Find your soaked apple recipe and forget about health problems
True professionals know how to preserve the beneficial properties of a product without sacrificing its appearance. Choosing a suitable recipe for soaked apples, the hostess will receive a beautiful, and most importantly, fortified treat. Lactic acid acts as a preservative in this case. A naturally occurring substance is released when spices, sugar and salt are added. This trio serves as a guarantee for the safety of the fruit.
Soaked apple recipe - that simple
Then, according to the recipe for soaked apples at home, a rich marinade is prepared:
- liter of liquid;
- 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 50 g of salt.
Fruits recommend choosing medium or small size. As a result, they perfectly absorb the preservative, retaining all the richness of taste and aroma. In addition, too large specimens will not crawl into the neck.
The contents are thoroughly mixed until the crystals are completely dissolved. The resulting suspension is poured into a jar. The missing volume is brought to normal with cold water. Close the container with a plastic lid. It takes only 5 minutes to prepare pickled apples. Then the filled dishes are left in a dark and dry place for 3-4 days, regularly removing the foam. For the next 26 days, banks are "deported" to a fairly cool room. After the expiration date, the appetizing apples are ready to eat.
With such a simple recipe for soaked apples, the fruits are stored throughout the year, until next fall.
We increase the volume
To make 3 bottles of such salting, use 5 liters of water. The liquid is boiled for 3 minutes. Then 400 g of salt is dissolved in it along with 100 g of refined sugar. Leave for a while to cool the brine. In parallel with this, the fruits are placed in a dish in rows, between which leaves of black or red currant are placed. Then the contents are poured with sweet syrup. Close with lids. The first 4-5 days the container is in the kitchen, after which the banks are sent to the cellar. The optimum storage temperature should be between 5-6 ° C.
Only late or winter varieties are suitable for fermentation. The pulp of such varieties is particularly dense. Therefore, hostesses prefer Antonovka, Anis, Suvorovets, Slavyanka and Babushkino.
Variety Antonovka in fermented performance
The People's Choice Award goes to this famous variety, which contains a record amount of ascorbic acid - up to 13 mg. Under the influence of salt compounds, the percentage of vitamin C in fermented fruits increases 2-3 times. Nevertheless, the result largely depends on how Antonovka's apples are wetted.
There are several technologies for this process:
- Sugar Paradise. For 1 kg of fruit, 250-300 g of sugar are used. Loose substances are dissolved in 1.5 or 2 liters of boiled water. The bottom of the dishes (enameled or plastic) must be covered with currant leaves, cherries can be used.
- Sweet and acidic balance. To soak 5 kg of apples, you need to prepare 2.5 liters of marinade. This will require 1 tbsp. l. both salt and refined sugar.
- Spicy exotic.Three-liter jars are filled with fruit to make 3 containers. Each row is shifted with spice leaves. Lemon balm, currants, mint, oregano or cherry are often chosen. Syrup is boiled: a glass of sugar and 1 tbsp. l. salt with a slide.
The benefits of pickled apples are invaluable. Fermented foods release substances that stimulate the immune system. In addition, beneficial compounds restore all gastrointestinal functions.
The remaining marinade is preserved, because as the fermentation proceeds, the fruits gradually absorb the liquid. The missing volume is supplemented so that the fruit is completely immersed in the wort. Banks are left at a temperature of 22 ° C, but not lower. Otherwise, the necessary biochemical reactions will not occur. The recipe for making pickled apples requires strict adherence to the temperature regime. If the thermometer rises to 25-27˚С, then the active development of butyric acid bacteria will begin in the marinade. This is fraught with sad consequences.
The foam is removed without fail. The microorganisms contained in it are able to slow down or stop the fermentation process.
Soaked apples according to honey baklava recipe
Supporters of a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) bravely and actively refuse to use sugar. And many are faced with the dilemma of how to make pickled apples without using a lead ingredient. It is from refined sugar that it often depends on whether malic acid reacts. Creative hostesses quickly found a solution. They tried to replace sugar with honey, and a very interesting composition turned out. The women dared to add spice to the delicacy with sprigs of fragrant basil (100 g) and leaves of different varieties currants (up to 20 pcs.).
In this case, pickled apples are prepared at home using a simple technology:
- 10 liters of water is brought to a boil;
- wait until the liquid cools down to 40˚C;
- salt water (170 g of salt);
- a slurry of rye flour is introduced (150 g of product is needed);
- dissolve 500 g of honey.
Apples are laid with leaves according to a certain pattern. Currant greens are placed at the bottom, and basil branches are placed between the fruits. Aromatic cherry leaves are laid on top.
To avoid the formation of lumps, the flour is separately mixed with a small amount of liquid. After that, a small stream is poured into larger concentrates. It should be borne in mind that honey loses its properties upon contact with boiling water. Therefore, the natural ingredient is added only to a warm marinade. If pickled apples are cooked in a bucket, then oppression must be installed. The fruit is in this state for 14 days. Optimum temperature conditions for fermentation: + 15… + 17˚С. Then the product is checked for readiness and packaged in containers. Store a healthy treat in the refrigerator or in the cellar.
This recipe for pickled apples is designed for 15-20 kg of fruit. The output should be up to 10 three-liter cans.
All containers must be treated with steam or boiling water. Some people use a baking soda solution.
Spicy soaked apples with a mustard flavor
A unique recipe for sauerkraut based on mustard will help to achieve such a divine aftertaste.
To prepare wort for 1 kg of fruit you will need:
- 2.5 liters of boiling water;
- 200 g sugar;
- 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder;
- 1 tsp salt.
Dissolve the spices in a separate bowl and in a small amount of liquid to avoid clumping.
The fermentation process takes 1 month. Apples with mustard will turn out spicy and acquire a sweetish-spicy taste. A luxurious appetizer will be a great addition to side dishes, meat, especially baked pork ribs with potatoes and spices. However, in the world collection of pickles, there is another "royal" recipe for pickled apples.
Its preparation takes place in 3 stages:
- Procurement of malt. Only 100 g of dry ingredient will be needed. It is diluted in 350 ml of boiled, but cold, liquid. Another 1 liter of boiling water is poured in and infused for 15 minutes. Finally, the content is filtered.
- Fill.All bulk components: 150 g of salt, 300 g of refined sugar and 150 g of dry mustard are poured into boiling water. Then the malt sourdough is introduced into the brine.
- The final. Apples (1 kg) are placed in jars. Each row is separated by grape leaves. Pour the fruit and fix it with a lid with a load. They are in this state for 45 days.
In other cases, honey (300 g) is also added to the proposed set of ingredients. The amount of mustard is reduced to 100 g, and the volume of the liquid is increased to 3 liters. In this case, the components complement 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
The process of "packing" containers has its own specifics:
- fruits are laid out in layers;
- shift leaves mint;
- add 1 liter of cold water;
- pour mustard powder;
- pour over cooled honey-sugar solution;
- install the cover with oppression;
- leave for 3 days warm;
- subsequently, pickled apples in jars are sent to "quarantine" in the cellar.
Mint goes well with cherry leaves and currants. Therefore, many boldly combine the proposed options, alternating greens in rows.
A month later, this gourmet appetizer is boldly served at the festive table. Mint will bring its message to the dish.
"Rescue" pickled apples in the spirit of Russian traditions
To normalize blood pressure and fully activate the immune system, viburnum is widely used among the people. Fragrant berries, freshly squeezed juice or a decoction from them work wonders with all kinds of diseases.
Therefore, when it comes to how to salt apples for medical purposes, millions choose the following recipe:
- 1 kg of sugar is added to 8 liters of water;
- make 50-100 g of salt;
- 2 liters of fresh viburnum juice are introduced;
- apples are placed in a barrel (10 kg);
- pour with brine;
- close with oppression;
- leave for a month in a cool place.
You can also prepare pickled apples with viburnum in jars. The bottom of the container is covered with cherry leaves to add a special aroma. The container is filled with fruits (10-12 pcs.) And 1-2 clusters of viburnum. The berries are evenly distributed among the fruits. The top layer is formed from greens. Marinade is prepared from 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and ½ tsp. salt. The mixture is boiled for 3 minutes, and then the fruit is poured. The jar is closed with a lid. For 10 days, it is periodically opened to release excess air. The container is stored for the next 30 days at 5-6 ° C.
The resulting snack is sent to the refrigerator. At moderately low temperatures, medicinal fruits retain their properties throughout the winter.
Original tandem of pickled apples and cabbage
Sauerkraut is one of the foods that reduce the risk of cancer. At the same time, pickled apples contribute to the elimination of harmful toxins and toxins from the body. The combination of these two beneficial ingredients creates a miraculous and healing product.
You can cook salting according to the classic recipe known to everyone:
- take 3 kg of apples;
- chop 2-3 heads of cabbage (only 4 kg);
- grate 2 carrots on a coarse grater;
- shredded vegetables are mixed;
- add 3 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- make bay leaves and peppercorns;
- crumple the mass until juice appears.
The marinade in this case is vegetable juice. If it turns out too little, then the brine is additionally prepared. Add a tablespoon of sugar and salt to 1 liter of water.
Then they begin to fill the dishes. The bottom is covered with carrot and cabbage mass, tamping it tightly. The next layer is formed from apples. In this sequence, continue the "packing" of the container until it is completely filled. The top row is necessarily made from vegetables. Cover the jar / saucepan with a heavy lid. Then they act according to the standard scheme: the contents ferment for several days at room temperature, and then they are stored in the cellar for a month.
Soaked apples with rye flour - a timeless classic
The winner of this category is the most common and ancient recipe for an original snack. For fermentation, prepare a special container made of glass, clay or oak barrels. The container should follow the shape of the cylinder and also have a large neck.
The rye flour dressing is prepared in the usual way:
- flour (2-3 glasses) is dried in the oven until it acquires a golden hue;
- poured into a cast-iron saucepan to keep it warm;
- pour boiling water in a thin stream (2-3 l);
- whisk intensively and non-stop.
A pickling container is selected with a volume of up to 12 liters. The number of apples used varies from 32 to 36, depending on the size.
When lumps appear, the mass is thoroughly stirred, filtered through cheesecloth. The remaining liquid (8-7 liters) is used to prepare the brine. The water is heated. 3 tbsp is dissolved in it. l. (with a slide) of coarse salt. For such a number of fruits, you can use a dosage of 150 g. A rye custard mixture is introduced into the cooled marinade, thoroughly mixing the mass.
Spices are placed on the bottom of a bowl for fermenting apples with rye flour:
- dill umbrellas;
- cherry or currant leaves;
- carnation buds (6 pcs.);
- horseradish foliage.
It is not necessary to use all the herbs listed, you can only choose your favorite. Green spices alternate with fruits. Form the top row of spices. Then everything is poured with brine. The neck is tied with gauze and put under oppression. The final stages of cooking remain unchanged.
The above 11 recipes for making soaked apples serve as a "lifesaver" for every housewife. With such an assortment, she will be able to please not only her family and friends, but even her mother-in-law.