- 1 tsp granulated sugar.
All this must first be mixed and only then begin to beat until foam forms. In this case, some use a whisk or an ordinary bottle, shaking the mixture. The resulting foam is massaged into the head, spreading it over its entire length. Rinse off homemade shampoo preferably with an air shower. Before you wash your hair with mustard, it is important to check if there are any wounds or inflammatory lesions on the head. Otherwise, these scratches will turn red, leading to severe skin irritation.
Women's dream of strong luxurious curls is not so out of reach. Several standard recipes for the above mustard hair masks will help restore diseased bulbs, remove grease and give curls a shine. The results will exceed all expectations.