Both beautiful and useful cypress euphorbia - medicinal properties of a decorative perennial

What is cypress euphorbia, what are the medicinal properties of this plant? I have a beautiful bush growing at my dacha, I bought it under the name "euphorbia". In the summer, a friend came to visit (she is fond of all kinds of herbs), and said that this is a very useful spurge. He helped her get rid of the fungus on the nails, and he recommended that I lubricate the calluses with juice. Did we talk about one plant? Is spurge really useful and what exactly?

spurge cypress medicinal properties Among the thousands of species of milkweed, it is cypress that is most popular among gardeners due to its decorative appearance. Did you know that fluffy bushes with soft needles are not only beautiful, but also belong to medicinal plants? Known in folk medicine even before our era, euphorbia has received its medicinal properties mainly due to the special composition of the juice. If you break or cut a twig, you will see milk on the cut - milky juice. It contains a lot of useful substances, and is also poisonous. But it is not for nothing that they say that with proper use, even the bad can become useful.

Milkweed, including cypress, can still be found under the name "euphorbia". This is the second common name for all plant species, which it received in honor of the Macedonian king Euphorba. It is to him that we owe the discovery of the healing properties of culture.

Cypress spurge - medicinal properties

cypress milkweed bush

This bush looks pretty impressive. Numerous shoots, erect at first, densely covered with thin needles. They are soft to the touch, and give the bush a divine airy look. At the end of May, yellow-green flowers with a pleasant aroma bloom on the tops of the stems. The second time it blooms in the middle of summer. Then its stems droop, turning the bush into a soft pillow.

The stems and leaves of cypress milkweed contain gums, rubber, oleic, tartaric and malic acids. There are many vitamins and tannins in them. This made it possible to use euphorbia to treat many diseases.

Euphorbia has a healing effect on the body as a whole and on the work of its internal organs, namely:

  • relieves inflammation, cramps and pain syndrome;
  • stimulates sweating and urine flow, relieving temperature and edema;
  • destroys fungi;
  • removes spots, freckles, warts, calluses and even malignant formations;
  • tones up and increases the protective functions of the body.

Cypress euphorbia will help in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, joints, gastrointestinal tract. It is good for gout and radiculitis, and is especially famous for its antitumor effect.

Pure milkweed juice is extremely dangerous, both internally and externally. Touching the cut with bare hands will cause spots and even blisters from the burn. In case of contact with eyes, temporary blindness occurs.

Ways to use milkweed for medicinal purposes

how euphorbia is used for treatmentConcentrated (pure) milkweed juice can only be used to remove warts or calluses. It acts in the same way as celandineburning education.

In other cases, euphorbia is used for the preparation of medicinal products, for example:

  1. Infusion or decoction (to get rid of the fungus, legs float in it).
  2. Water infusion (1 tsp. Dry milkweed for 1 tbsp. Boiling water, insist 30 minutes). They drink it three times a day for 1 tsp.
  3. Ointments - they are made from dried and crushed roots. Applied externally for tumors.

In addition to infusions, juice is also taken inside, but first it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 100. Drink no more than 5 drops at a time. A similar remedy is effective for cancer.

Another medicinal type is Fisher's spurge


