Some nuances about growing dill
It would seem that it is difficult to grow dill? Spicy herbs often sprout in the garden on their own after the seeds are blown away by the wind. However, when gardeners plant them in flat beds, the result is not always as expected. Most of the seeds either do not come off at all, or the shoots resemble thin threads, and they grow poorly. What is the reason for this phenomenon and how to grow strong lush dill bushes? A few little tricks will help with this.
What affects seed germination?
Dill a very light-loving culture and in order for the seeds to sprout, they need a lot of light, as well as loose soil. Experienced gardeners advise sowing seeds not on a flat bed (more precisely, in a row), but in a loose leaf.
In order for dill to grow and develop well, you should:
- Add compost or rotted manure to the garden bed.
- Dig up so that the earth is loose.
- Scatter seeds around the garden without covering them.
If it is not possible to ensure watering, it is necessary to shed the garden bed immediately after sowing and cover it with spunbond. It is better not to use the film, under it the seedlings can burn without air access.
In other words, dill likes:
- bright place;
- loose soil;
- surface sowing.
When dill is planted in the shade, the shoots will stretch out in search of light and it will not work to get lush bushes.
For dill, it is not necessary to select a separate bed, you can sow it between the strawberries. These two cultures will not interfere with each other: as long as the strawberries are small, the spicy plant will have enough light, and when the dill grows up, its thin, delicate branches will not shade the berry.
Differences between varieties of dill
When buying seeds, you must focus on the ultimate purpose of using the spice. On the packaging there are inscriptions what the greens are for. For pickling and preservation, you should purchase special varieties that not only form leaves, but also quickly tie good umbrellas. And in salads, bush, abundantly leafy species, for example, are better suited dill Russian giant, which actively grows deciduous mass with strong stems.
When a young umbrella has appeared on the bush, it is necessary to tear it off, but to the axil of the leaf. This stimulates the emergence of new branches and a delay in flowering.