Cow dung - how to apply for plant nutrition
During the growing season, garden crops need additional fertilizing, especially on poor soils. The introduction of organic fertilizers, in particular, cow dung, helps to provide them with adequate nutrition. It is one of the most affordable fertilizers in rural areas, where many residents keep cattle. Today we will talk about how to make a liquid fertilizer out of it for watering plants. In addition, we will find out how to change the ratio of trace elements in it.
Cow dung: how to properly prepare fertilizer for fertilizing
Making organic fertilizer from mullein is easy. To do this, you will need fresh manure with water in equal quantities and a large container. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Fill the barrel up to half (or as much as needed) with mullein.
- Top up with plain water, you can rain.
- Leave for 3-4 days to ferment the contents. If it's cold outside, it may take longer.
- Stir daily.
To prepare fertilizer, you need to use plastic barrels or stainless steel containers. Iron containers are not suitable as they rust quickly.
When bubbles appear on the surface, fertilizer can be applied for fertilizing. However, in this form it is used because it is a concentrate. It must be diluted with more water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 liter of solution per 10 liters (bucket) of water). Now the liquid plant food is ready - all that remains is to water the wells.
How to change the formula of mullein infusion
In fresh manure, the content of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen is approximately the same (from 0.2 to 0.7%). So, for every 100 kg of unfermented mullein, there are from 200 to 700 g of these substances. Within these values, the number of elements may vary depending on:
- the age of the animal;
- diet;
- storage conditions for manure.
In the open air, the ammonium group of nitrogen quickly evaporates from a heap of manure.
Thus, it would be wrong to constantly “feed” plants with one mullein solution with equal nutrient content. Depending on the growing season, they need different elements. If at the beginning of growth crops need nitrogen and phosphorus, then potassium is important for fruiting.
It is easy to regulate the ratio of these substances in mullein infusion with the help of mineral fertilizers. In this case, the stage of development of plants and the method of addition are important, namely:
- For the first feeding of garden crops in the phase of active growth and formation of the root system, it is necessary to add superphosphate. This will increase its quantitative content in the solution. Since it does not dissolve well, it is necessary to introduce the mineral component even during the preparation of the concentrate. So, for every 10 liters of fresh manure, add 80 g of the drug. During fermentation, superphosphate will also dissolve.
- With the onset of fruiting, plants need more potassium. It should already be added immediately before watering, immediately into the diluted mullein infusion. To increase the potassium content, ordinary wood ash will help - 100 ml per bucket of diluted infusion. In addition, it enrich the resulting fertilizer with calcium.
So, skillfully using organics and mineral fertilizers, you can significantly increase the yield.