Effective measures to combat gall mite on a pear from experienced gardeners

measures to combat gall mites on a pear A miniature pest can destroy up to 90% of the fruit trees in the garden. For this reason, each farmer takes appropriate measures to combat gall mites on the pear. At the same time, many are taking preventive measures to prevent the spread of a dangerous parasite. Before starting the etching procedure, first get to know the unusual animal better and learn the main symptoms of crop damage.

Face control for special garden visitors

gall mite on a pear

Surprisingly, the pear gall mite is an animal, not an insect. It belongs to the subclass of arthropods in the class of arachnids. The pest's body with 4 legs reaches 0.18-0.3 mm in length, so it is almost impossible to see the invasion with the naked eye. In the warm season, the parasites acquire a whitish tint, and in the off-season - pink or light brown. This is what the pear gall mite looks like.pear gall mite

Pest control means largely depend on the characteristic features of the behavior of miniature animals, which:

  • feed exclusively on the juice of fruit trees;
  • migrate (larvae) by wind, birds or insects;
  • produce up to 3-5 new generations per season;
  • hibernate in buds under scales.

measures to combat gall mites on a pearWhen the temperature rises to 8-10 ° C, parasitic organisms are activated. Then they begin to absorb the sap of the trees, sucking it out of the buds, young leaves, buds and ovaries. Deciduous plates are deformed and become unable to fully participate in photosynthesis. As a result, the growth of the plant stops, and the fruit ovaries crumble. This leads to crop loss.loss of pear harvest

Pests leave punctures on the leaves that serve as vulnerabilities for dangerous infections and other insects. The immunity of trees is significantly reduced, and they become less resistant to adverse conditions.

Symptoms of the defeat of the pear gall mite

gall mite infestation of pearArthropods remain active throughout the season - from spring to autumn. Since arachnids do not have a period of special activity, the danger of injury always exists. This is especially true for pears that have too thick crown. Due to untimely pruning, there is insufficient air circulation and parasites accumulate. In addition, excess phosphate fertilizers serves as one of the causes of infection.

Simple signs will help determine the invasion of the pest:

  • unnaturally enlarged (swollen) kidneys that are 15 days behind in development;signs of gall mite infestation
  • the appearance of blisters along the veins;blisters on the leaves
  • unusual pallor of the green mass;
  • the formation of brown plaques on the back of the foliage;formation of brown spots
  • deformation of leaves (twisting, drying, falling off);
  • shedding buds / ovaries;
  • drying and rotting of fruits.drying out of fruits and leaves

Convex formations can reach up to 3 mm in diameter. It is in these plaques that adults live, and, consequently, they lay eggs there (up to 20 pcs. Each). Therefore, measures to combat gall mites on a pear should be taken urgently. It is advisable to do this when the first signs of the disease appear. Otherwise, such unusual "tenants" will completely deplete the plant. The culture will become more susceptible to fungal diseases.

Young saplings suffer most from the invasion of parasites. When defeated, they die as soon as possible.

Gall mite control measures on pears: from chemicals to biologics

measures to combat gall mites on a pearAs already noted, pests are arachnids. Therefore, the most effective method of combating arthropods is considered to be spraying the planting with chemicals, carried out in early spring. Before bud break, one of the proposed drugs is used: Inta-Virom or Decis, as well as "30 plus" for the destruction of hibernating individuals. At the same time, such effective means are used:

  1. Karbofos. 10 ml of emulsion is added to 20 liters of water. The resulting liquid is consumed according to the following principle: 2-5 l / m² of crown area.karbofos against pests
  2. Apollo. Contact acaricide based on pyrethroid is applied at a rate of 0.4-0.6 l / ha. Such an area will require 1000-1500 liters of working fluid.acaricide apollo
  3. Systemic chemical Fufanon. Melathionin acts as an active ingredient that destroys most varieties of insect pests. The concentrate will need 2 ml / 1.5 liters of water, and the working solution - 2 liters for one seedling and 5 liters for an adult tree.systemic drug fufanon
  4. Colloidal sulfur solution. In 10 liters, 5-10 g of powder is diluted, depending on the age of the culture. Pickling is organized in hot weather from + 20˚С.colloidal sulfur
  5. Karate Zeon (also destroys parasite eggs). To prepare the solution, you will need 4-8 ml of concentrate per 10 liters. This volume is sufficient for processing a perennial tree. Young seedlings are sprayed with 2 liters of emulsion.karate zeon emulsion

Before dealing with pear gall mites, you should carefully read the instructions. Each manufacturer gives its own standards. In addition, acaricides are very concentrated, so special attention is paid to dosages, methods and processing time. In most cases, pickling is recommended during the growing season.

Gall mite on pears quickly develops immunity to many aggressive drugs. In this regard, the remedy changes every 2-3 procedures.

Biological "weapon" against parasites

measures to combat gall mites on a pearNot all gardeners use harsh chemicals. Compounds of biological origin have shown their effectiveness in combating pests. But on condition that the etching is carried out at an early stage of the lesion.

These environmentally friendly measures to combat gall mites on a pear include:

  1. Fitoverm... The drug is consumed in such a dosage - 1.5 ml / l. A prepared emulsion with a volume of 2-4 liters is sprayed on one tree up to 6 years old, and adult specimens - 6-8 liters.fitoverm
  2. Vertimek. The permissible amount of the drug for 50 liters of water is 10 ml. The resulting solution will be enough to process 5 acres. Vermitek drugHowever, other manufacturers suggest calculating the flow rate of the working fluid depending on the volume of the crown. Then the average is 800-1200 l / ha.

For a more effective action of drugs, treatment is carried out at a high temperature of + 20 ... + 30˚С.

Folk remedies are especially popular. So the infusion of dandelions helps when the first symptoms of damage appear. For its preparation, 1 kg of fresh foliage is soaked in 3 liters of warm liquid. After three days of infusion in a dark place, trees are abundantly sprayed with a healing infusion. Be sure to add a small amount of soapy mass for better adhesion.infusion of dandelions against gall mite

In addition, the infusion of calendula is successfully used: 100 g of flowers per 5 l, brought to a boil and infused for 5 days. Potato tops are also used: 1 kg of greens per 10 liters is left for 4 hours. Yet, as practice shows, it is simply impossible to do without chemicals.

Protection and control measures for gall mites on a pear - video


