A life-giving drink for all occasions - sea buckthorn tincture

sea ​​buckthorn tinctures When orange berries appear on thorny bushes in autumn, many rush to stock up on them for the winter. Someone will eat them fresh, and someone will like sea buckthorn tincture - a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. By taking the drink in small portions, you can regularly replenish the supply of valuable "building blocks" for the body. It helps with inflammation or wound healing. Only by knowing the correct preparation method, it is possible to create a truly life-giving drink.

Sea buckthorn fruits contain a huge number of molecules of magnesium, silicon, iron, boron and manganese. And also a number of vitamins of groups A, B, C, E.

Read also about application sea ​​buckthorn candles!

Berry for healing balm

tincture of sea buckthorn berries

Scientific research has shown that berries are the healthiest food for humans. This is especially true of the "orange queen", as sea buckthorn is often called. It feels like the Creator has invested the maximum amount of elements valuable for life in this unique bush. Its leaves, bark and juicy berries make a wonderful healing balm.

Sea buckthorn tincture is not just a pleasant drink, but a remedy for the treatment of such ailments:

  • colds;
  • anemia (low blood hemoglobin level);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • flu prevention;
  • various inflammations;
  • internal and external wounds;
  • gynecological problems;
  • skin rashes (acne, pimples, ulcers).

Often, sea buckthorn tincture is sold in a pharmacy or on the market ready-made. But it's much more interesting to do it yourself. Today there are many simple recipes for a healing balm. Read about the benefits sea ​​buckthorn tea.

Vodka tincture

sea ​​buckthorn tincture on vodkaThe easiest option is to take one glass of berries and fill it with a liter of vodka. Let the mixture stand unopened for about a month. Periodically, you need to sniff the liquid. If a pleasant rich aroma appears, then the balm is ready. The original liquid is filtered and added to the drink honey (0.5 cups).

healing drinkSea buckthorn tincture with vodka is also prepared from leaves using the same technology. But after 14 days, the drink is ready to drink. Shrub bark balm is used for cancer. To prepare it, you need to carry out the following operations:

  • collect and dry the sea buckthorn bark;
  • grind it into powder;
  • measure out 10 tablespoons of raw materials in glassware;
  • pour a liter of vodka;
  • insist 1 month.

If you take this sea buckthorn tincture three times a day every day, 20 drops, you can strengthen the body for many years.

Do not start taking the balm without consulting your doctor. Helping one person can hurt another. Only “with a multitude of advisors” is it possible to achieve success.

"Orange Queen" on moonshine

tincture on moonshineBefore preparing a sea buckthorn tincture on moonshine at a high level, it is important to try a little:

  1. The berries are thoroughly sorted out so that rotten or moldy specimens do not get into the liqueur. No wonder they say: "One fly in the ointment can spoil a can of honey."
  2. It is advisable to thoroughly clean the moonshine using activated carbon. It's not bad even to overtake it again to get quality source material.
  3. Prepare sugar or honey.

If you want to get a tincture with a taste of oak wood, the berries are poured with inexpensive cognac.Excellent aroma, original color, a storehouse of vitamin - in one healing drink.

tincture of whole sea buckthorn berriesAt the rate of 0.5 liters of moonshine, take 3 cups of ripe sea buckthorn covered with sugar (3 tablespoons). To add sophistication to the tincture, instead of sugar, honey from linden trees or flowers (about 150 grams). Sugared food will not work. Connoisseurs of spices add cloves, peppers or orange crust.

"Drunk" sea buckthorn on alcohol

sea ​​buckthorn on alcoholWhen the berry enters the alcoholic environment, its healing properties are not lost. Unlike humans, she never gets drunk. On the contrary, it preserves vitamins and minerals to improve people's health. Tincture sea ​​buckthorn on alcohol today is an excellent remedy for the treatment of various diseases.

tin of tinctureTo prepare it, you must first dilute the alcohol with water. Its strength should be no higher than 40 degrees. Otherwise, the mucous membrane of the digestive organs may suffer. Activated carbon and cotton wool will help get rid of the unpleasant odor and harmful tar. The cleansing process is carried out in this way:

  1. A layer of cotton wool is placed on the bottom of the jar.
  2. From above it is covered with black tablets of activated carbon.
  3. The pills are covered with a layer of cotton wool.
  4. The prepared "filter" is poured with alcohol.
  5. Exposure - 10 days.
  6. Strain the alcohol through several layers of gauze.

ready-to-eat sea buckthorn tinctureWhen the alcohol is ready, it is advisable to know how to make a sea buckthorn tincture so that it really benefits. To do this, the ready-made purified alcohol is poured into grated berries with sugar. Previously, they must be ground with a pestle, rolling pin or spoon until a homogeneous porridge. Mix the mixture thoroughly and cover with a tight lid. The container is placed in a dark room for 25 days. The temperature should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. Every 4 days, the tincture should be shaken to completely dissolve the sugar. When the scheduled time has elapsed, the balm is filtered through gauze and cotton wool. Thanks to this, it will be transparent and beautiful in appearance.

As you can see, the recipe for sea buckthorn tincture is quite simple, so a simple man in the street can cook it. But how much joy and satisfaction you will get from the work done. And as a reward - a healthy drink to improve health.

Video recipe for sea buckthorn tincture


