Wheat Germ Oil Benefits and Uses
Among the herbal products used for healing, rejuvenating and maintaining natural beauty, wheat germ oil is in one of the first places. The sprouts have a powerful energy that they transmit to the human body. The usefulness of the cold-pressed oil is confirmed by experts from various industries and recommend using it to saturate organs and systems with nutrients and improve the structure of hair and skin.
Wheat germ oil properties and uses
- To protect the body from diseases and external negative environmental influences, wheat germ oil contains unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, 6, 9 and antioxidants squalene, octacosanol.
- To strengthen the immune system, the product contains vitamins B, + C, A, E, D, etc.
- An amino acid complex consisting of lecithin and allantoin helps to eliminate inflammation and fight harmful bacteria.
- A diverse microelement composition provides balanced tissue nutrition, cell regeneration, and has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis.
As a result, the regular use of wheatgrass oil has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It prevents aging, renews cells of internal organs, skin, hair. The combination of beneficial substances is optimal in order to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, therefore it is included in the composition of means for losing weight and correcting defects in appearance.
Due to its beneficial properties and breadth of application, wheat germ oil is a popular product in cooking, cosmetology, and medicine. It is affordable for everyone, it can be purchased in pharmacies, stores and ordered on the Internet on the official websites of manufacturers.
Using wheat germ oil to fight ailments
Indications for the use of the product are various diseases and the prevention of the onset of pathologies. Wheat sprout oil is a prophylactic agent for the development of anemia and hypertension, heart attacks and strokes, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, coronary artery disease, diabetic retinopathy, hemorrhoids.
As a remedy, it is used for a number of serious diseases:
- type 2 diabetes (stimulates the production of insulin);
- with impaired vision and joint diseases, problems of the skeletal system and teeth (vitamin D);
- diseases of the reproductive system and weak potency (phytosterols and fatty acids);
- pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
- for the treatment of wounds, acne, and other skin defects;
- in order to eliminate inflammatory processes;
- to improve the structure and health of hair, nails.
It is recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers to add wheat germ oil to their food, as it helps to carry a healthy baby and prevents many infant diseases.
About the benefits of the product for treatment procedures
Wheat germ oil for face is a complex with which you can get rid of dermatological defects, even out the color and structure of the skin. It has a rejuvenating effect due to its regenerative properties, relieves dryness of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes.
Notable face masks consist of a combination of various natural ingredients. Their harmonious combination enhances the effects and solves several problems at once:
- From withering of the skin, wheat germ oil is combined with essential oils of mint, sandalwood, orange in a proportion of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of basic wheat plus a drop of the rest. It is applied on a napkin and applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after the excess is blotted.
- For problem skin, as well as for acne and acne, the composition is used: wheat sprout plus essential clove, lavender and cedar. In the same proportions as in the first mask.
- A combination of base wheat plus esters of juniper, lemon and bergamot is used against freckles and pigments.
- Against puffiness and wrinkles under the eyes - base with rose ether in combination with 1 tbsp. spoon and two drops of pink.
- For dry skin, it is necessary to use the product in its pure form, lubricating problem areas with oil. Undiluted, the product can also be used to cleanse the face.
There are recipes for the care of oily, sensitive, combination skin. How to combine ingredients in masks should be consulted with a beautician. The advice of a specialist will allow you not to harm the skin, which has structural features.
How sprout oil works on hair and eyelashes
It is recommended to use wheat germ oil for hair in pure and diluted form:
- To accelerate growth and get rid of fragility, germ oil is added to ready-made cosmetics. The combination should be in equal parts - one part of shampoo or conditioner and one part of the product. The procedure should be done 35-40 minutes before washing, after application, put on a plastic cap.
- To stimulate the bulbs, wheat oil is combined with peach and almond oil (1 tablespoon + one teaspoon each).
- The use of undiluted wheat germ oil helps to awaken the dormant bulbs. The procedure is done at night. Shampooing is done in the morning.
- Wheat and coconut oil for dry hair acts as a moisturizing, regenerating agent, effectively affecting the hair follicles and stems.
Wheat germ oil for eyelashes is a means to stimulate hair growth, nourish follicles, give thickness and natural shine to the eyelashes:
- The product is applied in its pure form from the middle of the hair thread, it is distributed independently throughout the hair. At the same time, it gets into the roots and on the skin of the eyelid, which will benefit the entire environment of the eye. This optimal application prevents the solution from getting on the mucous membrane. Manipulation must be done with a mascara brush, previously thoroughly washed.
- For convenience, it is better to place the oil in an empty tube from under the mascara, cleaned with a solution of diluted laundry soap. This is a user-friendly and hygienic method.
- The consistency of wheat germ oil is thick, so it is recommended to use it in combination with other oils. The optimal combination would be castor, burdock, sea buckthorn, linseed, peach.
- A useful addition to the composition will be pharmacy vitamin E, designed to protect your eyelashes from various ailments.
Experts and users speak of wheat germ oil as a unique tool that helps to become beautiful and younger. The advantages of this product are ease of use and absolute safety. Almost each of the recommended formulations can be used daily and in long courses. This is a prerequisite for successfully dealing with various health and physical problems.
Contraindications to the use of the product are individual intolerance. It is necessary to use oil inside with caution for those who have been diagnosed with gallstone and urolithiasis.