Can kumquat provoke cystitis or is Japanese orange good for you?

Tell me, can kumquat provoke cystitis? I love these fruits very much and used to often allow myself to feast on them. But a couple of years ago I caught a serious cold and now I often suffer from cystitis. My last attempt after acquiring this disease to eat enough oranges led to a hospital bed. True, I am still not sure whether the fruits were to blame or whether the circumstances just coincided.

can kumquat provoke cystitis Everyone knows that citrus fruits are contraindicated in the presence of allergies or ulcers, but what about other diseases? In particular, the question often arises whether kumquat can provoke cystitis. It would seem that there is a connection between the Japanese orange and a delicate problem, but still it does exist. On the one hand, kumquat is a very healthy fruit with a rich vitamin composition. Only 100 g of juicy pulp will provide the daily requirement of minerals and vitamins. At the same time, the fetus has a low calorie content, so this will not affect the figure. Is it possible to use it for cystitis?

With some diseases, kumquat is not only possible, but also necessary. So, it stimulates appetite well, helps fight bacteria and viruses, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. And in view of the fiber in its composition, it helps well with constipation.

What can cause exacerbation of cystitis


Anyone who even once had the trouble of "getting to know" this far from funny disease knows that it can come back. This can be provoked by:

  • severe hypothermia;
  • improper underwear (synthetic or tight-fitting);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • sedentary work;
  • inadequate hygiene of the intimate area, especially during menstruation of women;
  • self-medication.

Can kumquat provoke cystitis

kumquatAlthough the exotic fruit is not on the list of contraindications, you should not rush. Let's not forget that kumquat contains quite a bit of acid. Of course, he loses to lemon, but, nevertheless, this is far from a banana. When citrus is consumed, acidity in the stomach increases, and, given its inextricable connection with the genitourinary system, in the bladder. As you know, an acidic environment is the most favorable for the development of bacteria. In turn, this can lead to urinary inflammation or exacerbate chronic cystitis. So in the presence of this disease, it is better to refuse the kumquat. For the same reason, it is not recommended to include Japanese in the diet. orange with kidney inflammation and ulcers. And the high content of fast carbohydrates makes it undesirable in the diet of a diabetic.

What not to eat with cystitis - video


