How to prepare kalanchoe tincture with vodka and how to use it?
One of the wonderful indoor plants, which is also confidently used for medicinal purposes, is the Kalanchoe, a flower brought to Russia from Germany in the early 19th century. Today, many medicines are made on its basis, which are freely sold in the pharmacy, but each person can independently make a tincture from it, since there is nothing complicated about it. The most valuable plant species is Kalanchoe Degremona, popularly nicknamed "indoor ginseng" and "surgeon without a knife", since its juice, when used correctly, has miraculous properties.
The presented plant is one of the few that can be used for both internal and external use. One of the amazing properties of Kalanchoe is the ability to effectively heal burns and wounds. It is possible to make ointments, decoctions and balms from it, however, at home, Kalanchoe tincture on vodka is most often used, since it is not difficult to prepare it, and the scope of using the healing liquid is very wide. The fleshy leaves and stems of the plant contain a large amount of juice, which has proven itself very well in the treatment of numerous diseases, including internal organs. The flower has effective bactericidal, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Read also the article: Kalanchoe - medicinal properties and contraindications!
- gastritis;
- stomach ulcer;
- BPH;
- phlebeurysm;
- sinusitis;
- purulent wounds;
- prostatitis;
- otitis media and other diseases of the middle ear.
The plant chosen for the preparation of the tincture must be strong, healthy and mature (3 years old). It is desirable that the stem reaches a length of 50 cm, since in this case it will be juicy enough to obtain a significant amount of medicinal tincture. The tincture of Kalanchoe is especially often used for varicose veins, providing a decongestant effect, normalizing blood circulation and improving the tone of blood vessels.
How is Kalanchoe alcoholic tincture prepared?
There are several recipes for the preparation of alcoholic tincture, however, the following can be distinguished from among the simplest and most accessible:
- The leaves are crushed in a blender, and a healing juice is squeezed out of them. The liquid is left for 2 days, after which its upper part is drained, and the lower part with sediment is used to prepare the elixir. Next, ethyl alcohol or vodka is added to it at the rate of 1/20 (alcohol / sediment), after which the tincture is considered ready.
- Clean fresh leaves are finely chopped and placed in a glass jar or other container. Then they are poured with alcohol at the rate of 1 glass for 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed leaves. Then the tincture is kept for 10 days. After that, using clean gauze, the product is filtered. The tincture poured into an airtight container is ready for use.
When using vodka, the liquid must be free of flavors and dyes
You should store Kalanchoe tincture on alcohol in the refrigerator, since this is the only way the liquid retains its healing properties in the best way. You can use the tincture as lotions, compresses, for ingestion.On problem areas of the skin with the help of Kalanchoe, you can also get rid of acne, blackheads and boils, for which you just need to attach a cotton swab dipped in alcohol tincture. This procedure should be carried out for several days.
When using the setting for the treatment of chronic rhinitis or sinusitis, it should be slightly warmed up before nasal instillation. To quickly cure varicose veins, it is also recommended to mix Kalanchoe tincture with chestnut and acacia in a 1: 1: 1 ratio.
The ability to use tincture with decoctions from other plants
For diseases of the oral cavity, the tincture is mixed with a decoction of chamomile and calendula, after which it is used as a rinse solution. With otitis media, the tincture is sequentially instilled into each ear, and this is done for several days in a row until the onset of improvements. Kalanchoe tincture has also proven itself well for the treatment of stomach ulcers. The tool should be taken daily for 1 tsp. in the morning and evening before meals (about 20-25 minutes). As a rule, a vodka and alcohol tincture is used for adults, but if it is necessary to cure a child, then it is diluted with water for a lower concentration of alcohol.
Summing up, we can confidently say that the use of Kalanchoe tincture allows you to get rid of many ailments in a natural way and make a person's life happier and happier. There are no side effects from using the tincture, but it should not be used during pregnancy, with allergies, rheumatism, liver disease and diabetes. In all other cases, the alcoholic extract from the Kalanchoe will only have a beneficial effect on the body, which has already been proven not only by research by scientists and doctors, but also by the positive result of treating people.