On what soil grows moaning and how to get rid of it

Tell me, on what soil does the snow grow? We have bought a plot of land for a summer residence, and we are also planning to set up a small garden and a vegetable garden for our own needs. However, more than half of the area is made up of dense thickets of snow. I heard that every plant has its own "favorite" land. Now I'm worried about whether garden crops will grow in this place.

on what soil grows moaning

One of the most ineradicable perennial weeds, the fight against which terrifies gardeners and gardeners, is the runny. Do you know on what soil the moaning grows? After all, this plant may not live everywhere. Of course, a couple of bushes, accidentally "sown" by the wind, may be found. But real thickets of tall powerful bushes will be only in the area where ideal conditions for sleeping. In this case, getting rid of them is very difficult. In one place, the weed can grow freely for more than half a century, deepening its roots into the ground up to 50 cm. Agree that it will be difficult to dig them out, especially considering that each remaining piece of the root will give a new plant.

On what soil grows moaning

thickets of dream

If you look at the dense thickets of dream, it becomes clear that it needs nitrogen to build up such a volume of aboveground mass. Soils rich in this microelement are a favorite habitat for dreaming. There she receives adequate nutrition and grows rapidly. The presence of this weed on the site indicates that there is enough nitrogen for other plants. Fertilizers with this mineral should be applied carefully so as not to overfeed the soil.

At the same time, this does not mean that horticultural crops will be good where there is wilderness. It is worth considering one more of its requirements - increased acidity. The thickest thickets of dream is on acidic soils. While for most plants, this indicator is not at all suitable.

By reducing the acidity of the soil, you can prevent the reproduction of grass, while simultaneously taking measures to combat existing bushes. The introduction of dolomite flour, lime or chalk will help in this.

But the soddy earth does not like dreaming - it itself needs a lot of nutrients and free space. A dense grass carpet will not allow the dream to grow. So the most ideal option for a garden, so that it is not overpowered by this weed, is to turf the area under the trees.

How to remove the malicious weed

how to get rid of dreamsIf several young bushes can still be destroyed by simply digging them up, then it is very difficult to remove the overgrown specimens. Deep digging with sampling of roots from the soil or chemistry can help in this. But these options are not always acceptable. So, it is impossible to dig deeply in the garden under trees and bushes, so as not to damage their roots. And in a flower bed or in a vegetable garden, herbicides will burn all the plantings. But there are other ways to get rid of sleepiness:

  1. Regular mowing of the growing aerial part will weaken the plant and gradually lead to its death.
  2. Young sprouts can be cut and covered with a dark film. After a week, change it to cardboard and sprinkle generously with earth on top.
  3. Plant a garden with Jerusalem artichoke or potatoes. The first does not tolerate moaning as a neighbor. Frequent weeding and hilling of the second will help and remove the snow.
  4. Dig up and cover the area with black foil. Planting plants is carried out directly under the film, in the holes made. This way, the weed will remain covered and rot.
  5. Cover the aisles with cardboard and pour manure on top.Dreaming will not be able to break through a dense barrier, and the earth heated by organic matter will not give a chance to weed seeds to sprout.

The easiest way to deal with thickets is in an empty, unplanned area. You need to dig it up, and water the roots of the weed urea... After a month, repeat the procedure. Chemistry will also help with "point" destruction. To do this, you should cut off the bush near the soil itself and water the rest of the trunk with herbicide.

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