For growing tomatoes we use the Maslov method
This technique was developed back in the 80s of the last century. It was successfully tested in different regions. This growing method has become a real boon for owners of small plots. In a limited area, getting a large harvest is problematic. Maslov proposed a rational solution to the problem. This method is actively used today. Next, we will consider what the Maslov method is and what are its advantages.
Method essence
Tomatoes have a weak root system. Plants cannot produce abundant crops. If you carefully examine each stem, you can see small bumps on them. This is how the rudiments of future roots look. It is necessary to stimulate the rooting of the shoot along its entire length. The new root system will be stronger and more voluminous, which means that the plants will receive maximum nutrients.
It is recommended to plant seedlings horizontally. In this case, the sprouts should be quite strong. The thicker the stem, the stronger and more viable roots it will give.
It was experimentally proved that the yield increase for low-growing varieties of tomatoes was + 300%, for tall specimens the indicator increased 10 times. These impressive figures speak volumes in favor of Maslov's method.
The main advantages of the method:
- a significant increase in productivity;
- you can achieve high results even with a small amount of planting material;
- simple and inexpensive care.
Seed preparation
The Maslov method is most often used in regions with cold climates. The length of the summer must always be considered. If there are few warm days, you need to prepare seeds from winter. Every summer day is worth its weight in gold, because the fruits must have time to ripen. The total ripening period of tomatoes according to the Maslov method takes 75 - 90 days. The countdown is from the date of sowing seeds.
Experienced gardeners prefer tall tomato varieties... In small gardens, this trick can save space. Using undersized specimens, summer residents risk losing about 70% of the harvest.
The first task is to decide on the variety. Next comes the strictest selection of seeds. The planting material must be of high quality. If you get a lot of bushes, it doesn't matter. Move only the strongest and most viable sprouts to open ground.
Features of picking tomatoes
Maslov described the picking of seedlings in the same way as in vertical cultivation. He emphasized that this process has a very beneficial effect on plants. The root system is developing much better.
The gardeners decided to slightly improve the pick. It is carried out at least three times during the entire period of seedling growth. Each time, the lower leaves break off, and the stem deepens into the soil.
How to plant seedlings correctly
On the prepared beds, you need to make holes 10 cm deep. Fertilize the soil with humus, and add superphosphate... He is responsible for stimulating root formation. Planting tomatoes according to the Maslov method is not difficult. The stem is placed so that it is covered with soil for 2/3 of its length.All leaves are removed from this part of the stem. Finished furrows should be well watered. Further, seedlings are laid in them (necessarily with roots to the south). Sprinkle dry soil on top of the plant. The layer thickness is 10 cm. A couple of leaves should remain on the surface of the earth. Water the bushes abundantly.
The seedlings can be pre-planted in the usual way in a greenhouse without heating. Now you need to wait until the trunk gets stronger. Then transfer them to open ground and plant as described above.
A few words about pinching
It is absolutely impossible to carry it out. The lower stepchildren are the conductors of nutrients. A couple of stems should grow well and gain strength. As soon as the main bush begins to bear fruit, all the leaves need to be cut off on the stepsons. Next, bend the side stems to the ground, carefully fix with an iron bracket and sprinkle with soil. There is a risk of overshadowing the already set fruit. In order not to obstruct the sun's rays, the stems need to be bent as much as possible.
Strong roots form very quickly. Additional bushes are obtained from stepchildren. The fruits are tied on them and ripen close to the ground. Additional soil is necessary mulch fresh grass. This will help retain moisture and prevent the fruit from rotting. The first tomatoes will appear a little later than on the stem.
Further care
Growing tomatoes according to the Maslov method includes the following activities:
- Watering. Humidification should be moderate. Aryk or drip irrigation is often used. Tomatoes do not like stagnant moisture. The formation of a hard crust on the soil surface is also harmful.
- Top dressing. Introduced as the bushes grow. Tomatoes respond best to superphosphates, liquid mullein and nettle-based infusion.
- Tying. It must be carried out very carefully. Better to use rubber from bicycle tires. It is cut into thin strips of 3 mm. In greenhouses, the stems are put on nylon ribbons. Periodically, it is necessary to clean the bushes of flabby and dry leaves.
Maslov's method has helped millions of people to get impressive harvests of tomatoes. This does not require any serious expenses. The main thing is to correctly land and save the stepsons. Evaluate the advantages of the method yourself, because personal experience is always better than other people's reviews.