Living medicine - sea rice mushroom, medicinal properties, reviews
In addition to tea and kefir mushrooms, known for their beneficial properties, there is also a sea rice mushroom, the medicinal properties of which are even higher than those of the former. These organisms belong to the same group and give a similar effect when used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. However, it is the rice mushroom that is most useful. If only for the reason that only water and a little sugar are needed to prepare a tasty and healthy drink. Therefore, such a remedy turns out to be safer than kefir mushroom infused with milk fungi. Or tea grown - tea. This means that it has fewer contraindications to treatment and side effects.
What is sea rice mushroom
Zoogley rice mushroom is used to prepare a medicinal drink. They are first washed well with cold water, and then put in a glass jar and filled with settled water. In order for the animal to have something to eat, which means it can grow, a small amount of sugar is added. But it is dissolved separately, in a small amount of water, and then mixed.
For 1 liter of water you need 4 tbsp. l. rice, 3 tbsp. l. sugar and 10 raisins. The jar is left in a warm place for 3 days. After this time, a ready-to-drink drink is obtained. It is cloudy white in color, carbonated, with a pleasant smell reminiscent of kvass. The drink tastes sweet and sour, with a light fruity note. It is drunk three times a day before meals, 100 ml in a course of 3 months. You can store the finished drink in the refrigerator for up to three days.
Sugar can be replaced with dried fruits, increasing their rate by 2 times.
Sea rice mushroom - medicinal properties, reviews
A pleasant-tasting infusion of rice mushroom has a beneficial effect on the body and normalizes the work of almost all its organs. He:
- strengthens the immune system and the nervous system;
- cleans, removes toxins, slags, sand and stones;
- normalizes blood pressure and blood glucose levels;
- slows down the development of malignant tumors;
- tones up;
- neutralizes inflammatory processes;
- relieves swelling and joint pain;
- promotes weight loss;
- cleanses the skin and improves its condition.
Positive reviews on the use of rice mushroom prove its effectiveness. From a housewife and even to doctors, everyone notices how the body begins to change literally before our eyes. The color of the face and hair improves, the production of interferon is stimulated, which increases the protective functions. Blood composition improves, cholesterol levels decrease and even heart failure.Undoubtedly, those who suffer from heart and vascular diseases should definitely drink sea rice regularly.
Does rice mushroom have contraindications
As noted, rice mushroom has fewer side effects than tea or kefir. But some precautions do exist. So, due to the presence of sugar in the drink, it is not very suitable for those who have been diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Also, since the drink contains acid, you can not drink it with increased stomach acidity, ulcers, chronic kidney diseases.