Effective methods of dealing with onion fly
There are different methods of onion fly control that will help you get a tasty and high-quality harvest. To forget about such an insect once and for all, you need to follow simple rules and recommendations. Only then will it be easy to achieve what you want.
Bow fly: description of appearance
The onion fly also attacks garlic and flowers, the root system of which is presented in the form of a bulb.
She first departs at the end of May. The fly feeds on lilac pollen, dandelions, cherries. It lays eggs in early June, which after a short time will turn into larvae and begin to destroy plants.
The larvae are not large, their length does not exceed 10 mm. Immediately after emergence, they begin to feed on the green mass, slowly sinking to the bulb. After that, the larvae enter the soil and pupate there.
A new brood is observed in two weeks. During the summer, two or three generations of such insects appear. Pupae overwinter in the soil. They are deepened by at least 5 cm.
Determining the presence of an onion fly is not difficult. The main symptom is yellowing of feathers. If you do nothing, the plant will stop growing, and the bulb itself will begin to rot.
Onion fly prevention
In order to prevent the development of an insect, it is necessary to limit the favorable conditions for its appearance. Compliance with simple rules will not only preserve precious crops, but also will not lead to the use of dangerous chemical mixtures.
Fly protection consists of:
- spraying the bulbs just before planting;
- changing the sowing place;
- early landing;
- careful autumn digging of the soil;
- planting plants that repel this insect.
By observing the above preventive measures, you will certainly get a good harvest.
Folk recipes for onion fly
To get rid of this pest, you can use chemicals that are sold in specialized stores. Effective pre-sowing treatment of onion sets from onion flies is to use "Aktara", "Sochva" and "Alatara".
There are also folk remedies that are not only environmentally friendly, but also no less effective.
Fighting onion flies in a garden with wood ash
This method was used by our ancestors. To get rid of a fly, it is enough to systematically cover the soil with ash, which remains when wood twigs and weeds are burned. For the best result, it is recommended to water the soil with water before carrying out the procedure.
The soil is treated with ash every two weeks during the entire summer period. This time will be enough so that the onion fly does not spoil the crop.
Use of tobacco dust
Onion fly cannot stand smell tobacco... To prepare the product, you need to combine tobacco dust (200 g), water (10 l), liquid laundry soap (30 g). All components must be combined and mixed well. Infuse the mixture for a week. Only then can you begin to spray the onions.
Also, tobacco dust (dry) is sprinkled on the soil between the beds. This procedure is carried out daily for 10-14 days.
Dandelions from onion fly
Such a remedy not only scares off adult insects, but also destroys the larvae. To prepare the product, use the root part of the plant.Only it contains a large number of substances that the onion fly does not like.
To make a mixture, you need to combine 200 g of dry roots and 10 liters of clean water (room temperature). The resulting liquid is infused for a week.
After the allotted time, they start watering. Irrigate the culture daily until the onion is fully ripe.
To speed up the process and earlier to overcome the larvae that have settled in the middle of the green mass, it is recommended to additionally apply extracts of mint, wormwood or valerian.
Processing onions with salt and wormwood from onion fly
The saline solution is used not only as a prophylaxis against insects, but also for the destruction of larvae. It is necessary to spray the plants three times a season. This is done with a spray bottle.
Watering stages:
- The first procedure is carried out after the onion grows more than 5 cm. To do this, prepare a solution of 300 g of salt and 10 liters of liquid. The finished mixture is poured over the plants so that the agent does not fall on the feathers. If this happens, then it is recommended to rinse the green mass as soon as possible with clean water.
- The next procedure is carried out after 20 days. This time a more concentrated solution is used. To prepare it, take 450 g of salt and 10 liters of water.
- The third time is poured with a product based on 600 g of salt. After irrigation, the soil must be washed off with clean water.
Wormwood infusion is no less effective. Some summer residents simply lay fresh twigs between the rows, but the most effective is a liquid based on this fragrant grass. For cooking, take 1.5 kg of shoots, which are finely chopped. Then the grass is moved into a container and 10 liters of water are poured. Infuse the composition for 3 days.
After that, the mixture will need to be thoroughly filtered. Water the plants abundantly and daily for 10 days. This tool is also used for the prevention of pests.
Plant in the fight against onion fly
Plants with aromatic foliage will help prevent the appearance of onion flies in the garden.
Planting carrots
Many gardeners, in order to prevent the appearance of this insect, use mixed planting of plants. It is most effective to combine onions with carrots... With its strong and rich aroma, it repels flies and prevents them from laying eggs.
Marigolds have the same effect as carrots. It is best to plant low-growing varieties in the garden. They are sown along the perimeter of the plot with onions, and also placed in several rows inside.
Use of pine needles
The onion fly also does not tolerate the scent of pine trees. Insects are not only afraid of shavings, but also of fallen needles. To prevent the fly from laying eggs, it is recommended to mulch the garden bed immediately after the shoots appear.
Also water the soil between the rows with infusion of pine twigs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 12 days. To prepare the product, take a bucket and fill it 1/3 with small twigs. Then add water to the container and leave for 3-4 days. This time will be quite enough for the pine twigs to release all their essential oils. Before carrying out the procedure, the liquid should be thoroughly filtered.
Treatment of onions from onion flies with ammonia
This medication can be bought at any pharmacy and it costs a penny, but the benefits are enormous. Onions should be processed with ammonia every 4-5 days. The tool is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. alcohol and 10 liters of water. As a preventive measure, vegetables are processed once a week.
At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to overcome the onion fly. In fact, this is not the case. If you adhere to all the recommendations and the sequence of actions, then there will be no trace of the insect, and the vegetables will acquire a beautiful appearance.