Flies in irises: what is it and how to deal with them
Irises are generally quite unpretentious, so they can be seen on almost every site. However, pests love these beautiful flowers no less than flower growers. One of these harmful insects is the iris fly. Although it is small, it causes great damage, and most importantly, if the fly is not identified and destroyed in time, it will be very difficult to get rid of it, since every year there are more and more such pests.
How to understand that a fly has "settled" in the irises?
Warm spring days contribute not only to early blooming irises... It was at this time, when the buds have already formed on the bushes, and an iris fly appears, outwardly similar to the usual one. In early May, it penetrates the bud and lives there until mating, feeding on young, still unopened petals.
In the scientific literature, this pest can be found under the name "iris flower girl", which is consistent with its nature.
An insect leaves the bud after laying eggs there. Over time, small, blue-white larvae appear from them, which "eat up" the bud from the inside. Thus, the inflorescences wither even at the budding stage, never opening: on the outside they dry out, and inside they rot.
The most unpleasant moment is that from the bud the larvae fall to the ground under the bush, where they winter well, pupated, and next spring the young flies attack the irises again. If you do not break this vicious circle, the flowering of irises may not be seen at all.
How to treat irises from an iris fly?
To get rid of the pest, it is necessary to treat plants with insecticides at the very beginning of spring:
- spray yourself irises;
- shed dirt under the bush.
Such drugs have proven themselves well in the fight against the fly, like Aktara, BI-58, Confidor, Mosplan.
The second time the flowers are processed after the appearance of the peduncles, but before the buds are colored. And if a couple of flies still remain, then those buds in which she settles and lays eggs must be picked and burned. This will help prevent a new generation from emerging.