Honey apocalypse. The summer resident is responsible

Bee mortality! In Russia, a tendency for an increase in the death of these insects has been recorded. Beekeepers are in a panic! They are taking all possible measures to prevent this disaster.

Bee mortality

This problem will affect summer residents. Due to the sharp decline in pollinating insects, many garden plants will be affected. A decline in the harvest can be expected next year.

According to statistics, more than 80% of cultivated plants are pollinated by bees

Identifying the causes of the problem by 50% will help in solving it

The death of bees

People were responsible for the mass death of bees. Let's see why:

The use of nitrates in growing crops

In 2018, in the EU countries, a ban was imposed on the use of drugs - neonicotinoids. But in Russia they are used everywhere. Although proven to be toxic to bees.

The consequences of using such a treatment would not be so dire if the farmer had warned the beekeeper in advance about the planned treatment of the site. But today this practice does not exist.

Bees fly to cultivated fields and die en masse and poison their families.

Summer residents should abandon the use of such funds as: Aktara, Iskra, Corado, Commander or similar substances in favor of biological products. Using them, people become accomplices in the process of the death of pollinating insects.

Invasion of parasites

Microscopic killer - the tick deals a big blow to the number of bee colonies.

Failure to comply with the quarantine has opened the door from Asian countries for the Varroa mite. This small pest sticks to the body of the bee and slowly but surely depletes the insect. In a fairly short time, the thinned bee colony leaves its native hive or dies out completely.

Change of climatic conditions

There are already jokes in the dacha environment that Russia will soon become a country with a warm climate. Accordingly, we will plant seedlings several times a year.

But jokes aside, tk. the situation is threatening. Many beekeepers can confirm that modern bee colonies are inferior in strength to those that were several years ago.

In the cold winter period, the swarm freezes and accumulates strength for the next season. And constant above-zero temperatures force the bees to actively show their activity and by the spring they are already weakening.

Summer heat hurts both honey plants and bees. Plants simply burn out under the scorching rays. This pleases neither summer residents nor insects.

People are interested in increasing the number of bees. You can be indifferent to honey, but you should rejoice at every bee arriving at the site. Most plants planted in the spring simply cannot pollinate without these toilers. This will entail a lean year.

A serious struggle unfolded for every bee

Caring owners of gardens and vegetable gardens are already taking action:

  • refuse to use pesticides when processing plants;
  • fragrant flowers are planted around the perimeter of the site;
  • introduce self-pollinated crops into their arsenal;
  • honey diluted in water is applied to the flowers of each plant with a spray bottle. This scent attracts bees;
  • make acquaintance with neighbors-beekeepers. They are informed about the next treatment of plots with pesticides.

The problem of reducing the number of bee families should be approached by all together. No wonder they say: "The hand washes the hand."


