The luxurious representative of conifers - juniper Kurivao Gold
Juniper Kurivao Gold is one of the brightest representatives of the Chinese shrub juniper. Most often it is found in gardens and parks, and more recently it is grown in private plots. The plant not only has a spectacular appearance, but is also capable of purifying the air, which is why it has gained such popularity among summer residents. The bush is suitable for both single plantings and for creating group compositions in the composition of conifers, in addition, it is sometimes planted in a tub for home keeping.
Characteristics of the variety
Kurivao Gold is, by nature, a fairly tall and lush shrub. The height of an adult plant reaches 2.5 m, while the girth of the bush is almost equal to its growth. During the year, the juniper grows by an average of 20 cm, which does not prevent it from quickly forming a lush crown.
Juniper branches are perpendicular to the main trunk and are densely covered with scaly needles, which initially have a golden hue. After ripening, it becomes bright green, and light gray hair is noticeable in the depths of the crown.
The bush bears fruit with cones of a dirty green color. Having matured, they turn black and look beautiful against the general background.
Varietal cultivation features
It is better to take a place for planting an evergreen shrub in a sunny area, because in shading the golden color disappears. Drafts should also be avoided.
Like all conifers, juniper Kurivao Gold feels good on any soil, even in dry and acidic, but it will still grow more actively if added to the planting hole during planting:
- compost;
- peat.
In the case of a close occurrence of groundwater in the planting pit, it is recommended to lay out a layer of expanded clay up to 20 cm in thickness.
Juniper seedlings are sold in pots, and it is necessary to transplant them into open ground using the transshipment method, without clearing the store soil. The root collar cannot be deepened into the ground. After planting, a shallow funnel for watering must be made around the bush.
Juniper care
A perennial is not at all demanding in care. Sometimes it is enough for him to pay a little attention to:
- Water once a week.
- Twice a year (spring-autumn) to feed compost.
- Cut dry and damaged shoots in spring.
The trunk circle within a radius of 40 to 90 cm (depending on the age of the bush) must be promptly cleaned of weeds, preventing it from overgrowing.
Kurivao Gold has high frost resistance, tolerates drought well and rarely gets sick. But young bushes need protection from the scorching spring sun, which can burn the delicate golden scales. To do this, at the end of January, they should be covered with spruce branches until March.