Blue Alps Juniper is always beautiful
Juniper Blue Alps came to Russia and Europe from China, it is a coniferous evergreen shrub, whose height reaches 4 meters, with a powerful spreading crown up to 2 meters in diameter. The needles are acicular and tough, textured in appearance and prickly to the touch, at the bottom the ephedra is painted in a silvery-gray color. The main branches are compact, they are dense and strong, the crown is wide and massive, and the ends of the lateral shoots are lowered down. Photos of the Blue Alps juniper draw attention to themselves.
The culture grows well singly and in groups, harmoniously complements rock gardens and rockeries, is planted in rose gardens, on lawns and open terraces. If you plant a Chinese Blue Alps juniper along the fence and carefully look after it, then over time you can achieve an ideal hedgepleasing to the human eye all year round!
Blue Alps variety - description
The fruits of most members of the juniper family are poisonous. They pose a threat to human health and life, their use in food in any form is strictly prohibited!
Description of Blue Alps Juniper:
- evergreen coniferous shrub;
- has a small size;
- differs in slow growth;
- considered to be a medium-demanding plant;
- in the natural landscape it is distinguished by the color and structure of the needles;
- coniferous needles reach a length of 1 cm;
- hardy ephedra with unpretentious care;
- excess sunlight may turn yellow;
- sanitary pruning is required;
- the plant is sheared, giving it original outlines and shapes;
- emits a pleasant and healing scent that repels insects.
The variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness - it does not require soil fertility and moisture, it is resistant to frost, wind and drought. The plant loves enough sun and drainage, the root zone is covered with mulch to retain moisture and additional soil nutrition.
Juniper Blue Alps - planting, reproduction and care
The bushy shape, rich color, standard care and unpretentiousness to the surrounding conditions make the Blue Alps variety in demand and popular among gardeners, both professionals and amateurs. Planting and caring for Blue Alps Juniper is easy enough.
Landing rules:
- The optimal distance between representatives of blue alps juniper is from 0.5 to 1.5 meters, depending on the size of the plant.
- The seedling is planted in a deep hole in an open area with sufficient sunlight, only slight shading is considered acceptable.
- At the bottom of the planting pit, drainage from sand, expanded clay or small broken bricks is poured for better water passage.
- The soil is used neutral or with a medium acid reaction.
- The root collar is left on the surface and not buried.
- A thick layer of sawdust or wood chips is poured around the plant.
- After planting, the ephedra needs careful watering and groundbait.
Cuttings are the main breeding method for bush junipers.If the soil on the site for planting the cuttings is heavy and clayey, then a special mixture consisting of garden soil, peat and spruce needles is poured into the pit prepared for planting. An obligatory component for transplanting a juniper is drainage, the plant dies in swampy and acidic areas. The best soil mixture for ephedra is 2 parts of humus and peat plus 1 part of sand, added to a well-mixed soil mineral dressing and nitrophoska.
Care rules:
- Fertilization is enough to carry out once a year - in the spring.
- In the dry season, watering is necessary in the evening, and better - sprinkling for additional air humidification.
- Loosening is the key to the health of the juniper, as it prevents the formation of rot and mold at the base of the trunk and roots.
- For the winter, young junipers are covered with spruce branches to protect them from wind and snow.
- Around adult, single-growing trees, temporary protection is erected to prevent branches from breaking from heavy snowfalls and cold winds.
Juniper Blue Alps grows better in sunny and calm areas, in the shade the coniferous shrub loses its excellent decorative qualities, becomes thinner and dries, loses the attractive color of the needles and becomes loose.
Photo of a juniper in landscape design
Juniper Blue Alps in landscape design looks spectacular and bright, especially in color contrast and in combination with deciduous tree species. It looks great on alpine slides, ponds and stylistic gardens.
Due to its small size and spectacular appearance, the culture will become an excellent addition to the lawn, rocky garden and rockery, will harmoniously fit into the landscape composition of any stylistic direction.
Blue Alps is a very formable variety. In the hands of a skilled gardener, an adult shrub can turn into an exclusive bonsai, and a group of junipers can become a green alley with interesting geometry.
Like all conifers, Blue Alps juniper creates a human-friendly microclimate - healthy, clean and hydrated! Today this variety is popular and in demand. The plant can be found in a refined urban area, in the landscapes of suburban areas and houses, in flower beds, flower beds and lawns.