Coriander honey - sweetness and danger in the spicy taste of the East

coriander honey Can sweets be tasty and healthy at the same time? Of course, if you regularly consume coriander honey. Although it has a specific flavor, many people love it for its spicy aroma and caramel aftertaste. Among other things, its amber or light brown shade will not leave anyone indifferent.

The amazing color is due to the fact that cilantro flowers contain a huge amount of iron compounds, as well as manganese.

storing coriander honey

After 1-2 months, the viscous mass begins to crystallize, acquiring a coarse-grained structure. At the same time, it does not become hard, but retains all its elasticity and softness. It is noteworthy that coriander honey does not lose its nutritional and taste properties for several years. This unique feature suggests that it has antibacterial properties. Nevertheless, before introducing this healthy sweetness from the East into the diet of your family, it is worth learning a little more about it.

Coriander honey: the subtleties of "production"

coriander blossomsAn outstanding and very useful product is a rarity. The reason is that you can't call coriander a honey plant. Often bees collect the nectar from the cilantro flowers last, when there is no other "food" around. A sharp, specific odor repels more than attracts insects.

Apiary owners are trying to plant huge plantations with cilantro. Then the bees have no other choice but to "cultivate" the lands offered to them. During the flowering period, beekeepers remove all feed from the hives.

collecting nectarBeekeepers start pumping "liquid amber" in June and finish in August. At the same time, up to 200 kg of coriander honey can be obtained from 1 hectare. Still, it is worth considering if the product has a non-amber tint, then it contains additives or nectar from other herbs.

Chemical composition of cilantro honey: 5 groups of substances

coriander compositionTo appreciate the beneficial properties of coriander honey, you need to look into its composition. Such an analysis will show why it is used in the treatment of complex diseases, as well as pathologies. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the body's immune system. Many will be interested to know that some of the main components can be determined by the external characteristics of the substance:

  1. A spicy odor as well as a medicinal taste indicates the presence of volatile oily compounds. There are about 10 varieties of them.
  2. A dark shade indicates the content of trace elements and minerals. The amber color is due to the high content of copper and manganese, while the brown color is due to the iron content. In total, there are about 300 of them in coriander honey. Some make up only a fraction of a percent.
  3. Vitamins of groups B, C and PP cannot be determined by external signs.
  4. Protein protein and carotene. In addition to being a pigment and giving the substance its orange color, it is also responsible for the formation of vitamin A in the body.
  5. Lactic, nicotinic, citric and malic organic acids. These compounds are needed to maintain the acid-base balance. They also have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body.

vitamins and minerals in cilantro

100 g contains 309-314 kcal, that is, more than 1314 kJ. More than 81 g are for carbohydrates, and 0.8 g for proteins. There is absolutely no fat in it. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for those who are overweight.

Thanks to this composition, this oriental sweetness is used in various spheres of human life. Cosmetology, traditional medicine and cooking are the three areas in which coriander honey is widely used. Its benefits and harms have long been known to the inhabitants of the East. It is this fact that explains why they suffer less from colds, as well as impotence.

Benefits of coriander honey - strength in every drop

improving health with coriander honeyAs noted earlier, regular consumption of the product strengthens the body's defense system - immunity. The blood, as well as many other organs, begin to produce cells much more intensively, capable of recognizing foreign / harmful substances. In addition, immune mechanisms systematically remove aged tissues from the body, as well as cells that have failed. This is the main line of possibilities for cilantro honey. Experts also note other healing properties:

  1. Choleretic. The components included in the composition contribute to the production of bile. This increases appetite and improves digestion.improving the functioning of the gallbladder
  2. Expectorant. It is recommended to dissolve honey for bronchitis and tracheitis. This procedure contributes to the timely removal of sputum, as well as its rapid liquefaction.treats bronchitis
  3. Regenerating. Applying the product to the skin, wound or abrasion heals / restores damaged tissue.heals wounds
  4. Antiseptic. Destroys bacteria, microbes and fungal formations in the body, as well as on the skin.destroys bacteria
  5. Pain reliever. It successfully relieves pain and spasms by relaxing muscles.

Scientists have discovered the beneficial effects of coriander nectar on the cardiovascular system. Trace elements and minerals of the herbal product improve the condition of blood vessels, contributing to their expansion. improves the condition of blood vesselsThey restore the integrity of the walls at the molecular level.

Cilantro honey is prized for its high percentage of iron compounds. Therefore, it is very useful for anemic patients. In addition, it removes cholesterol and long-term deposits from the body.

Experts point out that it serves as an adjuvant in the treatment of many diseases. This will especially interest the male half of the population. The composition of the beekeeping product includes elements that increase potency, and most importantly, increase sexual desire in men. However, its use can be dangerous in some situations.

To whom is coriander honey contraindicated?

with diabetes, coriander honey is contraindicatedBefore using this "gift of nature" in treatment, it is worth checking how the body perceives its components. In some cases, this is manifested by an allergic reaction, and sometimes - by individual intolerance. At the same time, there are specific contraindications to the use of coriander honey:

  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • age restrictions - up to 2 years;
  • hypotension;
  • the last stages of obesity;
  • allergy.

Experts have determined the daily intake of honey. The maximum dose for adults is 100 g, and for babies (up to 7 years old) - 30 g.

It is important to always "listen" to your body. Sometimes a person may not know about a particular problem. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually introduce coriander honey into the menu of your family. The first symptoms of the problem may be as follows:

  • discomfort in the intestines or stomach;
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing;
  • a rash / urticaria appears on the body.

In such cases, they are removed from the diet. beekeeping products... If necessary, the stomach and intestines are washed. Then they turn to a specialist.

Especially carefully it is eaten during the treatment with medicines. Very often, strong preparations are incompatible with the components of honey, because it is a natural antibiotic. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Storage features

storing honey in glass jarsTo preserve the medicinal properties of a product, it is important to properly contain it.The basic requirements for the place: it must be dry, cool and without access to sunlight. It is forbidden to keep containers in the refrigerator. The optimum temperature fluctuation is from 4 to 16˚С. At + 35 ° C, copper and iron compounds begin to split.

coriander honey in plastic jarsStore coriander honey in a glass container, which is sealed. You can also use plastic bottles for these purposes, but not metal containers. Otherwise, the viscous mass turns into a poisonous and life-threatening poison.

Understanding all the subtleties of use and storage, as well as knowing about contraindications, you can successfully use the unusually sweet cilantro honey.

Acquaintance with coriander honey - video


