Cultivation and use of Mint Julep juniper in landscape design

juniper Mint Julep Juniper Mint Julep is considered a short, evergreen shrub with fragrant, spreading needles. First introduced in the United States of America. It is a hybrid form formed by crossing Chinese and Cossack junipers. The variety is popular in Russia as well. They are used to decorate buildings, greenhouses, gardens, and suburban areas.


Juniper Bonsai Mint Julep

According to the description of the Mint Julep juniper, you can find out its main advantages and disadvantages in use for growing in a summer cottage.

The shrub has a low, spreading and lush crown. Arcuate branches are located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the ground. The needles are dense, bright green, soft, scale-like. The plant grows up to 2 m in height, up to 3.5 m in diameter.

The peculiarity of Mint Julep juniper is its pleasant mint aroma. Fruits in large blue-tinted cones with a size of 1.5 cm.

All parts of the shrub are extremely poisonous.

The plant is frost-resistant. Life cycle duration is about 100 years.


juniper seedling Mint JulepJuniper medium Mint Julep is an unpretentious shrub. It can be grown in any soil. Drainage soil is considered the best option. If the soil is acidic, it should be limed. The landing site should be on the sunny side. Growing in the shade is allowed. This variety grows well with other varieties of shrubs, pine, thuja. It is recommended to plant the Mint Julep juniper in the middle of spring, since the soil during this period is sufficiently moist and enriched with microelements.

Juniper planting site Mint JulepPlanting process:

  1. Dig a hole. The size should be several times larger than the earthen coma of a young shrub so that the roots are freely located in it. The average depth is 60 cm.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, build a drainage 10 cm thick. Choose broken brick or gravel as a material.
  3. Place a seedling there, while the root collar should be flush with the edge of the planting pit, cover it with prepared soil, water and loosen it.
  4. To preserve moist soil, mulch by covering the near-trunk circle with chips, pine bark, and wood shavings.

When planting several shrubs, the distance between them should be at least two meters.

Care features

juniper careJuniper Mint Julep does not require special care. In order for the shrub to grow healthy and beautiful, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Water and spray the green needles regularly. It is a moisture-loving juniper variety. Watering is carried out mainly in the evening. Water consumption at a time should be between 10-30 liters. With insufficient moisture, under the scorching rays of the sun, the needles can burn.
  2. For correct crown formation, cut off the top of the bush.
  3. Remove damaged and dried branches in a timely manner.
  4. At first, young junipers should be insulated for the winter by tying and covering branches with spruce branches or dry foliage. An adult plant only needs to be tied up with a strong rope so that the branches do not break under the weight of the snow.

Juniper branches are long and flexible and therefore prone to deformation. To avoid damaging them, it is recommended to fix them to a vertical support or wire them to the ground.

Planting and caring for the Mint Julep juniper does not require special knowledge. Therefore, every amateur gardener can grow a shrub that is healthy and attractive.

Pest and disease control

well maintained juniper bushLike other plants, juniper is susceptible to attack by pests and the development of diseases, therefore, it is necessary to inspect it once a month. The shrub may be affected by aphids, chute, caterpillars, needle mite, fungus, rust, sawfly, moth.

Rust and fungus can form if berry and fruit trees grow near the Mint Julep juniper. Since there are many insects near these crops, which are carriers of diseases. In the presence of pests, the shrub dries up and changes the color of the coniferous needles.

A change in the color of the needles of the Mint Julep juniper is also possible with dry soil, lack of drainage, rotting roots, and poor nutrition.

When diseases and pests are detected on the bush, the following drugs are used: "Artsedir", "Decis", "Karbofos". In addition, the soil is disinfected with fungicides. The funds are used in accordance with the attached instructions. For prevention, in spring and summer, it is preferable to spray the juniper with insecticides.

Photo of a juniper in landscape design

Mint Julep in landscape designOne of the advantages of the variety is its green, dense needles. The shrub has become popular with gardeners and landscape designers. They decorate personal plots, parks, greenhouses, houses. Photos of the Mint Julep juniper in landscape design are presented below.Mint Julep in the park area

Mint Julep along the garden path

Juniper Mint Julep on a personal plot


The variety grows well in the city, despite the worst environment. Juniper is used for landscaping park areas, Mint Julep in urban setting Color compositions are formed with his participation. Mint Julep next to another juniperIt goes well with coniferous and deciduous trees.


