Apple mask: useful properties, effective recipes, contraindications
A properly prepared apple mask contains a whole range of vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. The use of this product for cosmetic purposes helps to cope with inflammation on the skin, smooth out small wrinkles, improve complexion, and lighten pigmentation. To achieve good results, it is worthwhile to properly prepare a home remedy and follow the recommendations for its application.
Beneficial features
These fruits contain the following substances:
- retinol;
- potassium;
- folic acid;
- iron;
- vitamin C;
- phylloquinone;
- fruit acids.
Thanks to the unique set of ingredients, apple masks allow you to get the following results:
- soothe the skin and stop inflammation;
- achieve a moisturizing effect;
- cope with peeling;
- destroy pathogenic microflora;
- reduce the synthesis of subcutaneous fat;
- protect the skin from the negative influence of external factors;
- achieve a rejuvenating effect and smooth wrinkles;
- whiten age spots;
- achieve a pronounced antioxidant effect;
- cope with swelling;
- activate local blood circulation;
- improve the supply of oxygen to the cells of the dermis;
- achieve a pronounced tonic effect;
- maintain adequate moisture in the dermis;
- stimulate the production of elastin and collagen;
- make the skin more elastic.
Indications for using apple mask
An apple face mask is shown in such situations:
- inflammatory skin lesions;
- microcracks;
- increased dryness of the dermis;
- enlarged pores;
- wilting of the epithelium;
- pigmentation and freckles.
Apple mask and the rules for its preparation
In order for an apple face mask at home to be beneficial, it is important to adhere to these recommendations:
- For homemade masks, it is allowed to use different varieties of apples. However, women with normal to oily skin should choose acidic fruits. At the same time, sweet varieties of fruits are more suitable for owners of dry dermis.
- It is recommended to prepare the composition immediately before application. After peeling and processing, apples are oxidized in a short time and acquire a dark shade. After 30 minutes, the loss of beneficial properties begins.
- Fruits grown in the local climate are ideal for making masks. Imported fruits are treated with chemicals to help increase shelf life.
- Before use, apples should be washed well and wiped dry.
- A large number of valuable components are found under the skin. Therefore, apples can be used unpeeled.
- For the manufacture of masks, raw fruits are most often used, since they contain a maximum of useful ingredients. However, there are recipes with baked fruits.
If you don't have time to prepare the mask, you can take a slice of fresh apple and rub your face thoroughly for 10 minutes. This treatment helps to restore the natural skin tone.
Effective recipes
A variety of masks can be prepared based on apples. Other fruits, dairy products, honey, healthy oils are added to the composition of such funds.
Apple with honey
The apple and honey face mask is suitable for those with dry and aging skin. With the help of the fruit, it is possible to saturate the dermis with vitamins, and honey makes it smoother and more elastic.
To get a healthy product, it is recommended to take mashed potatoes from 1 apple, add 10 ml of melted honey, 10 g of oat flour and 5 g of cinnamon. The product is recommended to be applied to dry and cleansed skin, performing massaging movements. After 15 minutes, you can wash with water.
Due to the presence of cinnamon and oatmeal in the product, the skin is not only saturated with nutrients, but also perfectly cleansed.
After applying the mask, the dermis breathes better and fully absorbs the components of the creams.
Sour cream and apple mask
Sour cream and apple face mask is suitable for normal to dry skin. This remedy can be made on the basis of the pulp of 1 fruit and 10 ml of sour cream. It is recommended to mix the components until a homogeneous consistency and apply on the face. After 10-15 minutes you can wash your face.
For skin whitening, mix the pulp of 1 apple and 1 cucumber with 10 ml of sour cream. The finished composition is recommended to be applied to the face for a quarter of an hour and rinsed off.
Apple and starch mask
Face mask with starch, lemon, apple helps to cope with skin aging. The combination of ingredients helps to tighten and smooth the dermis. Also, the agent has a whitening effect and tones the epithelium.
To prepare the mask, you need to mix 20 g of starch, 5 ml of lemon juice and 10 g of applesauce. This composition has pronounced whitening properties.
Baked apple
A baked apple face mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin. To achieve good results, it is recommended to bake the fruits in the oven for 20 minutes, cool and peel.
Then mix the pulp with the beaten egg white and apply to your face. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash your face. This is best done with cool water. Then it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
Apple and banana mask
This product has strong cleansing properties, helps to soften the skin and cope with inflammation. To do this, it is recommended to mix 10 g of applesauce and pulp banana... Also, add 1 yolk and 5 ml of lemon juice to the composition.
The ingredients should be mixed thoroughly and applied to the face. After the mask has dried, it is recommended to wash it off with water and wipe the skin with lotion or tonic.
Contraindications for using the apple mask
Apple masks practically do not cause allergic reactions. However, some people have individual sensitivity. Therefore, before using the product, it is worth applying a small amount of the composition to the wrist. After a quarter of an hour, you need to evaluate the reaction. If there is no redness, the mask can be used.
Apples contain a lot of fruit acids. Therefore, products based on these fruits should be used with great care by people with sensitive or injured skin.
Apple masks are highly effective. They help smooth the skin, saturate it with nutrients, and cope with wrinkles. To achieve good results, you should strictly follow the rules for the preparation and use of such funds.