Delicate Chinese beauty in your garden Incarvillea Delaway Snowpe

Tell me what is the Delaway Snowtop Incarvillea flower? This year I bought several roots at the sale, the seller assured that the plants bloom very beautifully, but I have not yet seen the inflorescences. Are there any peculiarities of growing this Incarvillea?

making snowtop The beautiful Incarvillea came to us from the distant Celestial Empire. This plant belongs to the bignonium family and most of its species grow in the wild. However, there are among them such varieties that are adapted for garden cultivation. One of them is the Incarvillea Delaway Snowtop.

Incarvillea is also often called garden gloxinia for the similarity of the inflorescences with this houseplant.

Description of the varietyinflorescences of incarvillea

The species group of Incarvillea Delaway is represented by medium-sized perennials, the height of the bush in which does not exceed 60 cm.The leaves of these perennials have an elongated shape (the total length of the leaf plate reaches 20 cm) and pointed tips, and slightly resemble fern leaves.

On long tubular peduncles in summer, beautiful large inflorescences with a diameter of up to 6 cm in the form of bells, with a yellow tubular center, bloom. The Snowtop variety has a delicate white bud color. Flowering lasts no more than 1.5 months, and then the seeds begin to ripen.

Growing featuresseed material

Incarvillea with the right approach, it will not cause much trouble for gardeners. The most crucial moment is to choose the right place for her, guided by what she does not like, namely:

  • drafts;
  • excess moisture in the soil;
  • deep shadow.

Based on this, planting a delicate beauty should be in a well-lit area, protected from gusts of cold wind and where moisture does not stagnate. In partial shade, the flower is also able to survive, but it is hardly possible to see its full-fledged gorgeous flowering there.

In terms of soil, all types of Incarvillea prefer fertile and light soil. Poor land should be pre-fertilized by adding organic matter and mineral preparations. Do not forget about good drainage, putting broken brick on the bottom of the hole when planting.

All varieties representing Incarvillea Delavea (including Snowtop) are characterized by low winter hardiness and require additional mulch cover for the winter. You can also dig up the plant in the fall and transfer the tubers to a cool, dry room for the winter.

Caring for a growing flower is no different from growing other garden plants and involves regularly removing weeds in the flower bed and watering. It is worth remembering that garden gloxinia has retained the same attitude to "water procedures" as an indoor flower: it does not tolerate waterlogging and quickly decays.

Video review of Incarvillea varieties


