We grow low-maintenance flowers at home
Low-maintenance flowers are a real boon for housewives. This is especially true for those who often go on business trips or on vacation. Such plants will also become a real decoration for offices, country houses, shops. What are the most popular cultures in the world, you can find out in this article.
Read also: easy care of the money tree!
Flowers that do not require frequent watering
Another group of flowers that does not require frequent watering are succulents. They have thick, fleshy leaves in which they store moisture. Such indoor plants do not tolerate overflow and stagnation of water, so they can be left without worry. The most popular among them are "money tree", aloe, kalanchoe.
Lithops also belong to succulents. They are also called living stones. In addition to occasional watering (in winter they can not be watered at all), they have another plus: they do not take up much space.
Flowers that are not afraid of drafts
A kitchen is a place that requires constantly open windows or vents. Not all houseplants survive in such conditions. Therefore, it is best to decorate the kitchen with flowers that are not afraid of drafts.
These include:
- aloe and kalanchoe, they are useful in the kitchen in case of a cut or burn, as well as for other medical and cosmetic purposes;
- begonia;
- hoya;
- phalaenopsis orchid;
- indoor myrtle;
- chlorophytum (it cleans the air well).
Houseplants that do not require light
Lighting is another problem for flower lovers, as most houseplants prefer sunlight. But despite this, I want to plant greenery in both darkened rooms and areas of the apartment. For such purposes, it is necessary to choose house plants that do not require light.
Completely without access to sunlight or special lighting with the help of lamps, not a single flower can survive. But with minimal light, shade-tolerant plants will delight with beautiful green foliage, some of them with bright buds.
From flowering specimens for growing in the shade, the following are suitable:
- anthurium;
- clivia;
- vriezia;
- Saintpaulia or violet;
- mother-in-law's tongue or sansevieria;
- all types of ferns;
- dracaena;
- monstera;
- various types of palm trees (hamedorea, rapis and others).
In all indoor flowers that do not require special care, it is with their moderate lighting that the most beautiful color of the leaves appears.
On the other hand, under the influence of direct sunlight, they turn very pale. Often these crops require high humidity (spraying) and do not like replanting.
A dozen easy-care flowers
To decorate your home with live greenery, but not spend a lot of effort on care, you should pay attention to some types of flowers.
Aloe, he's an agave
It grows in the form of a small tree and has juicy fleshy leaves with spines of a pale green or even bluish color. It is not necessary to start the classic version, you can choose more decorative varieties with bright colors. For example, tiger or spinous aloe.This is the most capricious houseplant, which cleans the air well from substances emitted by furniture and plastic. It is used in cosmetology and medicine.
Aspidistra, aka "shoemaker's palm"
Most often it has simple dark green leaves, but there are decorative species that have white or yellow stripes on the plates. She calmly tolerates rooms where there is a lot of dust and little light, withstands irregular watering. But it is not worth transplanting and even more so transfusing aspidistra.
Zamiaculcas or dollar tree
Thick stems, glossy leaves and their considerable size make this plant a favorite in office space. It does not require a lot of light and spraying, and is suitable for those who rarely think about watering. Does not like transplants and overflows. This culture has large tubers prone to rapid decay. The less you touch zamiakulkas, the better it is.
Money tree (bastard)
Another symbol of financial stability among flower growers. You need to transplant no more than once every three years. The plant tolerates drying out of the soil well thanks to the fleshy leaves. The main thing is that the water does not stagnate in the pan.
Nephrolepis or fern
It is valuable because it can be hung at any height and thus green up the room. It grows in dark places, but likes regular watering and frequent spraying.
Scindapsus belongs to vines... Grows rapidly, includes many species with foliage of various colors. Thanks to aerial roots, it braids around any support. To get a thicker version of the plant, it is better to plant several shoots in one pot. It is shade-tolerant, can thrive in artificial light. Loves abundant watering. It is useful in that it cleans the air of the room from dust.
Thanks to the decorative foliage in both green and purple shades, this plant is loved to be kept in all rooms. Tradescantia dry air and shade are not terrible, but she loves regular watering. The plant needs to be systematically renewed, since the stems of the tradescantia are quickly pulled out. The bores take root instantly, so the reproduction of the flower will not be difficult.
Cisus or birch
This flower is very easy to care for. It can be found both in apartments and in offices. It grows quickly, branching well. Liana braids any support and walls. Prefers warm rooms, but undemanding to light. Tolerates drafts and even cigarette smoke. Cleans the air well.
Even beginner growers can grow it. It grows both in the shade and in diffused sunlight. This is a very healthy crop, which is practically a filter that removes hazardous substances from the air. It tolerates overflow, drought, cold, drafts and heat. Quickly sprouts, which take root easily.
It is popularly called the mother-in-law language for the specific shape of the leaves. It can live up to two weeks without watering. Tolerates both low and high temperatures. Undemanding to lighting. You can rarely transplant, once every few years, when the plant will not fit in the pot at all.
Indoor unpretentious flowers
Do not think that all flowering indoor plants are necessarily very moody. There are those who will delight their owners when kept in rather harsh conditions.
List of unpretentious home flowers in pots:
- Spathiphyllum. It grows even in places with artificial lighting, but for more lush flowering, it is better to provide access to diffused light. Loves high humidity and spraying. In such conditions, it pleases its owners with beautiful white flowers that do not fall off for a long time.
- Hoya. This non-capricious indoor flower has rather dense leaves that help the plant do without frequent watering. It develops well without top dressing, tolerates darkened places.If the flower has dried up, then you can cut off the stem almost at the base, it will start up new shoots.
- Kalanchoe. Medicinal species of this plant have their own value, and flowering options delight with abundant and long flowering. There are varieties with buds of a wide variety of colors. The leaves are juicy, so frequent watering is contraindicated. Can grow in the shade, tolerates temperature changes.
- Geranium is a frequent visitor to window sills. This is an indoor flower for the lazy. Beautiful buds of various shades delight their owners for a long time. It can be kept both in the apartment and on the balconies in the warm season. Watering is needed rare, but abundant. For geraniums, light is important, otherwise the culture is undemanding.
- Fuchsia - Another profusely flowering houseplant that does not require special conditions. In winter, she prefers a dormant period and sheds leaves, so she does not need frequent watering. In summer, the flowering pot can be moved to the balcony.
- Clivia. This shade-tolerant and unpretentious plant blooms with beautiful, bell-like flowers. They are arranged in clusters on a high arrow. Does not require frequent watering, periodically releases offspring from the roots.
Choose easy-care home flowers based on your capabilities and conditions. Let them delight with bright foliage and lush flowering.