We study the features of cultivation and the value of milk mushroom
For 6 thousand years, humanity has not ceased to fight various diseases. In search of a solution to the problem, people have discovered a unique drug to strengthen the body - a milk mushroom. There are many versions of its origin, but none of them has been documented. Most often, the mushroom is associated with Tibetan monks. According to one legend, they fermented milk in small clay jugs. Also read an interesting article: about the benefits of kombucha!
In 1867, for the first time, an article appeared in Russian newspapers about kefir obtained with the help of a milk mushroom and about its effect on the human body. And at the beginning of the 20th century, many began to widely use it for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.
Biological characteristics of the "magic" drink
Many people are surprised when they find out that a milk mushroom is, in fact, not a mushroom. The snow-white elastic glomeruli are formed as a result of the harmonious coexistence of living bacteria and yeast compounds. In appearance, they resemble cauliflower buds or boiled rice. The color is most often white, sometimes slightly yellowish.
As soon as bacteria enter the milky environment, a biological reproduction process takes place. The balls swell, increase in size, divide and the milk turns into amazing kefir. Thanks to chemical reactions, a drink is obtained, which contains the following active substances and microorganisms:
- lactic bacteria;
- yeast fungi;
- polysaccharides;
- enzymes;
- fatty acid;
- proteins of an easily digestible nature;
- alcohol.
Kefir obtained on the basis of milk mushroom is rich in a number of useful elements for adults and children:
- thiamine - (vitamin B1);
- riboflavin (B2);
- pyridoxine (B6);
- cobalamin (B12);
- calciferol (D);
- retinol (A);
- niacin (PP);
- folic acid.
The snow-white mixture contains calcium, iodine, iron and zinc - important elements for human life.
The healing properties of a unique potion
When a person is faced with mild discomfort, he often does not pay attention to it. But when serious problems arise, he tries to find a wise way out. The unique properties of the milk mushroom have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
If you regularly eat such kefir, you can solve a number of serious health problems:
- Intestinal function is stimulated. A drink with a set of live bacteria and yeast compounds restores the natural microflora of the digestive system. As a result, metabolism is normalized, the body is cleansed and fats are burned.
- Experts believe that the foundation of the immune system is in the gut.Therefore, with its regular cleansing, the level of the body's defenses rises. A milk drink obtained by growing a Tibetan mushroom can be said to be the guardian of our health.
- In chronic diseases of the digestive system (stomach, liver and pancreas), the fungus promotes the rapid excretion of bile. Thanks to this, food is better absorbed by the body.
- The drink has a special effect on blood vessels. Milk fungus ingredients cleanse the circulatory system, resulting in normal blood pressure. In addition, headaches are less common, and the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced.
The active components of the product are used to prevent various ailments. Of particular note are the following:
- renal colic;
- stomatitis in the mouth;
- excess blood glucose;
- rheumatism;
- bronchitis of varying severity;
- osteochondrosis;
- thrush of the genitals;
- tumors of a different nature (benign and malignant).
Despite the positive properties of the milk mushroom drink, there are limitations for some people. It is contraindicated to take kefir for those who are allergic to dairy products.
Of course, it cannot be said that the Tibetan mushroom is a remedy for all ills. But a lot can be achieved through joint efforts. Proper nutrition, physical activity, positive emotions, a balanced attitude to work and love for people will help maintain your precious health.
Rules for growing priceless fruit
According to some people, the milk mushroom came from artificial cultivation. After all, it is not found in any natural reservoir. Therefore, the product is considered an unusual and mysterious organism that contains a huge amount of useful elements. Biologists classify it as a zooglei, since a product is not considered a plant or animal unambiguously.
As you know, the Tibetan mushroom consists of a huge number of microorganisms that feed on milk. In order for them to coexist successfully as a whole, it is important to maintain their optimal habitat. Any violation leads to the death of the precious product. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to grow a milk mushroom from scratch in order to make a healing drink on their own.
Someone might argue: this is impossible without the source material, which is sold in pharmacies. It's easier to buy a finished product and grow it yourself at home. By and large, this is so. After all, a milk mushroom is a combination of two completely dissimilar elements, one of which is alga.
However, the main purpose of obtaining a live sourdough is a healing drink for health promotion.
For growing the Tibetan mushroom, only high quality milk is used, preferably of natural origin.
It will not be difficult to grow a unique mushroom at home if you manage to acquire a small piece of living material. It is often sold in pharmacies or specialized online stores. Some benevolent people willingly distribute it to their friends. It remains only to tell others about the desire to grow a milk mushroom at home.
It is quite simple to prepare a healing kefir based on a live sourdough. To do this, perform the following operations:
- Put 1 tablespoon of Tibetan mushroom in a clean bowl.
- Pour it with a glass of cool milk.
- Cover the container with a gauze cloth.
- Place in a dark place, away from direct sunlight.
- After 24 hours, strain the resulting liquid through cheesecloth or sieve.
Kefir is ready and can be eaten.
You can use different volumes of liquid to prepare a drink. The mushroom will not suffer from this. If there is not enough milk, the kefir will turn out thick and slightly sour, but rather quickly.When a large amount of liquid is used, the drink comes out with a mild acidity and a liquid consistency. But the fermentation time is increased to 30 hours.
To determine the right product variant, it is advisable to try cooking it with different amounts of liquid. At the same time, regulate the fermentation time. The longer the mushroom is in the milk, the more acidic the drink will be.
Care and use options
In order for the leaven to grow successfully at home, and the drink is beneficial, it is advisable to know how to care for and properly use the milk mushroom. There are several basic rules for growing and caring for a crop:
- cover the dishes only with gauze or special paper, so as not to block access to air;
- use a glass or ceramic container;
- a sieve with a metal mesh cannot be used;
- fill the culture with cool liquid;
- the fat content of milk should not exceed 2%;
- boiled filling is not suitable;
- ferment only at room temperature.
After filtering the finished drink, the live culture must be thoroughly washed. It is better to do this under running water at room temperature. Hot or too cold environments can harm bacteria and yeast.
If the fungus changes color (darkens), becomes covered with unpleasant mucus, or voids form inside it, then it is dead. Get rid of him immediately!
In some cases, the appearance of signs of mucus is not dangerous. It is enough to gently rinse the mushroom, dry it and fill it with milk again. If yogurt turns out to have an unpleasant smell, it should be poured out.
Since the Tibetan mushroom is a living organism, the procedure is repeated regularly, because it must eat well. In case of a long absence, it can be filled with milk with diluted water in equal proportions. Put the starter culture in a cool place. The best storage option is the lower shelf of the refrigerator.
Often a moment comes when the cultivation of a crop becomes impossible due to various circumstances. The best thing that can be done is to give someone a living "bouquet" and prolong its existence. Some fans of the Tibetan mushroom fill it with purified water and send it to the refrigerator. There he continues to live for another 2 or 3 months. The main thing is not to forget, occasionally, to change his water.
The widespread use of the drink shows that it really benefits the body. Before you start drinking healing kefir, it is advisable to understand the basic rules for taking it:
- It is enough for an adult to drink 250 milliliters per day. Take the drink an hour before bedtime on an empty stomach.
- The minimum wellness course should last at least 20 days. After that, a break is taken (10 days). If you want, you can repeat it again.
- Experts advise taking the drink obtained by growing milk mushroom for one year with short breaks.
- During the course of taking kefir, it is forbidden to drink alcohol or tinctures on alcohol.
The first few weeks after taking a healing potion, noticeable changes occur in the body. The digestion process is improved, which leads to the formation of a lot of gas and frequent stools. Therefore, before work, it is better not to drink a life-giving drink. As a result, the intestines are cleansed, and the stomach is normalized. In addition, immunity increases, the heart strengthens and life becomes more fun.
It is desirable to start taking kefir in small doses - no more than 100 ml. You can drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. When the body adapts, the established maximum daily volume should not be exceeded - up to 600 ml. If you experience any allergy to the drug, stop taking it immediately.
Milk mushroom mutes the effect of some medications. This is especially true for patients who are dependent on the daily dose of insulin.
Kefir, obtained with the help of live sourdough, is suitable for baking homemade cookies, gingerbread, pies and pizzas. Salads are seasoned with the drink and marinades for meat products are prepared, which gives them a special taste. The drug is also used for cosmetic purposes, as the basis for the preparation of masks for hair and face.
Summing up, you can see that growing a milk mushroom on your own is quite simple. The main thing is to adhere to the general rules established by specialists. Daily care, including feeding the live culture with milk, and regular washing under running water, promotes the successful growth of the fungus. Do not forget about air access and optimal room temperature. In case of a long absence, transfer the Tibetan mushroom to friends or good acquaintances. The reward for the work will be good health and a life filled with meaning.