Powerful scarlet handsome gladiolus Traderhorn
Gladiolus Traderhorn is one of the most striking species of these proud summer beauties. It belongs to the large-flowered gladioli and rightfully occupies one of the first places among the wide variety of flowering plants in the flowerbed of flower growers.
In addition, the variety is often grown for cutting into bouquets, since it has the ability to maintain freshness for a long time (up to 7-10 days).
Characteristics of the variety
Traderhorn is distinguished by its impressive size - the total flower height is on average 120 cm, but with good care it can grow up to 160 cm, moreover, the inflorescence height is 50 cm.The long pointed leaves are colored dark green. The inflorescences themselves are no less large - in full dissolution their diameter is 15 cm.The bright scarlet petals have a slightly wavy edge.
The buds are at first saturated red, and when they open, traced white strokes are visible in the center of the inflorescence.
Bloom gladiolus comes in early summer, and lasts for one plant for almost a month. In general, the plants bloom until the end of summer. Up to 25 inflorescences can form on one double-sided peduncle, and about a dozen flowers open at the same time.
Growing features
Gladiolus Traderhorn can be planted in open ground after it warms up to 10 degrees Celsius. Depending on the region of cultivation, this occurs in late April - early May.
The variety requires a little more attention and adherence to such recommendations:
- The optimal place for planting a plant is a flower bed in a place open to the sun, but protected from the wind.
- To prevent the plant from falling under the weight of massive peduncles, the corm must be deepened into the soil by 15-20 cm. Due to this, the ear itself will be smoother and slender, which is especially important when growing cut flowers.
- When a peduncle begins to form on the plant, it is recommended to tie it to a support.
Many growers, when growing Traderhorn, use a group planting, when up to 10 corms are planted in one place. During flowering, this allows you to get a bright, blazing red fire, flower bed.