Some secrets and tips for growing peppers (video)

Pepper is a favorite vegetable for many people. It is consumed raw, as well as stewed, fried, canned. It is the basis of many salads. In addition to excellent taste, pepper is rich in vitamins. Gardeners strive to grow a rich vegetable harvest with their own hands.

An important point is the composition of the soil in which the seeds are sown. For this, it is better to take the same soil as in the greenhouse. This will help the transplanted plants adapt faster. There is also a lot of discussion about the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings. Some begin this process in January, others at the beginning of February. Others argue that the best results are obtained with peppers sown in late February or early March.

When is it better to sow peppers for seedlings? See the plot about this.

About planting peppers for seedlings - read here!


