Instructions for the use of copper sulfate in different fields

crystals of copper sulfate A unique product for use in various spheres of life ━ copper sulfate, the instructions for use to which depend on the specific case. This substance effectively fights fungus, bacteria and other pests. The gardeners and builders managed to appreciate the composition. The drug is sold in pharmacies, which indicates its benefits in medicine. Already many people buy it for various needs.

Copper sulfate against mold from fungus on the walls

copper sulfate against fungus on the wall

Treating the contaminated surface with copper sulfate will help get rid of these unpleasant effects. In addition to following the instructions for using copper sulfate, you must first prepare the wall for the upcoming processing:

  1. Remove wallpaper and other decorative finishing materials.
  2. Remove the layer of plaster damaged by the fungus with a spatula.
  3. Before using copper sulfate against mold and mildew, you should clean it with sandpaper or a metal brush. Together with this, it is important to use chlorine-based products, for example: for 5 liters of water, 500 grams of salt, 500 grams of soda and 5 tbsp. l. shavings from laundry soap.

It is recommended to use copper sulfate against fungus on the walls only after all the previous procedures. You can do the same with wooden surfaces. However, it is worth considering how contaminated the material is.

Why is copper sulfate useful in medicine?

copper sulfate solutionFor medicinal purposes, the remedy is used and recommended by doctors in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of cervical erosion;
  • when getting rid of fungus on nails and feet;
  • when psoriasis is diagnosed.

Gynecology and copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is used in medicine to eliminate cervical erosion. The treatment is as follows: one tablespoon of the substance must be dissolved in 1 liter of boiling water. Douching is necessary with a composition that will contain: 1 tbsp. l. the resulting concentration diluted in 0.5 liters of water with a temperature of about 40 degrees. During the procedure, it is important to thoroughly rinse the internal genital organs.

Douching should be repeated daily for about 2 weeks in the evening. After the course of procedures, you need to get an appointment with a gynecologist for a checkup.

Treatment of this gynecological ailment with vitriol must be carried out in the middle of the menstrual cycle. During critical days, this is strictly prohibited.

Copper sulfate will help with foot and nail fungus

nail fungus treatmentFungus on the nails is not only a nuisance, it is a disease that affects the skin and the nail plate. Copper sulfate is used against the fungus on the nails.

You can be treated in the following way:

  1. Prepare a composition of vitriol. One teaspoon of this substance must be added to 1 liter of boiled water.
  2. The next step is to dilute to take a bath. It is necessary to heat 10 liters of water to 40-degree temperature, add 0.1 liters of solution and mix everything thoroughly. The feet must be placed in the resulting liquid for 30 minutes.
  3. After the procedure, wipe your feet with a dry towel and, if desired, apply ointments and creams recommended by your doctor.

The course of treatment should be carried out for at least 2 weeks. The result will be noticeable from the first days.

Psoriasis and copper sulfate

copper sulfate in medicineWhen treating psoriasis with the help of this substance, the protective functions of the body become active.To achieve the effect, it is necessary to make baths with this element. For this:

  • make a solution of 3 tablespoons of vitriol and 200 liters of water with a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees;
  • in the resulting composition, you must stay for 20 minutes, and then thoroughly wipe the body and put on soft underwear.
  • the full course of treatment is 16 sessions.

Another treatment option for psoriasis is the use of a copper sulfate ointment. To prepare it:

  • you should grind 25 g of celandine and grind 50 grams of copper sulfate into smaller particles;
  • add 0.15 kg of pork fat;
  • Mix the resulting components and heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.
  • the composition should be applied to the affected areas of the body daily for 30 days.

Test yourself for allergies before using the ointment. To do this, you need to put some substance on your elbow. If, after a day, no discomfort and effects appear on this area of ​​the skin, the composition can be safely used.

Garden, vegetable garden and copper sulfate

copper sulfate for garden and vegetable gardenCopper sulfate is used in the garden and vegetable garden as a fertilizer for the soil. The recipe is as follows:

  • before use, the substance should be crushed;
  • 1 square meter requires no more than 1 gram of crystals;
  • the drug is dissolved in water and the garden is watered with this composition.

It is recommended to recharge the soil in early spring or autumn.

Copper sulfate is also an excellent pest-control agent when added to lime.

Construction and copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is used in construction to eliminate the appearance of corrosion and salt appearances on concrete, brick, plaster and other surfaces. It is a good protection against bacteria and decay, which wood surfaces also need. In addition to this effect, the material becomes more fire-resistant and durable.

Another option for the use of vitriol in construction проте in order to eliminate leaks, as well as as an additional impregnation before applying the finish.

How to prepare the composition

For the use of copper sulfate in construction, the instructions for use are as follows:

  • before starting work, it is necessary to warm up the affected areas using a special construction hair dryer;
  • the drug is dissolved in plain water at the rate of 25-30 grams per 1 liter;
  • the resulting composition is abundantly applied to the entire wall.

If the surface lesions are too deep, a more powerful consistency must be prepared. For 10 liters of water ━ 1 kilogram of vitriol.

Despite the benefits of this substance, if it comes into contact with the skin in a highly concentrated formulation, it can cause burns. Therefore, when working with copper sulfate, it is recommended to use gloves and other protective equipment.

All about copper sulfate - video


