Mulching tomatoes in the open field: fighting for the harvest

mulching tomatoes in the open field Tomatoes are the favorite vegetables of millions of people. They are good both fresh and as appetizing preparations for the winter. Every gardener dreams of collecting a bountiful harvest of tomatoes. And here you cannot do without agronomic tricks. Mulching is an old technique. It allows not only to protect the soil, but also to improve its nutritional value. If you mulch tomatoes in the open field in time, caring for them will become easier, and the chances of a generous harvest are many times higher.

Why mulch tomatoes

why are tomatoes mulched

Let's take a closer look at whether it is necessary to mulch tomatoes, and how the procedure affects the bushes:

  1. It retains moisture well in the soil. The roots do not dry out or overheat on hot days.
  2. This method allows you to protect the plant from pests and weeds.
  3. Mulch is a special layer between the fruits and leaves of tomatoes. When touched, it protects the plant from pests and various diseases.
  4. Care becomes easier and less time consuming. After all, there is no longer a need for regular weeding and loosening of the earth. A layer of mulch keeps moisture in the soil. This helps to reduce the amount of watering.
  5. It is good to use organic materials for mulching. They are completely natural and enrich the soil with useful elements.
  6. With proper use of mulch, it is possible to increase the yield from the beds by 30%.

The ripening period of fruits with correct mulching decreases by about a week.

Optimal time for mulching

straw mulchingThere are no specific dates. Before mulching tomatoes, you need to check the condition of the soil. If it has warmed up enough, you can start the procedure. The only exceptions are greenhouseshaving a heating system. In this case, the soil is mulched immediately after planting. In other situations, you will have to wait. If you carry out this procedure on cold ground, the roots of the plants will freeze. The sun's heat cannot penetrate through the mulch layer.

The technology depends on the type of material:

  1. Loose ones are simply laid on the ground, making a kind of carpet. The layer thickness is about 4–5 cm, nothing needs to be tamped. A free space is left near each stalk for watering.
  2. Cross cuts must be made in the fabric flooring. These are the places for planting bushes. The material is spread in an even layer and tomatoes are carefully planted in the incisions.

Mulch types

tomato planting protectionthan mulching tomatoes in the open field, it is worth deciding on the raw materials. For this purpose, various materials are used: both natural and artificial. In both cases, the effect will be good.

Organic mulch

organic mulch

Essentially, this is waste from plants grown on the site:

  1. Mown grass. A simple and effective way. Suitable for open ground and greenhouses. The grass will become a nitrogen source for tomatoes. Before use, the raw material must be dried so that there are no parasites and rot. In regions with cold climates, grass mulching is carried out only on warm ground. The plants themselves must be strong enough. In the south, the procedure is usually done before landing. So the stems and leaves of the herbs will give all the nutrients to the soil. It is necessary to lay the grass thicker. As it dries, it loses volume.
  2. Strawberry bushes. After harvesting the fruits and digging the beds, a green mass remains. It can be used for tomatoes. The stems are packed tightly.The roots must be on top, otherwise the strawberries will sprout again. Now, even after rain, the fruits of tomatoes will not get dirty and rot, weeds and rapid drying out of the soil will remain in the past.
  3. Straw. Reliably covers the soil. Microbes from it will not be able to get on the fruits. This is great prevention anthracnose and early rot. Stack the straw in a layer of 10 - 15 cm. Over time, it will halve its volume. The peculiarity of straw is its ability to reflect the rays of the sun. The roots of the tomatoes will be relatively cool. Compared to hay, straw is a more durable material.
  4. Compost. Plants will receive nutrition and protection at the same time. Organic waste is used to make compost heapby adding sawdust and wood shavings. The compost will be ready already next year.
  5. Sawdust. Sawdust for mulching tomatoes is one of the best options. They have a beneficial effect on plants. The soil under them remains soft and the roots are well ventilated. Soil insects and worms improve the soil structure. The roots receive moisture, oxygen and minerals.

Inorganic mulch

inorganic mulchBurlap is the most commonly used from this category. It allows air and light to pass through. The soil quickly loses moisture. Water, as a rule, directly over the material. This will not make the earth heavy or washed out.

Agrotechnical cloth or film is also used. It is better to choose red material. The soil will not overheat under it. The film should be matte with an elastic structure. Weeds will not break through the durable cover. The black opaque film helps control weeds. Loach, sow thistle and wheatgrass just do not survive under it.

Inorganic materials are good early in the season. With their help, the seedlings will not stop growing. With the arrival of heat, it is replaced with organic matter.

Unwanted material

There are materials that are best not used for mulching the soil for tomatoes. The use of such products not only will not give the expected result, but can be harmful.

So, it is not recommended to use as mulch:

  1. Cardboard and newspapers. Because of their lightness, they are of little use. Toxic zinc penetrates into the soil from newspapers, which can harm both fruits and people.
  2. Expanded clay, pebbles or crushed stone. They do not give the desired result, but removing them from the beds is problematic.
  3. Hulls from sunflower seeds or buckwheat. The material is quickly washed out and does not contain enough nutrients.
  4. Roofing material. In a closed greenhouse, it is toxic.
  5. Transparent polyethylene. It gets very hot and forms condensation. It is only good for weeds, but tomatoes can rot.

Mulching really helps you grow healthy tomatoes. This is confirmed by the many years of experience of thousands of gardeners. To get a good harvest of your favorite vegetable, you need to learn how to rationally use the available materials at hand.

Mulching tomatoes in a smart garden - video


