Unusual medlar at home from a bone
In order for the medlar to grow at home from the bone well, you should know the features of this plant and the rules for planting it. It grows in the form of a tree, which is appreciated all over the world not only for its attractive appearance, but also for its interesting berries. Many have heard about this culture, but not everyone knows how medlar grows.
Description of the plant
These types of fruit trees differ significantly from each other. The only thing that is similar in them is the fruit that tastes good. The berries of the Japanese medlar look very much like apricot... The pulp is soft and juicy. They tolerate transportation and long-term storage well.
For the first time, the ancient Greeks began to grow medlar more than 2700 years ago.
As for the German medlar, it is not intended for fresh consumption. Before you taste the berries, it is necessary that they mature well and freeze a little. It is these conditions that give the pulp tenderness and pleasant taste.
Fruits are rich in nutrients such as:
- potassium;
- iodine;
- vitamins A, C, B;
- folic acid;
- selenium;
- manganese;
- calcium.
The native land of the plant is the Balkan Peninsulas, Iran, Asia Minor. It can often be found in the Crimean Mountains and the Caucasus. The plant belongs to the group of heat-loving crops, therefore, loquat is increasingly grown at home. In a room, she is capable of reaching 2 meters in height. Deciduous plates are leathery. From above, each of them is shiny, and from below - velvet. During the flowering period, the room is filled with a pleasant almond aroma, which lasts for quite a long time.
The flowers are self-pollinating. But despite this, many housewives, in order to increase productivity, carry out artificial pollination. At the end of flowering, berries appear in place of the buds. Their diameter ranges from 8 cm. Fruits grow in clusters.
Rules for growing a plant in indoor conditions
The medlar at home in a pot is a real decoration of a family nest. She is not very demanding in care. Observance of several rules, and your house will acquire a beautiful appearance, pleasant aroma, and children will enjoy exotic fruits.
To grow medlar in pot, you can use both appendages and bones. For those who decide to use the first method, you will need to separate last year's shoots. Cut the branches into small cuttings and place in moist soil. Then cover the container with a glass jar and put in a warm place for a month.
The fruits of the plant are used to treat pathologies of the intestines and genitourinary system.
As for growing medlar fruit at home from a stone, this is the simplest and most popular method. Everyone can plant an exotic tree in this way. If everything is done correctly, then soon your windowsill will be decorated with a beautiful plant.
The first thing to start with is the selection of ripe berries. From them you need to remove the bones and peel the pulp.
Put the seeds in a container and rinse well under running water. Then put the seed on the windowsill so that it dries well. Since the grains are covered with a dense shell, apply scarification. To do this, you need to take sandpaper and rub the seed with it. You can also use a file. Processing these methods, allows you to destroy the dense part, thus accelerating the germination of the bone.
The second step in growing a medlar tree at home is to soak the seeds. To do this, you need to immerse the seed in a container with water. It is important to keep the liquid at room temperature. All seeds that float can be thrown away. They are unsuitable for planting. Only those grains that remain at the bottom of the vessel need to be planted in the soil.
After the first shoots appear, the container must be rearranged to partial shade. This is due to the fact that the seedlings are afraid of the scorching sun and may stop developing.
After the appearance of a full third pair of leaves, the plants can begin to form. It is during this period that you should pinch the medlar. This will allow you to get a beautiful tree that will delight the eye for many years.
Caring for a medlar in an apartment
In order for a young plant to feel good, it is necessary not only to water it correctly, but also to choose the optimal place in the room. Also, special attention should be paid to watering... Indeed, a lot depends on the amount of moisture.
This is one of the important conditions for growing medlar at home. The tree develops best on windows that face the south side. It also feels good in the southeastern part. The plant gives a bountiful harvest only if flowerpot is not in the shadows.
Before growing medlar at home, remember that an adult tree responds well to direct sunlight.
Indoor air temperature
Medlar is a tropical plant, therefore, the indicators must be appropriate. The optimal numbers are 20 - 250 C. When growing indoors, care must be taken that the thermometer does not fall below 150 C. In the warm season, it is recommended to take the flowerpot out into fresh air. It could be a balcony or terrace... In winter, the tree is kept on the windowsill or away from the window. In the second case, additional lighting is required.
Planting substrate
Before planting a medlar, you need to prepare a mixture. A peat substrate is best suited. You can buy it at any flower shop. When growing such a tree, it is important to ensure that the soil is neutral in acidity.
To prepare the earth yourself, you will need:
- four parts of sod soil;
- one part of sand (coarse);
- two pieces of deciduous land;
- one part of the compost.
All components must be mixed well. The resulting substrate does not need additional processing, so it can be used immediately for the procedure.
If you follow the rules of soil renewal, you can be sure that the tree will always grow and bear fruit well. Unfortunately, not everyone knows when to replant the medlar, so often the leaves begin to fall off, and the tree does not increase in size.
The soil should be changed once a year. For this it is necessary to use the "transshipment" method. If the plant has grown significantly, then the flowerpot will need to be replaced. Adult crops need to change the soil every three years. The pot should be a few centimeters wider than the root system itself. It is imperative to lay drainage at the bottom of the container. For this, you can use pebbles or crushed broken brick. Small crushed stone also performs well its tasks.
The tree should be fed from early April to September. The number of procedures performed should not exceed twice every 30 days.Complex preparations are best suited for this. A good option is products designed for cacti and indoor roses.
Watering the crop directly depends on the season. In summer, when it is hot outside, you need to irrigate the tree often and abundantly. The soil should always be slightly damp. Winter is a dormant period for the tree. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out to a minimum, while ensuring that the earthen lump does not completely dry out. Water for irrigation should be taken exclusively at room temperature. It is recommended to stand well before use.
In order for the air to penetrate well to the roots, the top of the soil should be loosened once a week.
It is necessary in order to form a beautiful bush. Using scissors, you need to periodically remove the tops of the shoots. To accelerate their growth, you will need to cut off the peak of the plant. This significantly stimulates the growth of lateral branches.
The tree is often affected by insects. Also, the plant can suffer from improper care. If the leaves of the medlar have begun to dry, you must carefully examine their back and front sides. Often a similar trait appears as a result of the development of insects. In the case of bystanders, the tree must be treated with an insecticide. Also wilting of leaves can be observed as a result of waterlogging of the soil. If nothing is done, then the root system will fester, and the plant itself will die.
In order to get rid of the sooty fungus and scabbardssystemic drugs are the best option. You can also treat the plates with water and laundry soap, but only after this procedure, the trees should be bought under a warm shower.
In order for the cultivation of medlar at home to bring only positive emotions, you should follow the tips and rules. Timely watering, proper feeding and the right choice of place will allow you to grow a healthy and beautiful tree with an unusual appearance and colorful fruits. Delicious and incredibly healthy berries will become the best fruits of dining tola.