How to distinguish male actinidia vines from female vines

Actinidia is a thermophilic climbing plant that needs cross-pollination. Actinidia fruits are used in the preparation of desserts, fruit salads and tinctures. Actinidia is common in Japan, China, France, Germany and many more countries in Europe and Asia. Actinidia liana can be grown in colder climates. Some varieties of this crop can withstand frosts down to -26ABOUTC. To obtain a large yield of actinidia fruits, it is necessary to choose the right seedling, prepare the planting site and water the vines well.

Large-fruited actinidia will not take root in cold climates, therefore, only small-fruited subspecies of actinidia - "Actinidia arguta", is grown in the countries of Europe and the CIS.

Pollination of actinidia

Actinidia arguta is a cold-resistant subspecies, numbering more than 60 varieties with small fruits of green, red or purple. Unlike the large-fruited subspecies, the skin of the fruits of actinidia arguta is smooth, so they can be consumed without peeling. From one plant, you can get up to 30 kg of fruits per season, depending on the variety and number of vines.

Fruits are formed only on female actinidia bushes... Male plants also form peduncles, but they perform only the function of pollination, therefore, to obtain the maximum yield, it is necessary to plant one male shrub on the site for every five female plants.

Female and male flowers of actinidia

Distinguishing female bushes from male plants is impossible until the beginning of the flowering period. White buds bloom in early May. On female flowers, you can notice a fruiting thickening of the pollen tube, at the stage of flowering, the fruit thickening is green, but in some flowers the ovary is red or pink.

Male flowers bloom a week earlier than female flower stalks. If you look closely at the male flower, you can see five petals and the same number of stamens on it. Female flowers also have their own pollen, but it is not viable. Most varieties of actinidia are unisexual, but self-pollinated varieties can also be found, so before buying seedlings in the nursery, ask the seller if female bushes need a pollinator.

You should not buy actinidia seedlings in online stores or on the market, as you may be sold planting material that does not retain varietal characteristics.


